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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Knuckles what are you doing

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Guess my 3 will be Rising, Time Travelers and something, I dunno.

Also, I'm apparently supposed to post a little more on Gaming Side, but meh...

What it opens up into isn't even worth it in my opinion.
Actually, from a narrative standpoint, I feel as though Chapters 7&8 were the peak of the game, where everything in terms of the game's original premise of the characters being fugitives hunted down by The Man were fine. When you got to Chapter 11, the narrative falls off a cliff, the cutscenes there are genuinely disjointed (as if they had some sort of plot going in that chapter but subsequently decided to remove it because lol, that game's development is a complete and utter mess), and the game's pacing just stopped. I think I liked the game less between Chapters 9 and Chapter 13. And then you got postgame which is ok.

That game lacked variety, which is what 13-2 somewhat has, but there are other aspects that FF13 does better than 13-2 and vice-versa. Both games suffer from ham-fisted and utterly horrendous writing at the hands of people who... well, I'll let Meccanical fill in the blanks.

Both games, however, are incredibly average.

So follow the Heavy Rain example then, the unholy matrimony of QTEs and Cinematics topped off with a plot that is fundamentally flawed for so many reasons, apparently such things can be glossed over if you found it emotional, well I found it unintentionally hilarious at least . An odd tangent there but the game movie fits your last sentence perfectly.
It also makes me wonder how a MGS game could be if the emphasis on cutscenes was chopped down to make more room for greater game length and more varied stealth scenarios, ah it feels like a distant dream.
Does this mean that I'm going to genuinely dislike Heavy Rain whenever I play it? I mean, that's kinda different because the game is literally one long QTE and cinematics. It's a good definition of the cinematic game (uncanny valley characters notwithstanding). If MGS games had less cutscenes for more length and gameplay bits, I kinda guess it might be like Rising?

I actually had no idea that there was a gameplay focused trailer for Versus at all, all i've ever seen is people fawning over some Noctis CGI renders with the belief that this game will be the redemption title for reasons I don't know but judging by what you've said up there I don't really want to know.

It seems like an odd title to hedge their bets upon, currently I would guess that most FF fans would approach anything new with an air of cautious scepticism due to numerous recent events but Versus 13 is different because it's been in development hell? surely that casts an even greater shadow of doubt, well I wont stop them from wanting to believe.
It's not entirely odd considering people genuinely like the team working on it. Considering that I'm not a Kingdom Hearts fan in the slightest, and considering that I don't really care for the compilation entries in the FF7 universe, I really don't have a lot riding on Versus. As I've said before, I'm more interested in games that respect the player's time, and I enjoy it when FF games give me more chances to micromanage characters (so, job systems, more focus on AI management, etc). In essence, I get more out of customization and gameplay subsystems in RPGs now than I did before. And I honestly think that's because of the two games I'd played when I got out of my RPG rut: Arc Rise Fantasia and Tales of Graces F. And maybe FF12 to an extent.

I do have to wonder how that game is going to live up to everyone's expectations in the end. Because I have a feeling that it won't.

That's something that's got me bamboozled, it's called 4 but it's still based around 3 if i'm not mistaken, seems like a waste of a numeral if that makes any sense.
I do actually think it's the most interesting idea they've had going out of the last batch of games but it's arrived too late and too close to the last game, Ubi almost boasting about having a enormous and probably mismanaged team of people working on it only serves to make me steer further clear of it.
I would've thought it'd be a subtitled game like Liberation was, but alas... The game's first screenshot sort of reminded me of Liberation in that... well, the light spheres, which are indicative of what Liberation's overall premise is supposed to be. It also somewhat ties into the (AC3/Liberation postgame spoilers)
hacker aspect too, considering that some people "hacked" into both AC3 and Liberation in a storyline sort of way

Regardless, I have to wonder if having everyone and their mother in their 20 minute credits for most of their games is making the games somewhat suffer. It's just weird how the two later Ezio games were kinda better than AC3 (and I'm saying this as someone who didn't like how Revelations played!) and AC3 had a team who were working on it for a longer period of time.


I'm considering replacing SMT Nocturne by Sonic Generations in the three games for March. I'm not really in the mood for a lenghty RPG right now, but I don't really want to face Silver again either. Stupid grey rat!!!
Actually, from a narrative standpoint, I feel as though Chapters 7&8 were the peak of the game, where everything in terms of the game's original premise of the characters being fugitives hunted down by The Man were fine. When you got to Chapter 11, the narrative falls off a cliff, the cutscenes there are genuinely disjointed (as if they had some sort of plot going in that chapter but subsequently decided to remove it because lol, that game's development is a complete and utter mess), and the game's pacing just stopped. I think I liked the game less between Chapters 9 and Chapter 13. And then you got postgame which is ok.

That game lacked variety, which is what 13-2 somewhat has, but there are other aspects that FF13 does better than 13-2 and vice-versa. Both games suffer from ham-fisted and utterly horrendous writing at the hands of people who...

...are complete idiots who seem to care more about how little clothes they can let Lightning get away with wearing as opposed to unimportant matters like having a coherent plot, interesting characters or building sequels on existing lore and not bullshit you make up while you are in the bathroom one day.

How do you let other people write a huge mythology book and a scenario concept for you and still screw it up.

You had a premise and a backstory, all you had to do was fill in the blanks and expand what was already there and you fucked it all up and not only that CONTINUE to fuck it all up. All the while acting like you didn't do anything wrong and that some people "just didn't understand" what you were trying to do and people support this bullshit.

So yeah Red Hot Skull is boss as fuck.
Does this mean that I'm going to genuinely dislike Heavy Rain whenever I play it? I mean, that's kinda different because the game is literally one long QTE and cinematics. It's a good definition of the cinematic game (uncanny valley characters notwithstanding). If MGS games had less cutscenes for more length and gameplay bits, I kinda guess it might be like Rising?
This does raise the point that such a game is rated by different rules so to speak, even so the plotholes just keep adding up among numerous other things. Actually it works pretty well if you treat it like a comedy, suddenly it makes so much more sense, I enjoyed it like i'd enjoy a bad movie while being ever so grateful I paid nothing to experience it since I just borrowed it.

And Snake don't slice up folks, he's all about that tactical espionage action, I'd hope for more of that not being interrupted every few minutes.

It's not entirely odd considering people genuinely like the team working on it. Considering that I'm not a Kingdom Hearts fan in the slightest, and considering that I don't really care for the compilation entries in the FF7 universe, I really don't have a lot riding on Versus. As I've said before, I'm more interested in games that respect the player's time, and I enjoy it when FF games give me more chances to micromanage characters (so, job systems, more focus on AI management, etc). In essence, I get more out of customization and gameplay subsystems in RPGs now than I did before. And I honestly think that's because of the two games I'd played when I got out of my RPG rut: Arc Rise Fantasia and Tales of Graces F. And maybe FF12 to an extent.

I do have to wonder how that game is going to live up to everyone's expectations in the end. Because I have a feeling that it won't.
From this I deduce the KH people were/are working on it then? considering how long people seem to have been asking for KH3 as well these guys must like watching fans squirm.

I tend to hold the idea that any game that gets anticipated for too long will never truly be free from not meeting some peoples expectations even if the game turns out damn good.

I would've thought it'd be a subtitled game like Liberation was, but alas... The game's first screenshot sort of reminded me of Liberation in that... well, the light spheres, which are indicative of what Liberation's overall premise is supposed to be. It also somewhat ties into the (AC3/Liberation postgame spoilers)
hacker aspect too, considering that some people "hacked" into both AC3 and Liberation in a storyline sort of way

Regardless, I have to wonder if having everyone and their mother in their 20 minute credits for most of their games is making the games somewhat suffer. It's just weird how the two later Ezio games were kinda better than AC3 (and I'm saying this as someone who didn't like how Revelations played!) and AC3 had a team who were working on it for a longer period of time.
The modern day stuff in the series saddens me, i've always been part of Team: why couldn't it just be historical stuff? well some people dig the whole angle, I saw my friend finishing up Revelations and it was like one big pile of "what?!" if I recall.
AC2 credits were so long that
I was left running around in circles by the villain dudes getaway van unable to actually do anything because I had to wait for the credits to finish, or was that just the first half of the credits? Desmond must've looked quite the fool since he just drove away.

As I anticipated i've been lent a copy of Hitman Absolution which will go on my "more for March" lineup, solid reviews with old school fan backlash, I think was the deal with this one, I swear that's a common event these days, since i've only played an hour or two of HM2 and Blood Money I feel that I can deal with this one without being greatly offended by dumbing down or what not but we shall see.
I must be easily pleased right now anyway since i've been entranced in Warriors Orochi 3 all week, why do I find it so oddly compelling?!


Your PS3 sacrificed itself to save you from FF13.
Don't let that sacrifice be in vain.

I tried it in my second PS3. It now can't read disks.

So I bought a new PS3 that came with Assassin's Creed III. Maybe I should trade AC3 for Rising.

LOL, AC2 credits. Longest damn credits until Sonic Colors

I broke all those names for nothing.
Actually the same can be said for Rayman Origins which I think was longer than Colours, because Ubisoft credit everyone, their ancestors and their ancestors pet budgerigars
Totally worth it, though.
It was?

I think NSMBWii set off this actually kind of awful trend of "interactive" credits in platformers where you spend ten minutes destroying blocks tediously for no reason, maybe in the future they'll make a platforming stage out of the scrolling names.
Now SMG2 had it right.

We can enjoy Scribblenauts in the meantime!

I should buy it on Steam at this point, it'll never come to Europe.

I'm sad now because I forgot that it's still in PAL land limbo.

Don't worry Wonderful 101 will save us, just a mystery number of months left!


I'm sad now because I forgot that it's still in PAL land limbo.

Don't worry Wonderful 101 will save us, just a mystery number of months left!

I have the May 15th marked in the calendar for some Super Metroid portable goodness. It's going to be worth the wait!
How bad is Origins's credits compared to Arkham City's?

Because Arkham City's was baaaad. Sat through that thinking that if I skipped them, I might miss a post-credits scene.
I wouldn't have.
Games get made by loads of people nowadays. I forget which game it was that let you blast through the credits both forwards and backwards... think it was Psychonauts.
Long credits are fine when they make them interactive and fun.

Because of this I have no idea who worked on DMC3 because I was too busy being crazy.
You actually had to EARN the post-credits scene in DMC3, killing 100 enemies, one of them being a mini-boss Hell Vanguard. You were HOPING those credits were long, lol.
I have the May 15th marked in the calendar for some Super Metroid portable goodness. It's going to be worth the wait!
I wish I hadn't had replayed the game mere months ago, still a 30P speed run might be in order.

How bad is Origins's credits compared to Arkham City's?

Because Arkham City's was baaaad. Sat through that thinking that if I skipped them, I might miss a post-credits scene.
I wouldn't have.
I can't remember the credits at all so I can't compare.
I do remember that I had a phonecall during the games ending so I used the home button to effectively pause the cutscene but upon my return lost all audio...

Fell asleep during Twilight Princess's credits.
I really never liked how TP has that brief extra bit of credits after the scene at the mirror, not sure why, maybe it's because I feel the ending reaches its climax beforehand so it effectively ends with a bit of a whimper.
Of course if you were sleeping through it you wont have a clue what i'm jabbering about.

I meant because of how good the game was. I didn't mind sitting through all those credits because everything leading up to them was great.
I can understand that post game satisfaction, though I still think it went on too long.

I think I finished the DMC3 credits with 99 kills last month, oh bugger.


I really never liked how TP has that brief extra bit of credits after the scene at the mirror, not sure why, maybe it's because I feel the ending reaches its climax beforehand so it effectively ends with a bit of a whimper.
Of course if you were sleeping through it you wont have a clue what i'm jabbering about.

I've beaten it more than once, so yeah I'm hip.
I agree about the extra scene. By that time I was ready to get up and do something lol.
Interactive credits are cool. DMC3 and TvC are two of my favorites, not just because they're fun, but doing well actually unlocks something.

And even non interactive ones can keep me entertained as long as the presentation is good. Case in point.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I don't even remember TP's credits, tbh. They might have been incredibly unremarkable, while I enjoyed SS's credits a lot.

But, like, I like Zelda a lot, soooooo...

From this I deduce the KH people were/are working on it then? considering how long people seem to have been asking for KH3 as well these guys must like watching fans squirm.

I tend to hold the idea that any game that gets anticipated for too long will never truly be free from not meeting some peoples expectations even if the game turns out damn good.
Yeah, it's the KH team + a few people from the PS1 FFs. That's why people are looking forward to it so much. Not me, though. I don't care anymore.

I think their schedule is like...

KH handheld games -> watching people squirm/fixing Noctis's design -> Making trailer -> KH handheld game -> scrapping what they had for Versus last time and doing something else -> something -> drink lots of sake -> making trailer -> ???? -> Versus -> KH3

Should've probably made KH3 for Wii or something.

Game's so bad the damn system killed itself.
I have two copies of Final Fantasy XIII. You want 'em?

I broke all those names for nothing.
Actually the same can be said for Rayman Origins which I think was longer than Colours, because Ubisoft credit everyone, their ancestors and their ancestors pet budgerigars
I think Ubisoft has the longest credits out of everyone, no matter what. If they were to put a DMC3-esque sort of thing to offset it, I'd enjoy them more.

Rayman Origins' way of trying to have the player have more fun with the credits didn't really... work.
^Clover Studios had some nice credits. Loved the movie reference posters in this Viewtiful Joe one, and then they actually credited all the enemies of the game, since they are the "cast" after all. And I love the credits melody that matched the bosses.

And I hear people like that Okami credits sequence, IDK, they got rid of in the HD version so it must've been worthless!


I have the incredibly ugly Platinum Hits PAL version of FFXIII... for some reason.

I have the NA Collector's Edition of XIII-2~
I don't even remember TP's credits, tbh. They might have been incredibly unremarkable, while I enjoyed SS's credits a lot.

But, like, I like Zelda a lot, soooooo...
Random point but I don't like how they keep shoehorning in the LoZ overworld theme into all the ending themes these days, it feels kind of forced.
For some reason the credits in SS had this whacked out frame rate at times, maybe it was a PAL thing but large sweeping shots of the environment were moving on like a frame by frame basis, though the actual ending itself was pretty good.
I've got to carry on my hero mode run at some point but i'm about to hit Fetchquest Faron, oh the pain!
But as I expected i'm actually appreciating it more on the replay.

I think Ubisoft has the longest credits out of everyone, no matter what. If they were to put a DMC3-esque sort of thing to offset it, I'd enjoy them more.

Rayman Origins' way of trying to have the player have more fun with the credits didn't really... work.
The bigger crime was that there wasn't even a credits theme, just a looping track list of a few stage themes.
Is the MGS HD collection any good? Peace Walker looks pretty well ported, but I'm more interested in how MGS3 turned out, given that they removed Secret Theatre, which already gives me cause for concern.


I would say yes, but I couldn't compare it to the original releases at all since I didn't own them >_>

Yikes, that game sounds like it does nasty things to one's psyche. But the sequence certainly sets itself apart from the rest o_O
Oh, you've no idea
Is the MGS HD collection any good? Peace Walker looks pretty well ported, but I'm more interested in how MGS3 turned out, given that they removed Secret Theatre, which already gives me cause for concern.

It's a Bluepoint Games release, so that's a seal of quality(Their Ico/SotC and God of War collections are some of the very best HD remasters out there).

MGS3 runs at a MUCH higher framerate than the PS2 version, with the cleaned up higher resolution and anti-aliasing reveals the game visuals holds up very well.

MGS2, a bit older and simpler looking than MGS3 heavily-detailed art, runs at 60 fps almost constantly.

And both of them are $10 microsoft space bucks RIGHT NOW
It's a Bluepoint Games release, so that's a seal of quality(Their Ico/SotC and God of War collections are some of the very best HD remasters out there).

MGS3 runs at a MUCH higher framerate than the PS2 version, with the cleaned up higher resolution and anti-aliasing reveals the game visuals holds up very well.

MGS2, a bit older and simpler looking than MGS3 heavily-detailed art, runs at 60 fps almost constantly.

And both of them are $10 microsoft space bucks RIGHT NOW

No 360 ;_;

That's good to hear, though. Bluepoint do good shit! OK, I'mma look into this, see what's the best deal I can find for PS3.
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