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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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I had forgotten how good Bayonetta was. Picked up the 360 version, had hundreds of hours on the bum ass PS3 version. The higher framerate/shorter loadtimes are a godsend, but I sure wish there was a Restart Checkpoint in this bitch like Metal Gear Rising.

It's one of those games where beating in the first time on Normal is really just scratching the surface of it's depths. There's so much damn content, and GOOD content at that. It's impeccably paced game, always a new item or weapon or enemy every few minutes. And it's HIGHLY replayable. There's shortcuts to skip cutscenes, a panther form that lets you speed through non-combat scenes, lots and lots and LOTS of secrets and collectibles and bonus challenges and secret weapons/characters/modes that change up the entire game, not to mention just improving your play, going after those illustrious Platinum Trophies.

It controls sooooooo well. Running around in Panther form is sex. The hit-pause on attacks, the cancellability of every damn move(Dodge OFfset is absolutely genius and Wonderful 101 better have it), the beautiful balance between offense and defense the Witch-Time introduces.

Thank God Nintendo is reviving this thing.

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So... How about that Sonic After the Sequel? :D

Amazing fangame. BtS was alright outside of the music, the level design was pretty bland at times and didn't really pick up until halfway through the game. But AtS on the other hand is great from start to end. Totally recommend it.
I had forgotten how good Bayonetta was. Picked up the 360 version, had hundreds of hours on the bum ass PS3 version. The higher framerate/shorter loadtimes are a godsend, but I sure wish there was a Restart Checkpoint in this bitch like Metal Gear Rising.

It's one of those games where beating in the first time on Normal is really just scratching the surface of it's depths. There's so much damn content, and GOOD content at that. It's impeccably paced game, always a new item or weapon or enemy every few minutes. And it's HIGHLY replayable. There's shortcuts to skip cutscenes, a panther form that lets you speed through non-combat scenes, lots and lots and LOTS of secrets and collectibles and bonus challenges and secret weapons/characters/modes that change up the entire game, not to mention just improving your play, going after those illustrious Platinum Trophies.

It controls sooooooo well. Running around in Panther form is sex. The hit-pause on attacks, the cancellability of every damn move(Dodge OFfset is absolutely genius and Wonderful 101 better have it), the beautiful balance between offense and defense the Witch-Time introduces.

Thank God Nintendo is reviving this thing.

To my shame I'm only like halfway through hard mode, i'd blame PS3 framerate for my failings but in reality I just kinda suck at it, great fun though.
This is always the issue when it comes to these games for me, I feel like a big man tackling normal mode and then i'm informed that i've basically done the elongated tutorial and the main game still awaits. To think of the amount of content i've not even touched is actually quite staggering.

Speaking of hack and slash shenanigans, I think Razor's Edge has pushed me to my edge.
Through all the terrible design decisions, having suffered though the awful plot, across the linear invisible wall galore environments, past the repetitive combat sections and QTE scenes I have finally reached the final boss (just the first form at that apparently).
And I just can't, this is miserable shit. I'm standing on a platform with only quarter of my health left due to the boss moments beforehand faced with some random falling projectiles, infinite aggressive and potentially self destructing enemies and a wailing god statue thing flailing its arms all over the area, all of this causing the frame rate to plummet. Apparently i'm supposed to use the infinite enemies to build up some new super ninpo which has a bar that is like double that of my health currently but in all of the sensory overload of how much shit can we throw at the player to create difficulty? (the motto of Razors Edge i'd say) i'm just here in a bizarre state of serenity, there is no anger or rage left to vent, only me with a blank look on my face left hollow staring at this wretched mess of a game.
Bayonetta and Razor's Edge are like night and day. No matter how much crazy shit is flying on the screen in Bayo, you always feel in control. Parrying, dodging, cancelling, dodge offset, wicked weaves and combo strings, mix and matching weapon sets on the fly. It's like some super slick combination of NG's dial-a-combo system, DMC's juggling/cancelling/weapon switching, and GoW's tier of finishers.

NG3RE feels like a half-assed version of NG2 + 3 + ninja dog shit. You kinda just throw yourself at waves after waves after waves of samey enemies and hope for the best.


Means "Shirt on Head" in Japanese
I still have to play it! Everyone else here says it's better than Before the Sequel in gameplay, level design, and music.

I'm eager to play it, but I have quite a few games that I'm trying to get through right now.

Amazing fangame. BtS was alright outside of the music, the level design was pretty bland at times and didn't really pick up until halfway through the game. But AtS on the other hand is great from start to end. Totally recommend it.

^^ this - still working on the let's play series for this. It's really hard to NOT die when u zone out to some of these tracks - but the overall level design is just too good
Bayonetta and Razor's Edge are like night and day. No matter how much crazy shit is flying on the screen in Bayo, you always feel in control. Parrying, dodging, cancelling, dodge offset, wicked weaves and combo strings, mix and matching weapon sets on the fly. It's like some super slick combination of NG's dial-a-combo system, DMC's juggling/cancelling/weapon switching, and GoW's tier of finishers.

NG3RE feels like a half-assed version of NG2 + 3 + ninja dog shit. You kinda just throw yourself at waves after waves after waves of samey enemies and hope for the best.
I hope Bayo 2 drops those environment based QTE out of nowhere situations where you're just walking down the road when suddenly PRESS X TO NOT DIE flashes up, sure I was probably going to get stone ranks anyway but you know, it feels at odds with the rest of the game.

Hmm, maybe i'll return to it some point soon or borrow someones 360 copy for the superior experience, i'll need to wash the taste of Razors Edge out somehow.
As you can probably tell i'm raring to tear this game a new one, oh I can feel it brewing, the health system sucks, unreliable steel on bone sucks, the whole dismemberment idea still sucks, enemy targeting sucks, anything requiring the bow sucks, kunai climbing and QTE sucks, plot sucks (duh), bosses exist in their own special dimension of suck. But hey the basic combat when fighting mooks is kind of fun in a fast and flashy way reminiscent of a bloody musou title, I wouldn't have come this far without that.
Each bullet point of suckage can easily be elaborated on, I want to force myself through the finish just to simply pass judgement at this point.

I finally found some stores that sell old games yet none of them have Suikoden II.

That officially confirms that this game ain't in my state.

Meanwhile: http://www.amazon.com/Suikoden-II/dp/B00001X50L

Holy shit.

If only Konami had the option of like releasing the game on some sort of digital service where it could be downloaded for a reasonable price.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I don't think I'll ever sell my copy of Genso Suikoden II.

I just love that game so dearly. And I like having the glitchy PS1 copy anyway, since it's easier to speedrun that version than it is to speedrun the PSP version.

PSP version took out one glitch I loved to abuse in speedruns.
If only Konami had the option of like releasing the game on some sort of digital service where it could be downloaded for a reasonable price.

Owl please, we must never dream of such a utopia lest we lose our heads in the clouds.

Anyway, I'm this close to emulating it, even though I really wanted to have McDohl in my party.

(._. )
Maybe if we convince Konami that the Metal Gear series is somehow related to the game then we can at last reach that place up in the clouds and find it wasn't just a mere dream, i'll call it outer heaven.

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ok we wont
Kind of a shame that SCEA's "No PS1 ports" rule for third parties blocked so many potential releases. BoFIII and Eternia were fortunate enough to get EU releases, at least.
I'm digging NeoGAF DarkNeoGold here

Ya know what they say: once you go black, you never go and get headaches when you wake up in the morning and check NeoGAF and HOLY SHIT THE BRIGHT ASS SCREEN MY EYES I USED TO READ WITH THESE ARRRRGH


Oh, this is probably a good place to put this.

A friend does http://www.notenoughrings.com/, which I hope some of you guys who read this thread would like, and she's currently doing a Kickstarter for a printed edition of the complete thing that some of you may want to get in on too!

It's got lovely artwork and it's genuinely quite funny and in touch with the original games, so although I'm biased, IMO it's well worth supporting, and it may be the only chance to get a copy of the book if anyone here likes it enough to want one.


Aaaaah im not used to having the mobile colors on my computer. It looks nice it but feels weird!

Also, I just saw Wreck it Ralph for the first time. I really liked it!

OMG Aero

Had to back them up with the fists a crackin
I don't care what anyone says, that line is "had to back 'em up with the fists metal crackle".
Oh, this is probably a good place to put this.

A friend does http://www.notenoughrings.com/, which I hope some of you guys who read this thread would like, and she's currently doing a Kickstarter for a printed edition of the complete thing that some of you may want to get in on too!

It's got lovely artwork and it's genuinely quite funny and in touch with the original games, so although I'm biased, IMO it's well worth supporting, and it may be the only chance to get a copy of the book if anyone here likes it enough to want one.
Think I'm going to break my rule of generally not donating to Kickstarters for this. That comic is pretty cool and I'd be bummed out if this is the only way to get the book.
To celebrate Dark GAF the official theme of Dark Sonic GAF should be Wrapped in Black

That music is so good, but then pretty much all the music in Sonic Rush is.


Oh, this is probably a good place to put this.

A friend does http://www.notenoughrings.com/, which I hope some of you guys who read this thread would like, and she's currently doing a Kickstarter for a printed edition of the complete thing that some of you may want to get in on too!

It's got lovely artwork and it's genuinely quite funny and in touch with the original games, so although I'm biased, IMO it's well worth supporting, and it may be the only chance to get a copy of the book if anyone here likes it enough to want one.

I wish I had $600 to burn. I already have a stage for that in mind.
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