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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Thanks for the links Schala. Boy, the amount of really dumb decisions one company could make one right after another in a short time span is almost some kind of impressive. Nevermind flooding the market with Sega-CD and 32x, dividing up the audience, marketing, and development for each platforms, shit got REALLY stupid by '95.

  • 1995: Sega of Japan decides to discontinue the Genesis in the U.S. and Europe, ignoring the installed user base of almost 30 million units the console has worldwide.
  • Sega of Japan then ignores everything that Kalinske has done for the company and strips him of all control, reducing him to a mere figurehead.
  • Sega of Japan rushes the Saturn’s launch, leaving it without software for months and pissing off retailers, consumers, and 3rd party licensees in the process. Most of them flock to Sony.
  • 1996: Tom Kalinske resigns (taking a lot of the staff with him, including the company’s founder – David Rosen) Bernie Stolar is hired to succeed him.
  • Sometime in Late 1996: Sega of Japan cancels the one big name title that could have helped the Saturn – Sonic X-treme.
  • 1997: Bernie Stolar infuriates the few 3rd party companies left (most notably Working Designs) and reveals that July that the Saturn was no longer Sega’s future and had been “stillborn.” Moreover, his five-star policy tightens the noose around the Saturn’s neck and leaves most of the great software in Japan.
Man, that is quite the list of things!
Oh yeah, before I forget. I was playing Sonic Classic Heroes and decided to to the combined Sonic 1+2 path while getting all the emeralds. Fuck the Sonic 1 bonus stages. They can go straight to hell.
I always remember this because Cranky left him some bananas in that briefcase, somehow this is a thing that me and one of my friends still reference to this day in multiplayer DK based situations.
Ah this thread has amused me tonight, just what I needed.

Regarding Sega's downfall, it always puzzled me even when I was younger that mainline Sonic games just sort of dropped off the map for a while, it's just kind of crazy when you think about it.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
EDIT: Ugh, the amount of hubris for Sega's past and the Saturn in general. Dammit, SoJ. It really was like both arms were trying to function independently of each other until SoJ decided to put their hands into the pot when it wasn't that necessary/when it just didn't seem to understand how things were going overseas in terms of success. Oy.

Kinda reminds me of Capcom for some reason.

Well, Happy Independence Day to you all. Stay safe.

As I was saying to Bean in a message, everything I've learned from America comes from these sources:
  • NeoGAF
  • Assassin's Creed 3
  • Independence Day (the movie)
  • little bits and pieces from a few of my professors who hail from Canada's pants
  • the bits and pieces of America's history that intersected with Canadian history
(I probably watch more American news than some of you because my mom has had CNN/MSNBC/Fox on 24/7 in this house ever since I was 10-years-old. D:)
I fucking love the Saturn, but man was it mishandled in every place not named Japan.

Regarding Sega's downfall, it always puzzled me even when I was younger that mainline Sonic games just sort of dropped off the map for a while, it's just kind of crazy when you think about it.

The Sonic X-Treme thing in particular always puzzled me as a kid because despite it pretty much fading from existence, the local ice cream truck in my area sold Sonic X-Treme branded ice cream pops straight up to 2004 or so.
Never had a Saturn back in the day. That shit was $399, and then the whole "oh yeah it's out right now lulz ok bye" thing. Then Sony keynote speaker wants up on the stage, says "$299", then walks off as all the press whisper excitedly. I like to imagine they waited for the Xbox One's price too and thought, "Yep, $400 it is!" for the PS4

But I never had a Playstation 1 either, just a N64. Oh, the days of trying to find something fun to play in-between Rare and Nintendo releases. Tell me I'm not the only dude here who played Buck Bumble.
I've learnt all about both America and Canada "Bizarro World" from wrasslin, I think it's safe to say I know my stuff.

The Sonic X-Treme thing in particular always puzzled me as a kid because despite it pretty much fading from existence, the local ice cream truck in my area sold Sonic X-Treme branded ice cream pops straight up to 2004 or so.
They must've moved the branding to an area where they saw greater sales potential, clearly it worked if they lasted that long, i'll put on my games journalism hat and start penning how ice cream got Sonic Xtreme cancelled.

Never had a Saturn back in the day. That shit was $399, and then the whole "oh yeah it's out right now lulz ok bye" thing. Then Sony keynote speaker wants up on the stage, says "$299", then walks off as all the press whisper excitedly. I like to imagine they waited for the Xbox One's price too and thought, "Yep, $400 it is!" for the PS4

But I never had a Playstation 1 either, just a N64. Oh, the days of trying to find something fun to play in-between Rare and Nintendo releases. Tell me I'm not the only dude here who played Buck Bumble.

I played Buck in a store once but that's it, shockingly its gameplay did not entice me to a purchase.
Now if random third party N64 games are your thing then I had Space Station Silicon Valley.

Never could figure out why the game is just...covered in fog, perpetually, lol. Was this set in England? Cor blimey, explain this, Owl
Well I can't argue with that logic, maybe Turok was set in Blighty as well for that matter.
Oh crumbs that Buck Bumble theme is something truly horrendous.

That's how I gained all of my current world knowledge. Someday I hope to be strong enough to attend Ireland University.
You'll eat raw potatoes there as you prepare to take on those mean streets where everyone is in a constant state of bar room brawling.
I think I played Buck Bumble like, once. Might have been at a Blockbuster kiosk or something.

There were a few non Nintendo and/or Rare games I remember enjoying a lot for the N64.

Bomberman 64 was pretty damn great, though it got really difficult once you hit the later levels. Not to mention that incredibly hard to unlock secret level.
Bomberman 64 was pretty damn great, though it got really difficult once you hit the later levels. Not to mention that incredibly hard to unlock secret level.
Rainbow Resort or whatever it was was pretty insane, that game has areas with customisation parts in sight that i'll never be able to figure out how to actually reach.
Hell the first stage in the entire game has a bunch of hidden areas that require you to make like various remote bomb towers to bounce across.
Oh, and I spent my Independence Day watching two movies.

One was Pixar's latest, Monsters University. If I recall correctly, critics were rather ambivalent to this one, but I rather liked it, personally. I mean, it's fascinating to see this well-known pair of buddies you've gotten to know over the years meeting each other for the first time, and hating each other, and how things progress from there. The scene with
Mike and Sully teaming up to scare a cabin full of adult camp rangers
was quite exciting to watch, in fact (especially since, up to this point,
the only humans who were scared were children, and here we have this pair scaring the shit out of grown adults instead
). I was rather surprised, though, that
they both got expelled for that little stunt and actually worked their way up to the point Monsters Inc. started at from being mail room workers, of all things
. Totally unexpected.

The other was a film you've all chastised me for not watching beforehand, but I can now proudly say I've watched it. It's definitely one of the better Christmas movies I've ever seen, yep. A film that fills you with that warm, cuddly joy like no other.

I am speaking, of course, about Die Hard.

I can't decide if the film was more or less violent than I was expecting. I knew it wasn't gonna be a clean movie, but those headshots (like on the company executive really early in) were shockingly accurate in how messy they got, even if all you get to see is the blood splatter. Also, a lot more "fuck"s than I was expecting, even considering I knew the "yippie-ki-yay" line going in.

Also, I thought Bruce Willis had a deeper, more gravelly voice than that; he sounded more like a slightly more adult Keanu Reeves, honestly. And Alan Rickman, mmmm, oh so good. Funny to watch that scene where Hans and John meet up by sheer chance, and he has to put on an American accent - so an English actor playing a German man doing an American accent? I swear, that guy's got talent. Also really satisfying to watch him fall to his death.

So yeah, I enjoyed that. I gather the sequels aren't so hot, though (barring maybe With a Vengeance, which has Samuel L. Jackson to spice things up)?
Bomberman 64 was HARD, yeah. Some really tough puzzle shit in there for a kid to figure out.

My brother and I loved Second Attack, cuz it was kinda co-op with that not-kirby character. And they had all those bomb types, like BLACK HOLE BOMB that would just suck up everything in the room(but wasn't so hot against bosses, obviously).

Lego Racers was another highly played game for the N64 around my parts. Heck, I think I played that more than Super Mario Kart 64. I was a huge Lego nut back when I was a kid, I had all kinds of sets, and I would make my own designs and shit for my hundred and one Batman figures I had.


Whenever an F-Zero whine thread comes up, I'm almost tempted to post saying that everyone should stop whining.

But, deep down, I want a new one almost as much as I want a new Advance Wars.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Oh, and I spent my Independence Day watching two movies.

One was Pixar's latest, Monsters University.

The other was a film you've all chastised me for not watching beforehand, but I can now proudly say I've watched it. It's definitely one of the better Christmas movies I've ever seen, yep. A film that fills you with that warm, cuddly joy like no other.

I am speaking, of course, about Die Hard.
My brother and mom saw Monsters University... last week, I think? Apparently it was good, going from my brother's excitement when he got home (but then again, he likes going to the movies in general, so I can't gauge!). I haven't seen any other movies from this franchise, so again, I'm not sure if it's great or not.

About Die Hard, though. I'm glad you enjoyed it (and glad you finally took the time to see it)! Just checked out Beef's thread, and his ranking's dead on. Do not see the recent one under any circumstances (outside of seeing it with other people) because good lord it's bad. Don't. John McClane just straight-up behaves weird in this film. No villain either.

All that video did was remind how great Sonic Colors final boss theme was
Too bad it never got its full chance to play out well! Seriously, boss fight too short.


My brother and mom saw Monsters University... last week, I think? Apparently it was good, going from my brother's excitement when he got home (but then again, he likes going to the movies in general, so I can't gauge!). I haven't seen any other movies from this franchise, so again, I'm not sure if it's great or not.

They're both well worth seeing. It's Pixar being Pixar, not at their best but far from their worst. MU might actually be a better "first" entry to see anyway, being a prequel.

Getting all the emblems in SA DX wasn't worth it in the end. Metal Sonic was fun for a grand total of 15 minutes :(

The secret best part about Metal Sonic being playable was using Cheat Engine on the first PC port to get him into the chao garden. Even soulless killer robots can't resist petting them.
Sonic Colors, home of short boss fights. That ferris wheel thing is like, what, 10 seconds? 3 hits? Was is this a Mario game? We all about 8 hits up in here, son. And that boss theme kicks ass, too.

Also, why did Shenmue cost $70 million dollars to create. Sega just threw their money at any damn project back in the day


Shenmue was pretty ground-breaking back then. Full-on voice-acting, all those cutscenes, both QTE AND regular gameplay, having to design the world around most NPCs having their own time schedules, making sure most places were interactable, etc etc. That tech wasn't cheap!

....They proooobably should have budgeted better though.
Don't forget those real-time weather effects, something nobody had ever done before.

Probably because it would cost an assload of money to develop.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
They're both well worth seeing. It's Pixar being Pixar, not at their best but far from their worst. MU might actually be a better "first" entry to see anyway, being a prequel.

The secret best part about Metal Sonic being playable was using Cheat Engine on the first PC port to get him into the chao garden. Even soulless killer robots can't resist petting them.
Do you see, Beef? Do you see?

I'll give Monsters Inc. a shot, then, when I get the chance to. I remember the first movie coming out when I was in the eighth grade but I wasn't very interested in it. Weird, because I liked Toy Story and A Bug's Life prior to that (I didn't see Toy Story 2 until before Toy Story 3 came out). God, I remember being a crybaby at the end of Toy Story 3. I'm surprised I saw a trailer for Planes this weekend. I thought Cars wasn't that great of a Pixar film? Next would've been Trains if Thomas the Tank Engine wasn't a thing.

My brother saw Epic the other day too. He sees more movies than I do. Though to be fair, I'm not much of a movie person. I just like martial arts/action/comedy/buddy cop movies from time to time.


Earlier Pixar movies, Monsters Inc, included, had a special snark and social commentary to them that's been apparently missing from a lot of their recent ones, which tend to focus more on cheap heartwarming stuff for the family without much of a deeper meaning.

...Which is an ok direction to take, but of course leaves fans of previous works hung to dry.

PS. I'm leaving on a family vacation for two weeks, one in canadia and one in Vegas for EVO. I'll peek in but will most be absent, see you guys laterrrrrr.


I absolutely love that voice shouting the wisp names as you use them. Perfectly cheesy for a Sonic game. Makes me want to shout it too. LASER! SPIKES!

Never had a Saturn back in the day. That shit was $399, and then the whole "oh yeah it's out right now lulz ok bye" thing. Then Sony keynote speaker wants up on the stage, says "$299", then walks off as all the press whisper excitedly. I like to imagine they waited for the Xbox One's price too and thought, "Yep, $400 it is!" for the PS4

But I never had a Playstation 1 either, just a N64. Oh, the days of trying to find something fun to play in-between Rare and Nintendo releases. Tell me I'm not the only dude here who played Buck Bumble.

Buck Bumble... Buck Bumble... that name's familiar... where- oh. Yes... yes, I rented that crap back in the day.


I'm surprised I saw a trailer for Planes this weekend. I thought Cars wasn't that great of a Pixar film? Next would've been Trains if Thomas the Tank Engine wasn't a thing.

Planes is happening because Cars sold absolutely staggering amounts of merchandise. It's a non-Pixar production by the Disney studio with this illustrious track record.

At this point, I don't even know if I want The Incredibles to get a sequel. The first one was pretty much perfect.

I think there's space for one, but it shouldn't happen unless they can get Brad Bird back, and he's busy.
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