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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Shenmue was pretty ground-breaking back then. Full-on voice-acting, all those cutscenes, both QTE AND regular gameplay, having to design the world around most NPCs having their own time schedules, making sure most places were interactable, etc etc. That tech wasn't cheap!

....They proooobably should have budgeted better though.
They should've made the game fun to play, too. Shit was BORING.
Do you see, Beef? Do you see?

Does this make me more evil than Metal Sonic?
Finally got around to ordering Sonic the Phonebook Vol. 2 last week and it arrived this morning.


Still haven't read the first (mostly 'cause I don't particularly care for the really early slapstick/wretched pun issues) but I really like these books. Don't mind the loss of colour for so much content to the dollar. Only problem is the store messed up and sent me some Kindle case or whatever instead of the collected Azumanga Daioh I'd also ordered.
They should've made the game fun to play, too. Shit was BORING.

I'm of the mind that it was probably supposed to be boring, on some level. Sort of like Animal Crossing, or Harvest Moon, or something. Being boring was part of the immersion, and if you let it get hits hooks in to you, Shenmue sucked you in to its world better than any game has even today.

I honestly think Shenmue 2 lost something when it tried to pump up the action and negate all of the waiting around.
Rankings seem spot on, 2 sometimes gets a bit of a bum rap but sandwiched between the awesome combo of 1 and 3 it's understandable.
Never seen 5, don't want to, it would hurt me too much.

Bomberman 64 was HARD, yeah. Some really tough puzzle shit in there for a kid to figure out.

My brother and I loved Second Attack, cuz it was kinda co-op with that not-kirby character. And they had all those bomb types, like BLACK HOLE BOMB that would just suck up everything in the room(but wasn't so hot against bosses, obviously).

Lego Racers was another highly played game for the N64 around my parts. Heck, I think I played that more than Super Mario Kart 64. I was a huge Lego nut back when I was a kid, I had all kinds of sets, and I would make my own designs and shit for my hundred and one Batman figures I had.
Still gutted that we never got Second Attack, had to make do with Bomberman Hero which is enjoyably average at least.

I borrowed Lego Racers off a friend once, I remember good things but who knows if it holds up or not.

Whenever an F-Zero whine thread comes up, I'm almost tempted to post saying that everyone should stop whining.

But, deep down, I want a new one almost as much as I want a new Advance Wars.
I'd love another F-Zero but I get what you mean.
Actually there's one that bugs me more right now, Metroid fans crying "Metroid is dead! Other M killed it, it's so dead and it's never coming back!", this is like standard Metroid thread protocol.
Yet despite their own claims they still expect Metroid to turn up at like every Nintendo event and complain when it doesn't, come on guys, it's dead remember?
Also something something Retro Studios.

Too bad it never got its full chance to play out well! Seriously, boss fight too short.
It should've just played from the start of the fight instead of suddenly starting up on the final phase.

Sonic Colors, home of short boss fights. That ferris wheel thing is like, what, 10 seconds? 3 hits? Was is this a Mario game? We all about 8 hits up in here, son. And that boss theme kicks ass, too.
The other bosses take long enough mind you.


Teacher told me my five page Finance essay could be about anything

so it became about the rise and fall of Sega's console business

resources, go

There was a thread about why the Dreamcast failed and in it someone linked to how the sales for SEGA prior to the Dreamcast's release were positive but during the Dreamcast years it was in the red-

Off the top of my head, SEGA was doing fine with the Genesis but the SEGA CD and 32X was the start of their downfall what with the CD being dropped for the 32X which was released a year after the CD, and then the 32X only had like 1/10th of the CD's gaming library, which support for was dropped when the Saturn was released 1 year after the 32X.
Furthermore, the CD and 32X add-ons were quite expensive I believe.


I started a new file in Sonic CD and got distracted by an important phone call, then Sonic mumbled something, jumped off screen and gave me a game over. What the fuck?
There was a thread about why the Dreamcast failed and in it someone linked to how the sales for SEGA prior to the Dreamcast's release were positive but during the Dreamcast years it was in the red-

Off the top of my head, SEGA was doing fine with the Genesis but the SEGA CD and 32X was the start of their downfall what with the CD being dropped for the 32X which was released a year after the CD, and then the 32X only had like 1/10th of the CD's gaming library, which support for was dropped when the Saturn was released 1 year after the 32X.
Furthermore, the CD and 32X add-ons were quite expensive I believe.
The Sega CD was released a few years before the 32X, I believe, not just one.


The Sega CD was released a few years before the 32X, I believe, not just one.

Ah I stand corrected then! The Sega CD was around for 2 years, the 32X was released November 1994 in the US, with the Saturn releasing in May 1995. ...that's what 6 months? Dang 90s SEGA...
In Japan the 32X AND Saturn were both available in December 1994 it seems.
Guys, I went into a game shop with my friend of poorer gaming taste, he saw the Fuse box art and said that it looked interesting, you know the box where the characters have their heads chopped off, I guess that focus testing was good for some people.
This came after he poo poo'd the idea of Mario & Luigi Dream Team for his 3DS because he thought it was Luigi's Mansion 2, it was all too much for me.

/Gaming elitism
I don't know, maybe he's worth keeping around, you haven't truly lived until you've argued the merits of the Fuse box art while in a shop.
It's just another entry to add to the list of awful game based conversations i've had with the madman, this list trails onto the floor.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Finally got around to ordering Sonic the Phonebook Vol. 2 last week and it arrived this morning.

I can't believe you failed to mention that the Green Ranger figure was the best thing about this picture. Green Ranger was awesome. Way better than the White Ranger MMPR. My cousin had all the MMPR figures and toys (including the Dragon Dagger) and never let me play with them whenever he did because he was, and still is, a spoiled brat. :/

Guys, I went into a game shop with my friend of poorer gaming taste, he saw the Fuse box art and said that it looked interesting, you know the box where the characters have their heads chopped off, I guess that focus testing was good for some people.
This came after he poo poo'd the idea of Mario & Luigi Dream Team for his 3DS because he thought it was Luigi's Mansion 2, it was all too much for me.

/Gaming elitism
For a minute there, I forgot what Fuse was. Which reminds me that I still have a copy of Remember Me to go through since another one of my cousins lent it to me and wants to trade it in. I need to finish Uncharted firsssst (I just haven't had time to get through it lately; it's not that I don't like it because I'm apparently still early on in the game.

Wait, does he think Luigi's Mansion 2 is bad? (Haven't played it yet.)
Wait, does he think Luigi's Mansion 2 is bad? (Haven't played it yet.)
Nah, he hasn't played it for one thing.
Unfortunately he's one of those guys who sometimes asks me for game recommendations then promptly shoots down every suggestion with arbitrary reasons which is always fun.
I did at least manage to make him buy Mark of the Ninja off Steam the other day since it was like £3, I felt so proud until he told me he wasn't playing it due to keyboard controls (I can relate on this one so i'll let him off) , either way I just can't win!
Coming to think of it there was supposed to be some DLC for that game coming soon, EXCITE!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey Professor Beef, do you have skype/webcam at all? I might have a request for you.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Naw, I'm working on a show and I would like to have Beefers represent Sonic fans and help me discuss it, but I don't want to give it all away here!
Well surely we can pick a better rep than Beef!

no I'm sure he'll be fine cuz Beef is great and Schala is too shy/Owl too blimey/etc

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Owl has dropped the ball too often in GWF, I'd be scared he'd break my camera.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I have Skype. I'm not home right now, so I'll PM you my username and stuff later when I get back.

Aight, no rush though - this will take a couple weeks to have prepared.

Doing an approx 30 minute video of Sonic and I need ya. :)

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Well surely we can pick a better rep than Beef!

no I'm sure he'll be fine cuz Beef is great and Schala is too shy/Owl too blimey/etc
Shyer now because whenever I let SonicGAF hear my voice, you all want to pinch my cheeks cuz it sounds small.

Beef'll be fine. He's not president for no-... he made himself president. >:|
Unfortunately he's one of those guys who sometimes asks me for game recommendations then promptly shoots down every suggestion with arbitrary reasons which is always fun.

Yeah, I have a friend who does the exact same thing, only they're a lot more cynical about it.

Yes said:
"Well, Luigi's Mansion 2 is supposedly good."

"Why would I want to play a sequel to a glorified tech demo?"

"Well, Last of Us is pretty damn amazing from what I hear"

"It's probably overrated, just like most Naughty Dog games"

"...Metal Gear Rising?"

"What did I just say about overrated developers? Fuck this, I'm gonna play some Halo 4. You down?"
What a coincidence Seven Force, attempts to branch out in local multiplayer options with the same guy from earlier usually ends up with all other options being vetoed by him and thus we all end up stuck playing Halo 4 (and before that Reach) because seemingly if it ain't about shooting dudes in the face then we ain't playing it.
Hmm, I hope I haven't predicted my multiplayer antics for tomorrow...

Anyway allow me to try and one up those Seven Force anecdotes.
Platformers aren't worth playing because they're "just jumping", also they're 2D and occasionally old which is a bad thing.
Bonus Round: "There's no interesting games coming out this year"
Yeah, his taste in games is fucking weird, haha.

Though he always recommended me awesome games (especially PS1 stuff, I got Einhander, Suikoden and Strider 2 thanks to him) when we were younger, so I guess his taste isn't completely screwed up.


You think that's bad? Try having an acquaintance that refers to everything not Call of Duty, Madden, and Halo as "gay". Everything.
Yeah, I have a friend who does the exact same thing, only they're a lot more cynical about it.

What a coincidence Seven Force, attempts to branch out in local multiplayer options with the same guy from earlier usually ends up with all other options being vetoed by him and thus we all end up stuck playing Halo 4 (and before that Reach) because seemingly if it ain't about shooting dudes in the face then we ain't playing it.
Hmm, I hope I haven't predicted my multiplayer antics for tomorrow...

Anyway allow me to try and one up those Seven Force anecdotes.
Platformers aren't worth playing because they're "just jumping", also they're 2D and occasionally old which is a bad thing.
Bonus Round: "There's no interesting games coming out this year"


Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I moaned about this on twitter earlier, but lordy, Uncharted 1's way of handling grenades is just awkward. I don't like it. It takes so freaking long to correct the stupid thing for accuracy with the sixaxis tilt and the stick that it's probably best to blind throw them. I'm told that Uncharted 2 switches to button controls/Gears controls, so that's not a bad thing!

Platformers aren't worth playing because they're "just jumping", also they're 2D and occasionally old which is a bad thing.
Bonus Round: "There's no interesting games coming out this year"
What, so because a game uses spritework, it's automatically "occasionally old"? Please. Spritework is something I generally prefer because you can inject so much personality into facial expressions, movement, and character gestures if you do it right.

As for there's no interesting games coming out this year... Hmm... what is coming out this year? I don't think I've played a lot of games that came out this year in general now that I think about it.

Oh, wait, Watch_Dogs. Mario & Luigi. Sen no Kiseki. Somethin'.
Well, I do have friends that are fans of stereotypical dudebro franchises, but even I'm surprised at how many of them have varied tastes outside of that. I have one friend for example that's actually trying to get into playing CoD professionally. Buys pretty much every CoD game day one. Yet, you wouldn't know it from looking at him or his gamerscore, but the dude's pretty much a walking Panzer Dragoon encyclopedia.

Having friends with weird/unique tastes in games goes both ways, I guess.
Good ol' UC1 forced motion controller grenade throwing. Thank God that never came back.

I remember using the Lightning Storm in Infamous 1, but I was tilting my controller without realizing it and I missed one of my targets. I damn near got killed because it drained all my energy, too. :|
What, so because a game uses spritework, it's automatically "occasionally old"? Please. Spritework is something I generally prefer because you can inject so much personality into facial expressions, movement, and character gestures if you do it right.
Well I was thinking more of how he's the type of fellow who'd shun an old game because it's...old and that most 2D platformers comes from ye olden days of sprite work, though this goes for other genres as well.

As for there's no interesting games coming out this year... Hmm... what is coming out this year? I don't think I've played a lot of games that came out this year in general now that I think about it.

Oh, wait, Watch_Dogs. Mario & Luigi. Sen no Kiseki. Somethin'.
I think this year has had an okay first half with some big hitters and the back half of the year is pretty loaded in a way that we can all surely find a handful of titles to look forward to.
I mean compared to the slim pickings of 2012 this is like living in luxury.

No winners in this game!
The sad truth.

How did you befriend such awful boring people? I couldn't stand talking to CoD fanboys!
Of course I haven't mentioned my chums with superior and also varied tastes.
And fortunately no one is a CoD fanboy.
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