My hate is eternal.
Nothing will ever make me change.
Nothing will ever make me change.
You gotta! Both are charming games, I have over 120 hours in New Leaf.I still have to play Luigi's Mansion 2, but Bean's taking his time getting through his videos that I'm waiting until he's ready to start. So I have no idea whether or not it's good yet! We'll see when I play it.
I haven't played Animal Crossing yet. Fire Emblem was a decent game. I still think I like the SFC games far more, though. Just at least in terms of narrative since Seisen no Keifu had one of the most despicable villains in RPGs, ever.
I should mention I don't actually hate the game, i'm just indifferent to it.You guys are too swept up in your Ni No Kuni hate to realise that Luigi's Mansion 2 is the sole 3DS game on that list in a year when Fire Emblem Awakening and Animal Crossing New Leaf came out.
I finished my very hard run yesterday, I think there's some really noticeable flaws in the game yet it's fantastic fun which kind of overrides my smaller issues.Speaking of popular GOTY 2013 contenders, I recently beat Metal Gear Rising, and, ah, was kinda dissapointed. Like it doesn't really go that much further beyond the idea that was demonstarted in the demo. It's no Bayonetta or Vanquish. I think I enjoyed DmC more (has more variety)
Despite the 5 hour length it got tiring at certain spots :/ (maybe I'm playing it worng got mostly B ranks tough)
To the person who first pointed out that wibbly wobbly smile, I hate you.
Watching the Unleashed Project for Generations PC and other Generations PC modsj ust makes me sad to see all the wasted potential that SEGA threw out when they decided to switch gameplay styles for Lost World.![]()
Awakening is my first Fire Emblem so I'm not even going to pretend to be a good authority on it, but I think it's a much better game than Luigi's Mansion 2, and with how Animal Crossing has blown up on the internet I would think that would be on the list over Luigi too.
But then again I spent the majority of today playing a Neptunia game so what the fuck do I know about good games.
Fire Emblem comes the closest, it's sort of my GotY so far just because it's more Fire Emblem which is reliably enjoyable, but while this entry is fantastically robust I really don't like how they handled the difficulty curve and levelling, you've got all these various ways to keep leveling up, skills, class swapping and all of that so you can like grind and max stats, shit that's exactly what I don't want to be doing in a FE game. I'd like to say the grinding was optional but in hard mode it felt like the enemies would suddenly jump up in levels between chapters, units alone are too weak, units together are too strong. Basically Path of Radiance is still my jam, it may have far less content but its to the point and the plot is actually interesting as well.
I still have to play Luigi's Mansion 2, but Bean's taking his time getting through his videos that I'm waiting until he's ready to start. So I have no idea whether or not it's good yet! We'll see when I play it.
I haven't played Animal Crossing yet. Fire Emblem was a decent game. I still think I like the SFC games far more, though. Just at least in terms of narrative since Seisen no Keifu had one of the most despicable villains in RPGs, ever.
Dear Twitch, why is this unofficial app better than yours? I can even chat on it!
There's no need to. It's a charming, quirky game but it's not fun. Ask people whether it's fun and they'll point to the number of hours they've put into it. The game is all about feeding addiction, like those Mobage games. Once you start, you've got to keep playing. Gotta water all those flowers today or my grass won't grow back. Gotta buy everything in the stores today so I can unlock more features. Gotta check turnip prices or I'll lose my investment. Gotta pluck those weeds. Gotta dig up those fossils. Gotta grind bells. Gotta grind medals.
The thing Nintendo missed is making any of these things fun. Your chores could not be more basic or uninvolving. That would be alright except it's also somewhat time-consuming due to sluggish menus, inventory constraints, inventory constraints and unnecessarily long dialogue dragging everything down and really making them feel like chores.
You might like it if you have way too much time on your hands and nothing to do, because it is a good time waster I guess. But if I have time to waste I'd rather spend it on real chores that actually benefit my life, or on games that are actually enjoyable.
Is this Android? If so, which app?[IMG][/QUOTE]
lol, I said inventory constraints twice. Bottom line is the game was made to be addicting and grindy rather than fun. I just get a nagging feeling that I'm completely wasting my time navigating 200 screens of dialogue and multiple inventory loads just to buy out the stores and immediately sell everything back so I can add items to my catalog and upgrade the stores. I don't get that replaying a chapter of Kid Icarus Uprising for hearts/weapons, because the core game is fun. I could just not buy out the store all the time but then I'll have access to far fewer items each day, and customizing my house with those items is the main appeal of the game.
[quote="PhantomOfTheKnight, post: 68791306"]Yea, it's called Stream Chat.[/QUOTE]
Thanks. My friend's been telling me about her problems with'... the chat won't load on Linux no matter what browser she uses, apparently. She'll love this.
Roots out fanboys, I guess.I'm surprised the mods are leaving the poll thread open. What a garbage thread, lmao.
I'm surprised the mods are leaving the poll thread open. What a garbage thread, lmao.
To be fair, I haven't played a single Animal Crossing game since the GameCube one. I've been tossing it around in my head to give it a shot, but by the time I actually decide to jump in, people will have probably stopped the game. And I mean my friends who constantly play it and it's all they ever freaking talk about. Seriously, it's like half the time they're talking a completely different language and sometimes I feel left out as a result. It's the stupid peer pressure, I think. I say that because I generally have a habit of jokingly calling it "Chores: The Game" as well.snippety-snip
Thank yoooooouuuuuu!Yea, it's called Stream Chat.
New Leaf hasn't even been out for a month and we're already on OT3, the GAF community isn't going anywhere for that game for a good while. Also I believe that three people (including myself) in this thread have the game, so that's good too.We'll see. I'm not one to play simulation games at all, but I might give it a fair chance one day. Again, I'm just hoping that if/when I decide to pick it up, it won't be too late and everyone else will have moved on by then.
To be fair, I haven't played a single Animal Crossing game since the GameCube one. I've been tossing it around in my head to give it a shot, but by the time I actually decide to jump in, people will have probably stopped the game. And I mean my friends who constantly play it and it's all they ever freaking talk about. Seriously, it's like half the time they're talking a completely different language and sometimes I feel left out as a result. It's the stupid peer pressure, I think. I say that because I generally have a habit of jokingly calling it "Chores: The Game" as well.
Dear Twitch, why is this unofficial app better than yours? I can even chat on it!
You people need to be in the chat more often. You keep missing Diabetus's video game streams!
(Although I missed half of his DKC one, too. :\)
I can't believe it. I keep shaking. I really couldn't believe it.Whoa what, Ryan Davis from Giant Bomb is dead!? He just got married last week...
I don't listen to much GB, but I know one of the greatest assets were their personalities. You never felt they were putting on a fake professional smile or anything, that this was really them. You watch and listen to them week after week, month after month, year after year, like friends you invite in your home. You feel like you know them, even if you never met them. To suddenly lose someone like that...devastating, absolutely devastating. Can't imagine how his wife feels.
Very sad to hear this.
Pretty much. It's really upsetting to know that it happened after his wedding. Putting myself in his other half's shoes, I can't even imagine how she feels. I mean, looking at their wedding photos, looking at some of the gifs of Ryan gettin' loose and dancing, and just being all around happy on that day; it was one of the happiest moments of their entire lives.I don't listen to much GB, but I know one of the greatest assets were their personalities. You never felt they were putting on a fake professional smile or anything, that this was really them. You watch and listen to them week after week, month after month, year after year, like friends you invite in your home. You feel like you know them, even if you never met them. To suddenly lose someone like that...devastating, absolutely devastating. Can't imagine how his wife feels.
Very sad to hear this.
Shut man, not really a Giant Bomb regular but I know the guys, I can't believe it.
It must be awful to have to bury your husband the week after you marry him.
No Jak 2 run. Playing Remember Me instead.In times like this, you have to focus on things that make you happy. Time to start that Jak 2 run!
Why are you messing the play up for the both of us? Ruining our date. >:|Made it to the date event in FF7. Schala came into my room and she forgot what she was gonna say, so instead she suggests going out on a date.
I'm gonna mess up this play we're in so hard.
sooooo much CD hate
get in there and defend it, Owl
I actually do have a copy of Golden Abyss somewhere around here, but if it's more focused on puzzles and stuff, that's fine with me. I just hope that the touchscreen/backtouch controls are decent.I feel like you may like Golden Abyss as much as I did, Schala, despite it having it's own issues. But there's much more banter between characters, it has way more/better puzzles (some of which actually require a bit of exploration to solve), and even whole "dedicated" to walking through ruins without shooting a single dude.
Hm. I was thinking of waiting for a sale or something, but I don't think that's gonna happen for a while.I was in the exact same position as you before I bought it some two weeks back.