Watching a friend play X Zone he borrowed from cookie girl
"why the fuck am I fightin' a small nation in every chapter!?"
This is the game ya'll wanted huh
It was mildly entertaining. Everyone should've known what to expect before grabbing it.
Watching a friend play X Zone he borrowed from cookie girl
"why the fuck am I fightin' a small nation in every chapter!?"
This is the game ya'll wanted huh
Watching a friend play X Zone he borrowed from cookie girl
"why the fuck am I fightin' a small nation in every chapter!?"
This is the game ya'll wanted huh
And it's the same thing ad nauseam until the end of the game.Watching a friend play X Zone he borrowed from cookie girl
"why the fuck am I fightin' a small nation in every chapter!?"
This is the game ya'll wanted huh
Post your impressions in the OT. The conversations like... make my brain melt.8 Tea Parties, billions of Ricardos and counting.
fuck this game :lol
Yep; I'll see what Coldman wants to do tomorrow.If we're still on the LW thread, I could do images if one of you wanted.
Wait holy shit, the samples in Wrapped in Black were from Malcom X?!
New Sonic episode of Did You Know Gaming is out.
Sonic's personality was inspired by? What?Bill Clinton
Ah, I see now.The Bill Clinton thing is a reference to what the developers perceived as Clinton's can-do attitude when running for president.
It's an interesting mix to be sure
I'm not entirely sure what would have been worse, a Wii port of Sonic '06 or the Secret Rings we got.
Waggle to roundhouse Silver.
Fairly easily. I didn't really start paying attention to politics until 2004 or so, so '90s politics are kind of a mystery to me.How you gonna let a canadian school you in US politics shadow hog
What happened to your Bowser avatar?I'm Bill Clinton :V
This is the only avatar I ever had! I am the real qq more, not this fake that was posting here for months!the same thing that happen to his other 20 avatars
New Sonic episode of Did You Know Gaming is out.
Sonic's personality was inspired by? What?Bill Clinton
Wait what stream?Shadow Hog. I'm like 22 days younger than you. This shouldn't be possible. (I kid.)
This is what happens when your mother leaves CNN on in the living room like 24/7.
OH. Time and Eternity DLC is up.
- Peppers (5-pack) Item Pack (Free)
- A Touch of Love Item Pack (0.99)
- A Hint of Swimwear Bonus Quest ($2.99)
- A Hint of Fishing Bonus Quest ($2.99)
Safe to say, we are not buying any of that DLC for the stream. I wrote some impressions here for the Whatcha Been Playin' thread, which essentially boil down to me expressing my disbelief for everything. I also namedropped JC for a Remember Me snip, and brought up a mystery game that I've been playing lately.
...You guys are more interested in this game than I am. It's kinda scary. :V
No you won't. You'll keep watching. And I'm the one suffering. You're just watching me suffer in silence.I'll probably bail out for a bit when it gets too creepy.
But yeah, the game honestly became so bad that I have to see it to the end. It's like Sonic 06, but only more painful.
No you won't. You'll keep watching. And I'm the one suffering. You're just watching me suffer in silence.
Well, if you need help with Graces, I platinumed the game twice. Ask me anything.
Same goes for Xillia. I platinumed that game twice. Ask me anything about that, too. I like the game, but it does so much wrong that it's hard to overlook its flaws.
*turns on Wii-U for first time in six months, blinking blue light of death*
this fuckin' console
That's not dumb. Aha, that's part of getting older, I guess. It's why I hope the next mainline Tales has online MP or something, so I can actually play it with a few J-GAF people when we import next time.This may sound dumb. But when I bought Graces the day it came out on PS3, it was meant for me and my friends (and siblings) to play it together since they loved the series- it's sort of like past time for me and them since Symphonia.
At the time we were able to hang out a lot often, but I moved pretty far (plus school and work), and we rarely all get together now. Since then I've put it down completely, I'll probably finish it alone, I have no problem doing that, but that's what made stop playing it I believe.
Wow, what problems did you have with Xillia? Do you prefer Graces?
That game is just right for QQ, why do you think he switched back to the leering eye avatar??
Wait a minute. This is a thing?! I didn't know that!*turns on Wii-U for first time in six months, blinking blue light of death*
this fuckin' console
brilliant plan toki
*turns on Wii-U for first time in six months, blinking blue light of death*
this fuckin' console