Probably overstocked.
With that said, doing some research, I don't think ASDA cared much about the Wii U to begin with. Apparently some of the offerings in some of the stores have been kind of poor? Anyway, ASDA's a supermarketish/WalMartish place, right? So essentially when you go into a supermarket, you're not catering to the likes of people who go to GAME or EB or whatever who would probably know that the Wii U exists and what the games are for the platform. You're catering to people who will pay attention to you when you put the effort and budget into adequate marketing and making stores put some shelf space in for you. People do go on the internet and read Kotaku and whomever to get some games news, but they're not absolutely drenched in it like we tend to be, so they tend to be a little savvy. Regardless of that fact, if they don't see a lot of shelf space for the product that's supposed to be current right now, they're not gonna buy it.
With that said, I have to wonder if they're still shifting Wii stock and Wii game stock. If that's the case, I wonder if Nintendo UK should just buy back some of of that or swap it for more Wii U presence. I don't care. If you have Wii games selling under the Wii U banner, that's actually a problem, despite the system being backwards-compatible. Your job is to put the system at hand to the forefront, not the system of the past. Putting Wii games under the same banner doesn't really help the fact that some people can't differentiate the Wii from the Wii U either.
I'll say what I told Bean this morning: Nintendo's not gonna drop the Wii U by any means. They'll probably soldier on and treat it like a GameCube/N64 because that's what Nintendo typically does outside of one machine. They need to make the cash that went into R&D worth it. With that said, I don't think they did a good job of closing out the Wii's cycle at all, and didn't really provide a springboard/incentive for previous Wii owners (including the ones who treated it as a fad--and that's the word I'm going to use because there's no better alternative word to those who just bought it because it was the in thing especially during the time of a recession where video games were just a cheaper means of entertainment--and I'm sorry for using that word, but that's just how it kinda was when you speak to non-traditional players about it) to jump on the Wii U as a viable platform. I still say Nintendo's going to keep it steady with first party content with some third party exclusives mixed in a la GameCube. But they're not going to see Wii numbers for a while. Not now.
Makin room for the P Es Fore.
But I really wouldn't take that news as detrimental for LW. They don't even stock the 3DS, yet they stock the Vita.
Probably not overstocked.
As for the 3DS that boggles my mind. Unless it's a situation like's or something. Because that's legitimately the primary system that's been consistently doing well for a while.
Edit: I've thought about it. They probably still have a lot of DS stock that they haven't shifted. Again, buyback/swap and promote 3DS instead, Nintendo UK.

The real truth of the matter is that I am collecting every copy of that terrible game to destroy them all.
/hides copy of Quest 64 she found for like $5.
I don't like the game, but I want to keep my copy, dammit.