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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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BHZ Mayor

Since we're on a fresh page, let's not further shit up this thread over fucking Pewdiepie of all things.

qq more, you should probably go play that R&C collection or something, and Beef, presidents are supposed to set a better example than this.
Since we're on a fresh page, let's not further shit up this thread over fucking Pewdiepie of all things.

qq more, you should probably go play that R&C collection or something, and Beef, presidents are supposed to set a better example than this.

I donated all my Presidential earnings to a Chao-related charity. Does that help?


And fuck, I have zero idea how PDP got so popular with his rape jokes / constant screaming and shouting and making a spectacle out of himself. LPs were never ever designed to be around the personalities discussing the game, though that's generally a plus when you genuinely make yourself likeable and easy to listen to. They were designed around discussing the game at hand and sharing the information you know about it + possibly playing it well. Not... promoting your personality to the point where the game you're playing is secondary to the show you're trying to put on.

Well, it's fine that let's plays have branched out to other "genres" besides just being informative and showing off the game. Phantasmagoria 2 is basically the Spoony Improv Hour and it's gloriou- wait... it's not in the LP thread OP? How? Have you not seen it?

Anyway, I think if you do go the route of making it more about the person playing, you really need to not get complacent or let the fame go to your head.

The condescension that's going on with respect to LPs kind of makes me chuckle.

"Why would you want to watch someone play a video game?

I watch some of you play video games all the time, and I like that some of you watch me play video games, too. There's legitimately nothing wrong with watching someone good at a game showing off a game that they like and actively having a conversation about the game when the person is playing it. I dunno. It's the equivalent of watching TV for me sometimes. I don't watch TV anymore outside of sports and the news, so walkthroughs/playthroughs/LPs are a source of entertainment for me, and they feature people who are good at a game and I like watching the game in action. *shrug*

I used to think this too. That attitude is probably largely due to the good stuff being buried under a mountain of shit.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
What happened on the last page? I took a nap, thinking to have a little bit of time for myself today, and I come back to both of you arguing over inane shit. Thanks, BHZ Mayor/Coldman, for being the middleman in my stead. Honestly... It says something when I get PMs about it and I get messages about from people who don't post on GAF about it.

You guys should probably let bygones be bygones and apologize. Especially Beef, just because you went way too far with the argument and you didn't seem to understand where qq was coming from. There was legitimately nothing wrong with what qq was saying because when you take a look at a PDP video compared to... oh, say, a C&I video, or, hell, even a Spoony video and you notice the difference between them in terms of quality and production value. It's just disappointing overall when PDP gets so much interest because of his rape jokes and making himself the centre of attention as opposed to putting the focus on the game he's playing and not making a spectacle of himself. The rape jokes and constant screaming for the sake of it bother me exponentially, and it's just disappointing that people get a kick out of that as opposed to watching someone play a game well and explain it accordingly while being chummy and easy to listen to.

So, please set this aside and let bygones be bygones. I don't like it when people fight in here because it isn't a place to fight in.

And let the conversation be dropped.

Well, it's fine that let's plays have branched out to other "genres" besides just being informative and showing off the game. Phantasmagoria 2 is basically the Spoony Improv Hour and it's gloriou- wait... it's not in the LP thread OP? How? Have you not seen it?

I used to think this too. That attitude is probably largely due to with how the good stuff has been buried under a mountain of shit.
Spoony has his own thread. I'm not sure if people update the thread anymore even though I see him putting VLogs up still.

The Phantasmagoria 2 LP is still mostly about the game than Spoony's shtick, though. That's what's likeable about it.


My friend--a PC gamer--got a PS3 and is suddenly really getting into FFXIII. Apparently he thinks the gameplay is deep and he likes Lightning... a lot.

How do I solve this problem?

Spoony has his own thread. I'm not sure if people update the thread anymore even though I see him putting VLogs up still.

The Phantasmagoria 2 LP is still mostly about the game than Spoony's shtick, though. That's what's likeable about it.

Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that thread since it's rarely posted in.


The boss theme is pretty boss, admittedly. I need to track down the rest of the FDS soundtrack to compare the Nintendo Land work to.

And I could have sworn that F-Zero had some more "intense" pieces.

It does, but they all try to straddle the line between rock and jazz and turned out pretty half-baked compared to just about every other rendition of the themes. Fire Field's the only one that embraced the genre shift wholeheartedly.
The Souls games aren't really JRPGs, though, are they? I mean, it feels cheating to call Demon's Souls the best JRPG on the PS3. Semantics aside.

Oh, and Folklore is supposed to be good, FWIW. So I'm told.
Fair enough. Souls is definitely an RPG, but way closer to an WRPG. Of course, I can't see it ever being made by a Western studio, such is the nature of its combat and its difficulty.

Genres are funky. I like when games subvert their genre, but it sure makes categorising them a bitch. I suppose that's the point.


I guess this is the point where I admit I finally played Dark Souls a couple months ago. Like, four times in a row over the course of two weeks.

Every game still doesn't need to be like it.


It's my humble opinion that Dark Souls is overrated. A good game through and through, but the endless circle jerks are unwarranted.

It isn't without its problems. The core combat system is rock solid, if a bit too focused on backstab and riposte, the art's great, and the level design spectacular. But stats have really weird diminishing returns, most item upgrade paths are pointless, the offensive and defensive types in general don't matter much, gearing ends up being more about weight and poise than the actual defensive stats, and covenants weren't thought out well at all.

I'm definitely curious to see if DS2 cleans up how broken the various RPG elements are.


Not to mention Magic is pretty broken.
I enjoyed it, but yeah it's definitely not the template by which every quasi open world RPG needs to follow.


It's my humble opinion that Dark Souls is overrated. A good game through and through, but the endless circle jerks are unwarranted.

The souls games have brought me an apprciation of good difficulty. I have been playing a lot of games with a good sense of challenge as of late. That said, I now how to rethink how I feel about OG megaman, I do not think alot of the difficulty set ups in those games aren't very good actually. I suppouse they worked for the time, but X atleast the first one, got it right.

Thems my two cents anyways.
The boss theme is pretty boss, admittedly. I need to track down the rest of the FDS soundtrack to compare the Nintendo Land work to.
I just did. I can't find this song on it.

Best I can guess is that they took the main theme and tried to make a boss theme out of it, and apparently succeeded fairly well.
I don't know why I'm tempted to buy Diablo next week even though I barely have time to play SR4 as it is. My replacement PSP battery can't get here soon enough.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I tried the EU demo out and I ended up being pretty satisfied with it. I'm picking up the Vita and PS3 versions (PS3 version is provided I have money, but if I can't fit it into my Sept budget, I'm going with the Vita version since it's cheaper). I miiiiight pick the Wii U version down the road, but I dunno yet (I know it's the lead platform and has its own share of extras, but we'll see).

I liked Origins a lot, and Legends was originally the reason I was considering picking a Wii U up at launch, but we all know how that turned out.

Only if you take back your wrong opinion on FF 4 and 6.
Does it make you feel better knowing that I cannot count how many times I've played/speedran/glitched through FF4 on all of my fingers and toes? I actually liked FF4 when I was much younger. I don't like it now because I'd come to realize that I don't like the narrative/characters, and other games from that era like Phantasy Star II had done much better from a narrative standpoint / character death.

As for FF6, I think it was the last FF from the series that I'd played/beaten prior to FF13's release. I just don't think much of it, mechanically. From a historical standpoint, I get what it did and it did a few things for the series (or set some blueprints that were improved on in later games), but on a personal front, outside of the Opera bits/Kefka being great/the final boss being allusions to various literature, I don't really think much of the game itself.

You can't tell me what to do.

Bought it today. Gotta finish off Wonderful 101 before I start it though.

Man... NoE is the bomb. :/

Schala, you're too nice to be using that smiley.
What about this smiley?

Yeah, I'm probably too skint to get it right now.
...what game are you really going to get when you get some cash?

Man... NoE is the bomb. :/

Well, NAL in my case (though they basically just follow whatever NoE are doing with little autonomy, the only notable exception I can think of being the GCN Animal Crossing which they put out themselves a year before the UK, but still a year after the US), and they still have their problems (had to import Kirby's Dream Collection, still need to import Excitebot one day, the Fire Emblem/AC: New Leaf delays) but yeah, they're both a lot more on the ball than they used to be.


Plus based Shibata > Reggie


My friend--a PC gamer--got a PS3 and is suddenly really getting into FFXIII. Apparently he thinks the gameplay is deep and he likes Lightning... a lot.

How do I solve this problem?

Let him enjoy the game for whatever he likes of it.
When he beats it, let him play the original FFs, though preferablly-
Unfortunately the better versions of 4-6 are on Nintendo Handhelds, but the Steam ver. of FF7 is good IIRC.
Finished Wonderful 101 this evening, all there really is to say is wow. The whole thing is like distilled Kamiya. Americanadians waiting for the game to release have something special ahead of you.

Gotta put it aside for Rayman and Splinter Cell Blacklist for now but I'm keen to go back to the mission mode and to improve my stage ratings to a respectable level.
GTAV/SR4 comparisons zzzzzzzzzz. Let's continue to compare the open world satirical crime-themed TPS/driving game with the open world alien-invasion-themed superhero comedy game! Wait, let's not.

Now, if you said GTAV won't have shit on Sleeping Dogs, then you'd have my curiosity.
SR4 felt like a 7/10 to me. Some of the funniest, best moments of the year, but the novelty of the missions is the main appeal, because the actual game mechanics aint nothing to write home about. Combat in particular is just boring as hell, even with upgraded superpowers. And that final boss was wack as fuck.


Is FFIV fun? My friend got it, and wants me to get it. I often don't trust his opinion since he buys anything.

EDIT: Dark Souls is a great game, game of the generation it is not lol. I don't even think I have a game of the generation. When I play games I hardly ever think about that stuff, unless I am absolutely blown away, and I can't even remember the last time that happened.


You all had better be getting Rayman Legends next week.

Nah. I played the Origins demo and didn't enjoy it. It felt so slippery. Lord knows there's plenty of other platformers to pick from this year.

I'm probably going to pick up W101 when... oh shit I'm home now, I can try the demo! Finally.


Yea, I liked Origins, and Legends looks great, but I'm gonna pass for now. Wait till black friday. GTAV will probably be the last full price $60 game I buy before the other two next gen consoles arrive. My wallet has been a bit too generous this year, buying Ni No Kuni at $60, then finding it at places for $40 a week later broke me.
Nah. I played the Origins demo and didn't enjoy it. It felt so slippery. Lord knows there's plenty of other platformers to pick from this year.

I'm probably going to pick up W101 when... oh shit I'm home now, I can try the demo! Finally.

Try the demo for Legends. I wasn't too hot on Origins either but Legends is way tighter.
Is FFIV fun? My friend got it, and wants me to get it. I often don't trust his opinion since he buys anything.

EDIT: Dark Souls is a great game, game of the generation it is not lol. I don't even think I have a game of the generation. When I play games I hardly ever think about that stuff, unless I am absolutely blown away, and I can't even remember the last time that happened.

It's a pretty fun game, it has an interesting cast of characters. The gameplay won't blow you out of the water but it provides a decent challenge. And the music is as grand as ever. The only real regrettable FF game to play is 2.
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