Sorry about yesterday, folks. I wasn't being myself.
...I should really really play Type-0 one of these days, to be honest. I'm itching to write impressions for that game based on the entire game as opposed to the two demos (one of which is the first chapter or two of the full game) +
what Bebpo thought of it.
It's just funny how people keep saying that it's like the second coming/one of the best FFs in a long time, and then I read Bebpo's impressions of it and it sounds like everything I dislike about an RPG and RPG design in general rolled into one game. And I generally agree with Bebpo's assessments on stuff, so I do get the impression that I won't like it. When he said it has
less depth than Final Fantasy XIII-2's battle system, I was all, "Nah, son. That can't be possible." Final Fantasy XIII-2 was an unbalanced and easy game. I mean, I saw it coming with Type-0's demos because all you needed was a killsight to finish battles quickly, but man. :/
IAfter Schala streamed Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, I wound up looking up some spoilers about main character Emil. What I saw in the stream was a pathetic coward who didn't warrant a supposed 12th(?) place in a Japanese "best Tales characters" poll. Knowing the big twist... okay, yeah, I can kinda see why, now. That's actually pretty clever.
Mmm. I disagree. Up until the final dungeon or so, he still behaves like that, and it's so irritating to see that he hasn't started growing a pair and relies on his red-eyed mode in order to gather courage. Needs to gather up courage to fucking
thank someone! Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality nonsense and repetition. It's Shinji Ikari gone
wrong. How Marta crushes on him and fawns over
him of all people is beyond me, lol. Though I don't really play Tales for the story so I kind of ignore the narrative half the time.
And most of ToS2's characters are bad anyway.
What I dislike about Knight of Ratatosk's battle system, while keeping in mind that I don't dislike the system's premise overall, is that (and you could probably tell this while I was battling since Emil took so fucking long to recover) that there's this God-awful recover delay after special moves so you have to stand still like a fool, keep your finger on Z to block, then attack again, then block and attack again, instead of attacking like normal Tales games. It's stupid. Who designed that? And the lack of AI options is disheartening.
But don't worry. 999 hit combos are soooooooooooooooooooo hard.
I do kinda prefer the Japanese title of Knight of Ratatosk, since it completely fits in with all of the Norse mythology going on in Symphonia in general (ex: Ratatoskr, Ymir, Yggdrasil, Heimdall, Fenrir, etc.). *shrug*
Don't get me wrong. I
like ToS2, but man. So much shit done wrong when you go past the basics. Monster system and monster evolution system is good and has some semblance to depth to it, so I can't say anything wrong about that. And there's a lot of fan material in there (references to other games, lots of minigames, etc.). I ended up skipping the intro for ToS2 when streaming because I don't like the English version at all. The
Japanese version's tune sounds annoying but it can be catchy as hell. To be fair, I'm not as well-versed in Knight of Ratatosk as I am other Tales games (ie: battle system-wise like I am with Team Destiny games and stuff), but... there isn't a lot to take advantage of here.
XSEED is localizing Trails in the Sky 2, and are even bringing Trails 1 and 2 to PC, yes S-E has no plans of localizing FF Type-0
PSP game. Plus you're comparing apples to oranges.
Not letting XSEED off the hook at all. Nope, nope, nope. SC is probably a good way to say, "yeah, this is all you're going to get", but... nah, I don't want to get into the whole XSEED nonsense/PR snafus on their behalf. Oh well, at least you guys are getting a better game than FC except it has bad pacing towards the end of it but the ending's worth it. 3rd's still going to be my favourite.
And I have to admit that it bugs me a lot when people are like, "Why can't they localize the Zero/Ao Evolution games now?" That's because these games are truly meant to be played in order. That's why I'm making a bit of a big deal about not having played Ao no Kiseki before Sen since I'm waiting for the Vita release of Ao no Kiseki Evolution next year. I
was going to jump directly from FC or SC to Zero, but I'm so happy I was convinced not to do that. I got so much more out of the story because I didn't skip anything. Not to mention that character arcs have more of a purpose when you play them in order
and you can import your save from previous titles in order to get level boosts.
So don't play these games out of order. It is truly not to your benefit at all. It isn't like Genso Suikoden where you can just pick up any game you want in the series and play it due to self-containment because they
are all connected in such a way that it would be beneficial to play the previous game first.
The Crash games don't really need analog movement. It's not like Super Mario 64 at all. Crash levels either move forward, move backward, or are side scrolling. I've only ever played Crash 1 and 2, but I never found myself wishing for full 360 degree analog control at all.
Yeah, that's the vibe I got out of the Crash games, especially since the levels are designed without the need for analogue movement. Granted, it's been a looooooooooooooooooong time since I've played a Crash game. Maybe I might not think much of 'em now.
CTR is good, though.