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Music is a trickier subject for a lot of people including myself, if you don't have much knowledge of music as a whole then you're basically going by how you feel which is kind of tricky to articulate, sometimes i'll think like"oh I like that instrument" but haven't the foggiest clue what name the instrument has leading to wishy washy statements like "the flute thing is good stuff". Of course I agree with the Schala Scolding as Beef put it (Will I need to Trademark this one in the future?) but do consider throwing your hat into the game in some of the more well put together music threads, you don't need to give it the full works, it'd be nice just to see a few more explanations in these parts.

Another checking in with this. In my case I remember a few technical terms but never know the best way to apply them. I do usually try to sound like I know what I'm talking about.


Music is a trickier subject for a lot of people including myself, if you don't have much knowledge of music as a whole then you're basically going by how you feel which is kind of tricky to articulate, sometimes i'll think like"oh I like that instrument" but haven't the foggiest clue what name the instrument has leading to wishy washy statements like "the flute thing is good stuff".
Yeah, even coming from a "musical family" I'm still sitting here looking up terms on Wikipedia to try to describe what I like about Cyber Track's "leitmotif," whatever the hell that is :V
I know what that is

This is dissonance, right? That kind of "conflicting harmony"? I love that in just about every song.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Haha, you guys don't even have to use musical terms at all! I try not to because people won't be able to decipher what I have to say.

Simply saying that you like the scene in which it plays and describing the music in relation to the scene or dungeon or battle or something is actually sufficient. Or "the best part of this theme is the synth flute" or something.

Of course my personal button is those LTTP threads of FUCKING NOTHING!
I mean there's not even anything for anyone to discuss with such exciting openings as...

So i'm currently taking the game out of the shrinkwrap while on the train back to my house, hope it's good.

I guess we could talk about the case right? even music lists have links that are more valuable then these wretched parties of nothing, just an empty plate of crumbs where the cake should've been.
Yeah, I can't really understand the point of making an LTTP thread before you've even played the game. Even playing the game a little bit, and making the move to describe your experience throughout the thread would be welcome, even if you haven't finished the game yet.

It may be best to make the thread when you do finish the game, though.
Yeah, GTA is definitely going on my GOTY list. Possibly at the fucking top.

Michael is for sure one of the best protagonists in forever. What a sorry guy. And that tennis minigame! And the Lifeinvader mission!

This fucking game, man.
Man, I had to pay bills and shit, so GTA was out of the question until Friday next week. Even my supervisors at work were talking about the game all day.
Man, I had to pay bills and shit, so GTA was out of the question until Friday next week. Even my supervisors at work were talking about the game all day.

The tennis is up there with Ocarina fishing and Triple Triad as an all-time greatest minigame. Mainly because a) it could literally be its own game and b) it controls amazingly well.


Not gonna lie, the first thing to have me interested in GTA5 was seeing that tennis gameplay.

I just recently prioritized all my upcoming gaming purchases and I already knew it'd be some time before I got my hands on the game though, so I'm fine holding out for a PS4 version.

Number 1 priority right now is waiting for Pokemon Y.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I picked up a copy of GTA5 for my bf since his birthday's next week and he'd asked for it a few months ago. I don't really have much interest in it. It's funny. He used to be a huge Nintendo guy and now if you look at his list, he either plays the popular stuff or the dudebro stuff, haha.

At the same time, apparently I had TW101 on preorder and didn't even know it so I picked that up, too.
I did recently buy New Super Luigi U, despite not owning a Wii U, weirdly enough. I'm not really itching to play the game or anything, but knowing how Nintendo can be with limited releases, I figured I'd pick up a physical copy while it's still available instead of waiting for whenever I do get one and having to deal with tracking it down.

All of these Tennis posts remind me of how addictive Rockstar Table Tennis was.


I really want to get GTA and loads of other games but many of them don't have pc versions and I'm leaving all my consoles behind when I go to uni in like 4 days (may end up taking them over in a few weeks) so I can't play them. Sucks man. At least I've got Dota to comfort me.
I actually had to force myself to stop playing GTAV so I could study for this preeeeetty important exam tomorrow. I haven't even met Trevor yet, half of my gametime has been cruising around the world doing whatever, sightseeing and random events. One of the highlights today was when my dog got hit by a car, and so I pulled whoever was in the car out. It was some old lady, who start whoopin' me with her damn purse. Beat her ass, some dude on his cellphone called the cops, beat his ass, too. And then it was time for the world's shortest police chase, as I got in the old ladies car, which controlled like ass, hit this little structure I thought I could blow through, and go flying through the windshield because I didn't buckle up. "Damn, that was some video game shit!" says random pedestrian.

BHZ Mayor

I think I might be done with Rayman Legends guys. It was great fun at first, but after you get done with the main levels, it takes a turn for the fucking stupid. The
Shadow Mario Dark Rayman
levels are bad enough, but who in their right fucking mind thought it would be a good idea to
obscure your fucking vision
and call that challenge? Oh I get what they're doing. They want you to
time your jumps and attacks with the song
, but since
your actions aren't always 100% 1 to 1 with the music
, the idea goes to total fucking shit.
I'm tempted by GTA5 but I wanted to wait a week or two for impressions not clouded by the immediate new game euphoria but damn posters I trust on this matter are all on the praise train, most importantly its destination is good old fashioned fun it seems. i'm not sure how much longer I can last.

Good but not surprising to know that we're almost all
musically term challenged.

I don't think you can be LTTP for a game that only came out a day ago.
You'd think so but it will happen one day!
We get them like 2 or 3 weeks past big releases these days, that number can still go down.

I think I might be done with Rayman Legends guys. It was great fun at first, but after you get done with the main levels, it takes a turn for the fucking stupid. The
Shadow Mario Dark Rayman
levels are bad enough, but who in their right fucking mind thought it would be a good idea to
obscure your fucking vision
and call that challenge? Oh I get what they're doing. They want you to
time your jumps and attacks with the song
, but since
your actions aren't always 100% 1 to 1 with the music
, the idea goes to total fucking shit.
Dark Rayman is fine but tricky, but the vision hindering 8 bit stuff is pretty bad and a poor way to cap off the game.


So I've been trawling through that megathread by Sciz that Schala linked in the sonic music thread and I came across this post...

Even Sky Patrol's music isn't bad. Not very memorable, but pleasant enough. Perhaps a bit overly chipper. Sega just happens to employ a large number of very talented composers, and has the good sense to always put a few of them to work on new games in the series. Which makes me wonder if Sega or Bioware is providing the music for Sonic Chronicles.

Man, Yamauchi. What a bummer. Always weird when people in games pass away...

Moreover, he's like the OG. Yeah there were people like Bushnell before him that laid the groundwork, but it was really Yamauchi and what he spearheaded with Nintendo that formed gaming as we know it today.

85's a pretty good innings, though.


So I've been trawling through that megathread by Sciz that Schala linked in the sonic music thread and I came across this post...


I should've realized at the time that Wavemaster wasn't going to have anything to do with a Western-developed game. I was young and naive. D:


yamauchi was a workaholic. that led to some necessary changes in the game industry and some really good business decisions in the long run. he was also a womanizer, which strained his relationship with his family. i hope the guy made his peace with his family in his ten years away from the day to day at nintendo. it's hard to believe that we're at the point where the pioneers of the industry are starting to pass away. it's going to suck once the old legends leave us for good, but for now it's great bushnell, baer, and others are still around (and i'm glad baer has finally been getting the recognition he's deserved more recently).

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I didn't go into my classes this morning because I was basically dead-sick.

Regarding Hiroshi Yamauchi, I'm not going to glorify the man because he did so some things that made his family resent him at certain points in time (ie: he rebuffed his dad on his deathbed even if they had a weird relationship, and his dad wanted to see him in his final hours, and Yamauchi was all, "eff that guy", he was a womanizer like AniHawk said and that didn't do well for his relationship with his wife and daughters at all, etc.), but I do respect him for one thing: he was a tough-as-nails businessman and knew his way around businesses. He never really played video games, but his ego and general reliance on his gut just made him one of the hardest businessmen in the industry.

With this, though, I would argue that Iwata has even less control when it comes to shareholders making suggestions now. Yamauchi was the second-biggest shareholder for Nintendo. He had Iwata's back vs all those smaller shareholders asking questions during the Q&As like, "When is Nintendo going to make smartphone games?", "I only invested in this company because my birthday horoscope said so, please make more money", etc. Yamauchi would never ever let them put a console or something to bed early and give up, because he'd probably look for the harder path and make them go through that harder path.

I do wonder what's going to happen to his shares now. Will they stay in the family (some of whom are employed by Nintendo), or are they going to sell them off?

Despite saying stuff like people who play RPGs are depressed people sitting in dark rooms playing slow games, telling Squaresoft to go fuck off when they wanted to only make GBA games, when he bitched and cursed at Coleco for putting Donkey Kong on the Adam Computer:

Yamauchi entered the room abruptly and, without addressing anyone, stood at the end of the table. He became, as one of those present put it, "unglued."

He began with a breathy, high-pitched tirade in a Marlon Brando monotone and quickly became loud and abusive. with a piercing cry, he swung his arm in an arc in front of him, shooting his outstretched index finger toward Greenberg.

Yamauchi's diatribe, all in Japanese, completely stunned everyone in the room with the possible exception of the Arakawas. Howard Lincoln said, "It scared the hell out of me."

The Coleco people weren't aware that they had messed up Nintendo's lucrative Atari deal- millions of dollars were in the balance- but they could see that they had somehow incurred Yamauchi's unfathomable wrath. When Greenberg tuned to Arakawa for help, he was met with a cold stare. By the time Yamauchi wound down, no one in the room said a word.

The translator finally began to speak. "Mr. Yamauchi is very upset," the man said.

...having that whole urban legend (where no one knows it's true but wow, did it stick to Yamauchi given that it was suspicious and he had Yakuza connections like most larger company executives) about asking the Yakuza to put a hit on Yokoi (for the Wonderswan), strongarming the industry (ie: stores weren't allowed to sell competitor products), and a bunch of other weird shit, Yamauchi was at least tough-as-nails despite being a bit of a dick. Still, RIP, Hiroshi Yamauchi. I'll remember the man for his staunch business sense and genius in that respect. He did leave his mark on the industry in that sense, whether he'd like to know that or not.

Given that iOS7 has controller support, who knows what'll happen now since the rest of Nintendo's shareholders are kind of bonkers.

Really, the whole thing makes me want to read Sheff's Game Over again. That was one of my first video game history books, and it's one of my favourites.

(and i'm glad baer has finally been getting the recognition he's deserved more recently).
Me too. It took years, but I'm glad Ralph Baer's brown box got recognized.


I have Game Over as well! I should re-read that one of these days.

In other news, Gravity Daze 2. Mmmmmm. ♥

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
You know when you're sick, you're there, but sometimes you feel like you're not there? Your eyes kind of half glaze over, but you're like, "No, I'm still pretty conscious"? That's me right now.

In other news, Gravity Daze 2. Mmmmmm. ♥
I hope it plays better. But I'm more interested in it for a) the music, and b) the story. I dunno. I felt like the first was just ok, but with some issues in control, or combat I didn't care much for.

But hey, that game was begging for a sequel anyway.


it's hard to believe that we're at the point where the pioneers of the industry are starting to pass away. it's going to suck once the old legends leave us for good, but for now it's great bushnell, baer, and others are still around (and i'm glad baer has finally been getting the recognition he's deserved more recently).

Fortunately we've got a while yet before the stars of the 80's like Miyamoto and Lord British start dropping off.


I feel as though Nintendo has been preparing for his passing for some time now.
Perhaps some behind the scenes things will happen at NCL, but I expect them to operate largely the same.

RIP Yamauchi.


I didn't go into my classes this morning because I was basically dead-sick.

Regarding Hiroshi Yamauchi, I'm not going to glorify the man because he did so some things that made his family resent him at certain points in time (ie: he rebuffed his dad on his deathbed even if they had a weird relationship, and his dad wanted to see him in his final hours, and Yamauchi was all, "eff that guy", he was a womanizer like AniHawk said and that didn't do well for his relationship with his wife and daughters at all, etc.), but I do respect him for one thing: he was a tough-as-nails businessman and knew his way around businesses. He never really played video games, but his ego and general reliance on his gut just made him one of the hardest businessmen in the industry.

With this, though, I would argue that Iwata has even less control when it comes to shareholders making suggestions now. Yamauchi was the second-biggest shareholder for Nintendo. He had Iwata's back vs all those smaller shareholders asking questions during the Q&As like, "When is Nintendo going to make smartphone games?", "I only invested in this company because my birthday horoscope said so, please make more money", etc. Yamauchi would never ever let them put a console or something to bed early and give up, because he'd probably look for the harder path and make them go through that harder path.

I do wonder what's going to happen to his shares now. Will they stay in the family (some of whom are employed by Nintendo), or are they going to sell them off?

Despite saying stuff like people who play RPGs are depressed people sitting in dark rooms playing slow games, telling Squaresoft to go fuck off when they wanted to only make GBA games, when he bitched and cursed at Coleco for putting Donkey Kong on the Adam Computer:

...having that whole urban legend (where no one knows it's true but wow, did it stick to Yamauchi given that it was suspicious and he had Yakuza connections like most larger company executives) about asking the Yakuza to put a hit on Yokoi (for the Wonderswan), strongarming the industry (ie: stores weren't allowed to sell competitor products), and a bunch of other weird shit, Yamauchi was at least tough-as-nails despite being a bit of a dick. Still, RIP, Hiroshi Yamauchi. I'll remember the man for his staunch business sense and genius in that respect. He did leave his mark on the industry in that sense, whether he'd like to know that or not.

Given that iOS7 has controller support, who knows what'll happen now since the rest of Nintendo's shareholders are kind of bonkers.

Really, the whole thing makes me want to read Sheff's Game Over again. That was one of my first video game history books, and it's one of my favourites.

Me too. It took years, but I'm glad Ralph Baer's brown box got recognized.

man, i forgot about the stuff with his father. and the whole thing about firing every manager who had worked under his father.

it's weird that his video game genius came into play only in the 80s. i think he really respected and trusted miyamoto: and probably to a fault (where miyamoto was able to convince him that they had to do just one more cartridge system). i think he kinda trusted yokoi, but it's harder to tell because from what i can tell he sorta treated the guy like shit once miyamoto started doing his thing.

Fortunately we've got a while yet before the stars of the 80's like Miyamoto and Lord British start dropping off.

and there aren't many of them working today. miyamoto's 60, and he's a healthy 60. he's probably got one more full generation in him where he's making big design decisions in the big games he produces, but i can't see him doing the full time stuff beyond 70. even guys like aonuma and iwata are in their 50s. koizumi's a little younger, in his mid-40s. there's big younger-mid30s star like miyamoto was in the 80s... or even elsewhere in japan. hideki kamiya was probably the last one.
I wish I knew how to submit entries to @NeoGAFShitPosts.

Not for anything anyone in here did, mind. I'd bring it up, but we've already started clamping down on posting mean things about particular users behind their backs, so I'll just leave it at that.


All ya gotta do is tweet something at the account. I've done so plenty of times and they tweet it not a moment later, usually right after favorite-ing it.


Gatdayum now that I cannot do...

Which gets to me asking: What are some stuff in video game genres that you can't do, while other players can do just fine? Or how about if there games in a series that you just can't get into or play?

In my case: I don't think I can ever be able to play SF Alpha/Zero 2 or 3 properly, they're just too stiff control-wise, which is funny because I can play Garou for the most part really well.
...and for the life of me I don't think I can ever do Urien's corner Tackle combos in 3S, even though I know what the trick for it is.

In Sonic games (and to a certain extent platformers I guess) for example, I don't think I can ever imitate or do what speedrunners do. It's why in Rayman Legends I usually just aim for a Silver at best in online Challenges, even if getting a higher Cup just requires a little more diligence.
I can't do fighting games in general. Seriously, other than the Soul Caliber series, I suck hardcore. I mean, I enjoy them well enough, I just can't seem to get the combos going.
For whatever reason I was never able to quite grasp how I should be playing FF Tactics and its similar counterpart Tactics Ogre, i'm still not entirely sure what throws me for a loop in these two but my journeys through both on the PSP ended pretty quickly as I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was playing it all wrong.

As for entire genres, typically RTS games and Puzzle games (in the vein of Tetris, Columns, Puyo Pop and all so on) don't get along well with me. I chalk it down to not being too good and working out quick tactical decisions on the fly. Going one further in RTS i'm soooo slow at multitasking, I feel like i'm too laidback in nature to have the urgency required to actually perform well. turn based strategy games allow me to take my sweet time so i'm far more likely to give them a shot.

One more regarding two similar games, i've never been able to click with Demon's Souls, Dark Souls on the other hand I think is great, strange how that works.


Racing sims require a precision and patience that I just don't have if you want to play them really well. I've never tried fighting games so I have no clue whether I could play them well (with practice of course). In platformers I couldn't even do the harder challenges in NSMBU, well and get gold medals anyway.


I can't do fighting games in general. Seriously, other than the Soul Caliber series, I suck hardcore. I mean, I enjoy them well enough, I just can't seem to get the combos going.

I can play them, but I honestly get tired of fighting games where you have to do circle motions or the down forward motions or anything where you have to rotate a joystick. I like knowing a move is going to come out no matter what as long as I press the right button.


MOBAs and Grand Strategy games with huge macro and micro management lose me.
I try to get into them but I can't.

Barring Civilization, of course.

qq more

I can't do fighting games in general. Seriously, other than the Soul Caliber series, I suck hardcore. I mean, I enjoy them well enough, I just can't seem to get the combos going.
I know how you feel, I can't play them well either. They're not bad, but they're too hard for me to play right. I always end up button mashing by accident. I don't think they're for me... Regardless I still have fun with them.

One of the reasons why I love Smash Bros so much is that its gameplay is so accessible and incredibly easy to understand.

EDIT: Oh and Power Stone is fantastic, I should get it on my new Dreamcast already. Agh! Too many things to buy!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I called my supervisor just now and she said I sounded like garbage, lol. Though to be fair, it's probably not best to work at a hospital when you're sick, so she told me not to go in tomorrow morning because everyone around here is sick, including her. :V


Oooh, as for games I'm terrible at...

  • You guys know about the fact that I can't play first-person games due to motion sickness and nausea
  • Noi knows that I'm terrible at aiming and firing sometimes if I can't see a darn thing
  • I'm not that great at fighting games but that might be due to a lack of practice. Regardless, I don't think I have the time/patience to try to get as good as a lot of the people in the FGC threads like Beef. Shit like Power Stone and Dissidia is doable for some reason.
  • Can't play a lot of racing games because of motion sickness and nausea
  • MMOs, just because I don't have a lot of time to play them, anyway, so I can't justify the cost to subscribe to anything.

I honest-to-God think that I'm not that great at platformers despite other people saying that I'm alright at them. It just takes some practice on my part. Same goes for action games. If I practice at it and learn animations well, then I'll play it better.

man, i forgot about the stuff with his father. and the whole thing about firing every manager who had worked under his father.

it's weird that his video game genius came into play only in the 80s. i think he really respected and trusted miyamoto: and probably to a fault (where miyamoto was able to convince him that they had to do just one more cartridge system). i think he kinda trusted yokoi, but it's harder to tell because from what i can tell he sorta treated the guy like shit once miyamoto started doing his thing.
He did (regarding Miyamoto). I remember reading that he just told Yokoi to oversee Miyamoto despite Miyamoto basically "knowing nothing about video games" and not being an engineer. He brought him on because he was enthusiastic and had interesting ideas about how to make video games or what they should have. But yeah, maybe he did trust Miyamoto to a fault. Even then Yamauchi did end up making a lot of smart decisions, even probably when he was being consulted for Wii/DS.

and there aren't many of them working today. miyamoto's 60, and he's a healthy 60. he's probably got one more full generation in him where he's making big design decisions in the big games he produces, but i can't see him doing the full time stuff beyond 70. even guys like aonuma and iwata are in their 50s. koizumi's a little younger, in his mid-40s. there's big younger-mid30s star like miyamoto was in the 80s... or even elsewhere in japan. hideki kamiya was probably the last one.
Yeah, that's the thing. I don't think there's this sense of cultivating new talent to make a huge difference in the industry outside of people trying to make it on their own. That's an issue I'd initially saw with Square Enix but now it's extended to most of the Japanese side of the industry. You have guys like Kamiya (and Suda, but he's in his mid-40s) who do have small impact on the industry, but you don't have something like the old guard in Miyamoto, Naka, etc. You can almost say the same thing about game composition, too, since it's usually the same people doing everything most of the time.


I seem to be unable to surpass 'decent' when it comes to fighting games. I'll only get good enough to be considered competent, which is servicable enough when it comes to playing against my friends. :p
Whatever genre Starcraft and the like is, that's what I'm bad at. I get too caught up in watching my little guys move around that I forget to build an army. And when I DO remember to build said army, it's apparently small as fuck.
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