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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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I can say with ease that Diamond in the Sky is my favorite of all of them as it's the only song on the soundtrack to move me to tears almost every time I hear it, but it is absolutely stupefying how close they all are in quality.

edit: I just made this post before remembering You're My Number One was on this soundtrack and not 3D Blast's. So almost all of them are absurdly good. :p (I quite like #1, but it's not ascended god tier. It's like, demigod tier.)


Honestly, all of Richard Jacques' work on the 3D and R soundtracks are phenomenal. They capture this sort of synthy energy and atmosphere that most of his work since simply doesn't match (not that I dislike Time Eater's theme, but it's not got the same feel to it - although his remix of "You're My Hero" and the 3D title theme for Generations did capture it pretty well).
I see what you mean and agree for the most part, but at the same time, All-Stars Racing Transformed happened right after that.


A friend of mine finished this art I recently commissioned for!



Kind of hoped Blaze in Sonic Dash would have her "twirl" thing instead of just a purple Sonic jump, but ah well.
I see what you mean and agree for the most part, but at the same time, All-Stars Racing Transformed happened right after that.
Well, I'll grant you it's synthy, and I definitely adore SaASRT's soundtrack in general, but I dunno, it doesn't seem to have the same feel to it as the two Saturn games he did the soundtrack for. Maybe it's the reverb or something?

This is one of those times I wish I had a proper musical education, because I know it when I hear it, but I can't explain it.

I've finally found it. The Iblis Trigger.


SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #13

Song: Catch Me If You Can
Game: Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Composer: Kenichi Tokoi
Lyrics and Vocals: runblebee

Like SA2's Sonic/Tails/Knuckles themes, this is another "revision" of a previous track that shares a name, lyrics, and little else. Unlike SA2's examples, the second take on Catch Me If You Can is way better. The lyrics are still complete nonsense, but runblebee's delivery finally improved some after two games of sucking out loud, and Tokoi's more in his element here compared to the original version's weird warbling electronica.

The whole thing's basically a nine second loop interspersed with rap breaks, but it works. The strings demand your attention first, the twangy guitar (that's a very technical term) keeps it, and the drums and rhythm guitar trade off being the heartbeat. The last one's the important bit, I think; heartbeat patterns resonate with us on some deep psychological level. It's oddly relaxing despite being hard-edged, and it's easy to ignore the fact that it's actually fairly repetitive.

Or maybe it's just that I'm kind of tired as I write this up the evening before, I dunno.
I own Zero Gravity and I don't even remember that one, actually the only theme I can recall off the top of my head was one from the menu.
Can't say that i'm a fan of the vocals on this occasion.
I'm slacking. Let's catch up on these.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #10

Song: Quartz Quadrant Good Future
Game: Sonic CD US
Composer: Spencer Nilsen
One of the highlights of the US soundtrack, although I'm disappointed that the Bad Future doesn't sound a whole lot different from this one. The Good Future track actually has some sort of melody you can hum along to, which makes it the better of the two, but if you overlap it with the Bad Future, you don't get a whole lot of difference. They're there, but they mesh together better than they should.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #11

Song: What U Need
Game: Sonic Rush
Composer: Hideki Naganuma
A good track, although kind of a weird choice for the final level. Doesn't have the tone you'd typically associate with that, I think. Still, it works.

But if I had to choose only one track from Rush, it'd be "Wrapped in Black", no questions asked.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #12

Song: Chasing Drive ...for Kart
Game: Sonic Adventure 2
Composer: Jun Senoue
Great track for a not-so-great minigame. SA2's definitely got very strong rock music, as compared to something like Rail Canyon/Bullet Station in Heroes, which felt like they were building up for a melody that never came around, or pretty much all of Shadow, whose soundtrack was wholly unmemorable for me (even 2K6 stands out better in my head).

I like the horns at the beginning, too.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #13

Song: Catch Me If You Can
Game: Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Composer: Kenichi Tokoi
Lyrics and Vocals: runblebee
Is the rapper British? The way he pronounces a few words kinda makes me think he is.

Other than that, it's okay, I guess. Riders as a whole didn't really leave much of an impact on me.
SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #13

Song: Catch Me If You Can
Game: Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Composer: Kenichi Tokoi
Lyrics and Vocals: runblebee

Probably my least favourite of runblebee's Sonic songs. The original was pretty much the only song I liked on Sonic Riders (except I'm gonna hit you, with Sonic Spe-e-e-e-e-e-e--e-e-d!).
I liked the pace of the original, it was quick and snappy, whereas the second version was really slow, and bores me most of the times.
I would like runblebee to show up again sometime though.


One of the highlights of the US soundtrack, although I'm disappointed that the Bad Future doesn't sound a whole lot different from this one. The Good Future track actually has some sort of melody you can hum along to, which makes it the better of the two, but if you overlap it with the Bad Future, you don't get a whole lot of difference. They're there, but they mesh together better than they should.

Oh good, it isn't just me. Nilsen seemed to go for the "future" idea first, and didn't put as much time into differentiating between good and bad.

A good track, although kind of a weird choice for the final level. Doesn't have the tone you'd typically associate with that, I think. Still, it works.

Pirates' Island in SRA was the same way (and Metropolis Zone). There's definitely a classic appeal to the final level having a dark and dramatic tone, but I think Sonic's character is also uniquely suited to having these upbeat, triumphant kinds of tracks in the end.

Is the rapper British? The way he pronounces a few words kinda makes me think he is.

I have no idea. As far as I can tell, runblebee doesn't exist. There was jack squat about them on the internet back in 2006, and seven years later, their Sonic credits are the only works linked to the name. The Secret Rings booklet places them with the Tokyo musicians, but that's all I've got from it and the two Riders OSTs. Best guess is that it's a band Tokoi was involved with on the side that's since dissolved.


SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #13

Song: Catch Me If You Can
Game: Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Composer: Kenichi Tokoi
Lyrics and Vocals: runblebee

Honestly, I don't like it all that much. I'm very picky whenever rap is involved, and my taste can seem entirely random as my knowledge of the genre is limited.Still, the whole piece seems rather bland. That may be a little harsh, but with this kind of music I feel it needs some kind of kick in order for me to enjoy it. I dunno, I just don't feel this.

qq more

Sega of America thought it sounded too weird so they hired someone to make the entire american OST within a short time frame IIRC


Right then, got Sonic #253 earlier.


I'm feeling much more grounded about what's going on now. Long story short, the reboot is upon us. Embrace it, for it is good, and represents the dawn of a much cleaner version of what Ian's been trying to mold the series into ever since he got the job.

Stuff that's changed:
-At least some of the major games that previously weren't canon are now. Colors is directly referenced (the DS version, apparently, since Silver was involved somehow), as is SA1. The real SA1, not the abomination the comic previously contorted it into. Scratching that mess from continuity should come as a relief to everyone. SA2, Rush, and Rush Adventure all happened in canon but off-panel before the reboot, and I assume that like SA1, everything that the series previously adapted is assumed to have happened, but in line with the games instead.
---Unleashed hasn't happened yet, but oh boy is that ever where we're headed next.
-Teams Freedom and Fighters no longer appear to be concepts that exist.
-Mobotropolis is no longer made of nanites, thank god, and is now located on Westside Island. Knothole still exists somewhere too, instead of being a smoking crater.
---Following from the above two, Tails Doll is still attacking the city (sans demon vagina), but it's Sonic and Tails on the scene instead. Who knows why Tails Doll is here in this new world, but it's mentioned that this isn't the first time.
---Naugus is, surprisingly, still around. Curiously, he's referred to as an "ex-wizard". It's suggested that the first Genesis Wave stripped him of his magic, but not elaborated on. More curiously, he's referred to as "Wally". He immediately abdicates and will probably not be seen for a couple years.
-----Which is a shame, because the whole King Naugus/Ixis Geoffrey arc was finally coming to a head and is easily the biggest loss here. Alas, progress marches on.
---In Naugus's absence, Max - excuse me, "King Acorn" - is still king! And he's up and walking, is finally identifiable as a squirrel, looks thirty years younger, and isn't a colossal dick now. There was always some potential in having him be a slightly adversarial authority figure, but the comic never found time to capitalize on it properly. Better to take what scraps of good the character had and have them eat Elias's role and cut down on character bloat.
---On that note, Elias is a guaranteed casualty. Straight up, no buts about it. The Secret Freedom Fighters likely die with him, since the plot they were attached to doesn't exist anymore either. We know Ian managed to talk Sega into letting Shard stick around, and I'd put decent odds on Larry surviving in some capacity as well. Harvey, Leeta, and Lyco vanish back into the ether from whence they came.
-Nicole's still kicking around in handheld form, as an OG SatAM character. Speaking of...
---Rotor, having had his tech head role stolen by Tails years ago, is now the team heavy. Being all buff is kind of weird, but it's a better choice than the stupid nanosuit he'd been wearing.
---Uncle Chuck is also still around, though thus far unseen; Ben Bates let it slip that he's the team commander now, which'll be interesting. But it raises the question of what...
---Sally does now. Espionage (...espionage. I just got that.), from the looks of it, given that she's on the Death Egg solo. Also, she's not a robot, so there's another long-running plot arc that bites the dust. One that goes all the way back to like issue #180-something if you count how long Silver's been hunting a traitor. And she's finally got pants! It's a cute look, and like her dad, she's finally identifiable as a chipmunk.
---We know Antoine and Bunnie are coming, they're just not around yet. And Amy's the plus one to the classic Freedom Fighter reunion. She's busy over in Sonic Universe, which is quietly having nothing and everything to do with Worlds Collide.
---Also, Big is one of the first characters we run into, which bodes well. He manages to pull off a spindash, as seen above. It is the best.
---They've got an airship now, too. Of course it's named the Sky Patrol. Guerrilla warfare from the trees this ain't.
-The Dark Egg Legion is toast in name, but the Egg Army is them in spirit and concept, just without the dumb cloaks. "Legionization" seems to still be a thing, and allegedly roboticization is back too. There's no telling if it's in SatAM or game form yet, though, which raises the possibility that Bunnie's a proper cyborg now instead of half-robot. Her backstory's probably a bit different.
---There's mention of a Lord Hood in Avalon. Hood was the Mercian legion boss before, and Avalon is tied to Arthurian myth just like that whole region was, so some old characters and locations appear to have survived with only slight modification. The use of Avalon specifically makes me wonder if elements of SatBK are going to get tied in somewhere along the line.
-Robotnik (and Orbot and Cubot) remembers everything from the old world and nothing of the new one, unlike everyone else who's the other way around or suffering a mix.
---Metal Sonic is officially no longer cannon fodder, so Silver Sonic seems to have taken on the role with gusto. Given that he was beatable in ten seconds or so, it suits him.
-Game references aplenty: Super Rings, the tag-team spindash, homing attacks, grinding, Super Peel-Out feet, classic Robotnik, Mystic Ruins and Final Egg, "Sky Patrol", the airship is the classic winged emblem, the freedom fighter status screen is Sonic 3's data select complete with icons, and Eggman goes driving off in his All-Stars Racing monster truck. Ian's always liked throwing in little bits from the games, but I think Sega's outright encouraging it now.

Or to use his own words from a few months back:
TSS: If you got to redo Sonic’s world to your personal liking, what would that be like?

Ian Flynn: It’d be much closer to the games, with locations and events as close to the game canon as possible. At the same time, the comic has endured by introducing heroes and villains from around the world, so I wouldn’t be messing with that formula. So you’d have Sonic and the Freedom Fighters battling the Eggman Empire in the various game zones, helped and hindered by original mobians.

Also: the Master Emerald wouldn’t have been made out of a mammoth, there’d be no human/overlander confusion, and Knuckles’s backstory wouldn’t be he was a Hot Pocket of Destiny.
...but with the use of "Mobians" and "Mobotropolis", they've held onto the one thing from SatAM not present in the games that I'd have hoped they'd fix up - namely, that the planet's not called "Earth". (And yes, I know that it is Earth but with that whole Xorda shit. Still annoys me. Shallow as hell, I'm aware, but I'm too stuck in it to think anything to the contrary.)


...but with the use of "Mobians" and "Mobotropolis", they've held onto the one thing from SatAM not present in the games that I'd have hoped they'd fix up - namely, that the planet's not called "Earth". (And yes, I know that it is Earth but with that whole Xorda shit. Still annoys me. Shallow as hell, I'm aware, but I'm too stuck in it to think anything to the contrary.)

"Mobius" vanished from use a year ago after Sega Mandated Tie-In Promotion Month, and I can't remember the last time I've seen "Mobian" in-universe. They were already mapping the existing continents to their Unleashed equivalents before the reboot; now, I'd be astonished if they weren't following Unleashed's depiction of the world outright, having already relocated an entire city.

Given that the last term the games used for the planet was "Sonic's world", that's as good as you're gonna get.


Great write-up Sciz! I didn't know about some of the stuff you wrote, where did you read about them? Could be I skipped over them when reading the issues though...
So Sonic got "The New 52"'d... in issue #252.

I bought #252 on comixology but didn't like the way the panels were cut, so I went and bought #253 straight from Google Play.


Great write-up Sciz! I didn't know about some of the stuff you wrote, where did you read about them? Could be I skipped over them when reading the issues though...

That's mostly straight from #252 and 253, with just a bit pulled from future solicits and Ian's forum posts, and a little common sense guesswork.

So everything after Worlds Collide is a reboot of sorts then?

There's some fallout that they're dealing with that prevents it from being a hard reboot, but it's a lot harder than anyone was expecting going into this. It's funny, because Worlds Collide wasn't even supposed to be canon. It was Capcom's idea in the first place. But then a perfect storm of legal issues hit the series at the same time and they jumped on the chance to literally press the cosmic reset button.


SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #14

Song: Mario Circuit
Game: Mario & Sonic at the Lon-

-wait a second. Get out of here, Mario, this isn't your show. *next track*

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #14

Song: Central City
Game: Sonic Chronicles - The Dark Brotherhood
Composer: Tatsuyuki Maeda
"Arrangement": Steve Sim

...well *fine*, be that way. VLC's being a jerk today and won't give me anything I'd rather post on short notice, so take your pick, SonicGAF: red or blue?


So, for those of us who don't really follow the comics, could the situation be summarized?

Former lead writer sues Archie for the rights to the characters he created, arguing that he was never under a contract, so his work still belongs to him by default. Neither side can produce convincing evidence one way or the other and the whole thing drags on in court for years, with Archie replacing their entire legal team at one point. Meanwhile, his characters are a central focus across a few major plotlines currently running in the series; the new legal team recommends stripping them all out immediately. At the same time, Sega tightens the leash a little more regarding what Archie can and can't do (e.g., Sega characters can't have family members), prompting yet more awkwardness as the current writer tries to write around the demands of both groups. The judge finally runs out of patience and orders both sides to settle, which they do. We don't know the terms.

Right about when all that's getting started, Archie picks up the Mega Man license. It sells fairly well, if not spectacularly, and Capcom suggests a crossover with Sonic, since the two series have the same creative staff anyway. Sega's cool with the idea so Archie jumps on it. As development on the scripts progresses, everything above heats up and makes working on Sonic a headache, visibly affecting the quality of the series. Since the crossover revolves around the villains messing with space-time anyway,
it ends up that both Mega Man and Sonic's universes get completely rewritten. Mega Man fixes his and goes home. Sonic tries, but Robotnik interferes and then shoots the little glowing ball that is all of reality with an ion cannon, fracturing it.
The resulting world is the one described in the quote under my spoiler wall above, redesigned to make everyone with a stake in the series happy, while simultaneously cleaning up twenty years' worth of accumulated cruft.
Basically Ian Flynn is a master of spinning plates.
But can he do loop-de-hoop at the same time?

To anyone who gets the reference: I'm not sorry

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #14

Song: Mario Circuit
Game: Mario & Sonic at the Lon-
A great remix. I like how the horns replace the cartoony whistle sound effect, which I always felt felt out-of-place in a Mario Kart game (compared to the more organ- and piano-laden MK64's soundtrack). Granted, the whistle comes back about a minute in, but hey, that first minute's whistle-free. As usual, Sega does what Nintend-

-wait a second. Get out of here, Mario, this isn't your show. *next track*

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #14

Song: Central City
Game: Sonic Chronicles - The Dark Brotherhood
Composer: Tatsuyuki Maeda
"Arrangement": Steve Sim
Oh. Oh my.

Well, um, to its credit, that was one of the better songs in Sonic 3D on the Genesis, and it's one of the least-ruined songs in Chronicles's soundtrack.

...that's all I got.

It's somewhat amusing how they remixed Diamond Dust from not only the Genesis soundtrack (in "Central City" here), but also the Saturn soundtrack (in "Blue Ridge"). Both are horrible mockeries of the amazing originals. :D

(Did Kenichi Tokoi do that "Mario Circuit" remix? Big brass does seem to fit him.)


But can he do loop-de-hoop at the same time?

To anyone who gets the reference: I'm not sorry
He probably can't speak French either.

(Did Kenichi Tokoi do that "Mario Circuit" remix? Big brass does seem to fit him.)

Quite possibly! We don't have track-by-track credits, but he was the sound producer for the whole game, and brass is the closest thing he's got to a signature instrument.

I can't believe the comics are still running. They've made anthologies of them, right? I heard they don't have color, though.
It varies. There's a couple large black and white digests that collect thirty issues each or so, and several other series of color reprints.
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