For what it's worth, I'd started lurking GAF more often at the end of 2007/early 2008.SonicGAF's accounts are younger across the board than I thought.
I just learned fans complain about Sonic's eye color. What's up with that? Is it really a thing? lol
Ahaha, the days of people getting into GAF a year or so after they've applied seems to have come to an end.
I will say that there is one perm'd member who I'll chuckle at and it's only because he talked about how Silver's levels in Sonic 06 had better physics than Half-Life 2, and the physics in Sonic 06 were more complex and better than the physics in Psi Ops.
The physics in Sonic 06 is demonstrative of a next-gen console.
SonicGAF's accounts are younger across the board than I thought.
SonicGAF's accounts are younger across the board than I thought.
I start lurking in 2011. Never really wanted to join till early 2012.
Kinda regret going with the name Spindasher. You'd be surprised how many times people debating something with me have attacked the quality of Sonic games in an attempt to somehow hurt my feelings or upset me. Lol.
A little late here, but vote for the pose for a Classic Eggman statuette
The official SonicGAF Halloween anthem.
That's why my name is a more obscure reference to sonic (yet essentially the same as yours, strangely enough)
Never mind!
And Beef's president. You think he'd let you hack the OP to make it all Halloween themed?
Love-it-or-hate-it. It's clunky and hasn't aged well, and yet in spite of all that I still had fun with it when I revisited it on Steam earlier this year. If you haven't played it before, odds are more likely that you'll not like it than you will like it, but if it's ever on sale, couldn't hurt to give it a shot anyway.Hey folks! Random question I feel like you guys are probably best to answer...
Is there a general consensus on SA2? I remember playing it on GC and loving it forever ago. I've seen a few of the newer games and never been interested, but I always get confused when people say the games haven't been good since the genesis years since I thought SA2 was pretty widely considered a good game....
Any insights? Completely random thought I had tonight. Listening to the soundtrack now....
It kind of sucks because I refuse to watch said stream and spoil myself on the game, so I'm missing a significant chunk of the picture when it comes to everyone's hype collectively deflating at once.
What I have gathered is that there's an overabundance of minigame stages, that the final boss, whatever it is, is a humungous letdown, and that the game only lasts a good five hours or so.
Does the join date on profile mean when you actually joined the site or when you got approved? Because back when I joined there could be like a 6 month difference between the two.SonicGAF's accounts are younger across the board than I thought.
Yo fuck Classic Eggman, just make a small version of the statue outside Eggmanland.A little late here, but vote for the pose for a Classic Eggman statuette
Does the join date on profile mean when you actually joined the site or when you got approved? Because back when I joined there could be like a 6 month difference between the two.
Account registration, not approval.
My quest to become the most smug bastard in all the region continues.
pokemon, what are those?
Black almost put me off from the whole series. Even skipped B2W2 cause of it. I was about to pass on XY as well, but amazing feedback from people I trust on day one got me curious enough to bite. I managed to get it for free*, so I figured why not.
It's not a perfect game, but it sure does a ton to address a lot of my long-running series complaints. The focus on better implementing pre-existing Pokemon instead of introducing 200 new ones strikes a chord for me as well, since it's nice seeing so many older pokemon be introduced per area,rather than purposefully leaving them out so you have to go buy the older games as well. The starters are literally the only Gen V pokemon I recognize anyway, so that's a whole Gen's worth that may as well be new, haha. It's a shame that Gen V's protagonists are gonna be Gone with the Wind so to speak due to Player customization pretty much letting you radically alter what they look like, but it's a sacrifice I'll happily make, as shown above.I've spent more money on clothes than on items for my pokemon...
...Now I just hope that the next Gen doesn't get "Game Freak'd" with tons of the good XY features being cut out to reintroduce in a later game.
* - Free after 3 game trade-ins and a $10 off any GS purchase PUR voucher.
I agree with 100% of what you've said (well, except the protag part, not sure what exactly you mean there). B/W really burned me too, it wasn't a bad game itself but... it felt soooooooo damn run-of-the-mill hardly offering anything exciting. It felt like a boring extension to Gen IV, just with new (also too fuckin' many) Pokemon and some polish.Black almost put me off from the whole series. Even skipped B2W2 cause of it. I was about to pass on XY as well, but amazing feedback from people I trust on day one got me curious enough to bite. I managed to get it for free*, so I figured why not.
It's not a perfect game, but it sure does a ton to address a lot of my long-running series complaints. The focus on better implementing pre-existing Pokemon instead of introducing 200 new ones strikes a chord for me as well, since it's nice seeing so many older pokemon be introduced per area,rather than purposefully leaving them out so you have to go buy the older games as well. The starters are literally the only Gen V pokemon I recognize anyway, so that's a whole Gen's worth that may as well be new, haha. It's a shame that Gen V's protagonists are gonna be Gone with the Wind so to speak due to Player customization pretty much letting you radically alter what they look like, but it's a sacrifice I'll happily make, as shown above.I've spent more money on clothes than on items for my pokemon...
...Now I just hope that the next Gen doesn't get "Game Freak'd" with tons of the good XY features being cut out to reintroduce in a later game.
* - Free after 3 game trade-ins and a $10 off any GS purchase PUR voucher.
What I like about XY is that you really don't have to give a shit about pokemon from any Gen that you don't care for. You start off with the obligatory Gen VI starter. The very first grassy area lets you catch Pidgey, Zigzagoon and some other basic normals. The forest almost immediately after that lets you catch Pikachu, damn near every bug evolutionary line and all the different Pan- monkeys. Right after that you're given the Kanto starter, at which point you can catch tons of other older pokemon. You literally get so many options over what to do that you never have to use a Pokemon you don't like. I love the push for variety over "LOOK AT ALL THESE NEW POKEMON, LOVE THEMMMMM".
I don't love the Mega designs all that much either, for the same reason you do, but I'm surprisingly not as bothered by them as I thought I would be now that I'm actually playing the game. Seeing them in motion helps a bit, I guess.
Yeah, when I first heard about that suspension = disconnection complaint, I didn't think it would be honestly much of a big deal, but now that I tried it out myself... yeahhhh that is very annoying. I always finding myself wanting to be online at all times, so it was very annoying getting disconnected along with the error message whenever I suspend the game just to see who turned on their 3DS or have to AFK and wanting to close the 3DS.The online implementation is one big reason I like it a lot. Barring how annoying it is for the whole thing to disconnect if you put the game on suspend or hit home (a bit of an oversight, really), it's great that they finally ditched the restrictive "you can online do online stuff in pokemon centers" baggage and let you do anything anywhere. It even opened up for handy features like Wonder Trade, which is way better for trading than the GTS (which still has dumb people asking for only Legendaries or literally unobtainable pokemon).
Oh okay, now I get what you mean. It's just that earlier you said Gen V and I was left kind of lost there lolRerotags, what I mean is how each of the previous series' main characters pretty much had their own identity. There's a bit of cross-over at times, but they're otherwise pretty unmistakable.
Because of the Trainer customization though, I can't see the XY protagonists becoming nearly as memorable. I already kinda forgot what the male protagonist looked like since, as shown above, I've changed him to the point where they look nothing alike. I feel like I'm playing as myself rather than that character, which is quite the change. Like I said, it's a bit of a sad thing to see happen after years of tradition, but I'm all for trainer customization being the default from here on.
That came out in 2006, though. >.>So are we all excited for Sonic Adventure 3, now with emerald hunting in lumbering mechs with no radar at all, and Big's deep sea fishing? Over 100 hours ofpaddinggameplay!
That came out in 2006, though. >.>
That came out in 2006, though. >.>
Comparing Lost World to '06? Daaaamn, what happened? I still haven't seen any footage for the game causeI'm still not interested indon't have a WiiU.
That came out in 2008.Oh yeah, my bad. Sonic Adventure 4.
That came out in 2008.