Voted for your poll, qq. About time I did. You didn't have a good reward. Bad poll confirmed.
Noi and I neglected to mention that we'd finished Puppeteer this weekend. He has loftier impressions than I do, so if he ever decides to post impressions, he could, and I'll append whatever I have to say to them.
And for the record, I
loooooved the Silent Realm areas in SS. So nicely designed and super-fun to actually time yourself to see if you can do it in one go. Whatever, y'all. I like SS a
I'm all for challenges, although I don't know how much I'd really play. I rarely play through the stages enough to "master" them, and the last time I really tried was back for Adventure 1 and 2, and I gave up on that.
But I do love me some Colors and Generations, though.
Well, you don't necessarily have to master the level in a crazy way, but just try to have fun getting your time down or just have fun with the game overall. Like I said before, the main premise behind the idea is to just have
Will we limit the competition to SonicGAF only, or could we make a thread in gaming? Because I'm totally down for a Generations replay.
Hmm... I think the idea was to keep it to SonicGAF, but if people find it necessary and as a reprieve from all the next-gen stuff on gaming side so much so that it won't get buried or overlapped with the Speedrunning OT, I could consider making a thread on gaming side. It's entirely dependent on what people would like to do.
I'm definitely down for a Gens replay, too. Played a bit of it last weekend and was very happy with it.
If I may suggest a competition idea, Red Ring Attacks are also a nice idea for Generations, although it's not doable in all stages due to being unable to get all the 5 red rings in a run. I wish Lost World actually implemented them, since it'd make way more sense in that game.
The only problem with the Red Ring attack is that Generations hides the Red Rings after you collect them, unlike Lost World or Colors... but it could work for Colors too.
That's a good idea, actually. In terms of Generations, you're right, you can't get all the Red Rings in one run in some stages like Sky Sanctuary, but it would certainly be nice to try to see if you could get the Red Rings in as short amount of time as possible.
Red Rings implementation in LW wasn't something I felt to be that great at all compared to Colours/Generations.
Either way, people can still add their ideas in for this, too. Again, the idea is to have fun while doing this, so don't be discouraged and feel like you can't participate if you feel like the standards are too high. The basic idea is to relearn why you had fun with Generations, and some of us felt that learning the levels as much as possible to get really good at them for better times was super-fun.
gotta admit, i'm a little surprised the ps4's two big first-party games are getting a lukewarm reception after a generation of people gushing over presentation. maybe that consistency i asked for is actually happening. at least infamous is right around the corner for those folks.
I wonder if that's really the case, though. I mean, if it is, that would certainly be wonderful because people would become more accountable for what they write in comparison to the loftiness of this gen, but maybe just maybe the modern review scale might start becoming less of the standard and people wouldn't rely so darn much on an arbitrary number.
SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #51
Song: Secret Base Zone Act 1
Game: Sonic Advance
Composer: Uncertain; Tatsuyuki Maeda or Yutaka Minobe
Man, I should replay the Advance games. I haven't been able to because I don't have them, lol. I borrowed them. Regardless, it's partially because of that that I haven't given the Advance games' soundtracks a lot of listens.
And I give a lot of flak to the GBA's sound output, but that tends to be geared towards ported games or arranged themes. Generally original games for the system like Mother 3, The Minish Cap, and Golden Sun do have good soundtracks, and the Advance games are no exception to that rule. They do have good sample output (especially that organ bit and the electric piano bit kinda in Secret Base Zone) and decent looping. I mean even when we do have secret base-esque stuff in the console games, it tends to be stuff like
this. While that's not a bad thing at all, stuff like this is kind of refreshing because I think we've only seen that sort of equivalent in maybe Sonic Unleashed.