It's a shame that I can't play games that are in first-person perspective at all. They make me physically ill.
It's not like Super Mario Galaxy, Alpha Protocol, or Metal Gear Rising where I can just take a Gravol or rest a bit and push myself through the game. I just can't play it because it'll make me physically ill, period.
Speaking of music, the soundtrack to that Before The Sequel fangame is fucking awesome. It's a shame I only learned about it when the Unleashed mod for Generations was released recently. Has the game been discussed here at all? I couldn't find a thread either.
We talked about it in the first thread during SAGE (Sonic Amateur Games Expo), talked about the soundtrack a bit, Sega1991 reviewed it a bit for SAGE, I gave it a "GAF award" during SotY, and conversation about the soundtrack came up yet again when the mod was released. We didn't make a thread for it because we didn't think people cared enough? I guess? We just ended up discussing it in the community thread anyway.
If people want, we could try to throw up a thread for when After the Sequel is released because that's supposed to be better in the game level design/gameplay/soundtrack department. I was honestly thinking of waiting until SAGE 2013 to roll around for that, but whatever works.
BtS has a good soundtrack and the game's pretty good (has some small flaws here and there, but otherwise it's pretty darn accurate). I think people should try it out.
I've been playing Gurumin in short bursts for the past week or so and I've been liking it a bit. Really nice atmosphere, good personality, the dialogue is pretty funny, the music is unmistakably Falcom, and Parin's a really neat character; she reminds me of Kat, actually. Only real problem with it (at times) is the camera, though it's not as big a problem as expected because I'm playing it on the Vita.
Also, I didn't like Half-Minute Hero.
By contrast, Gurumin was one of the most boring Falcom games I've played. I don't mind that people like it, because I know they do since GAF recommended the game to me; but everything about that game is boring as heck. Just like the Zwei!! games: all it has going for it is its graphical style. The combat is so by-the-numbers that I become completely disengaged from the game. It is not what I expect from a Falcom ARPG at all (ie: a game designed around its gameplay and combat as opposed to a game designed around a character/story). I expect that from the Kiseki games, not from their ARPGs. I know they can do
much better than that because they
I love HMH.