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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Weatherpeople suck. Where was my snowstorm? This isn't a snowstorm. It's slush! This isn't snow. I only got 2 hours of sleep for this? This is some bs. >:|

One exam down. One more to go. I'm napping when I get home.

Funny you bring up Omochao! If I were to make a new Sonic (Adventure) game I'd have Omochao NOT give you hints, but instead just say random stuff or stuff from his daily life or such.
But then that'd mean I'd have to hear current Omochao tell me about his life story. In that voice I hate. No thanks. :/

Based off Airman ga Tousenai...Japanese kids must've really sucked in Rockman games...
Haha, Japan got the harder version of Rockman 2, though. Our hard mode is their normal mode. Like... It's not possible to oneshot Metal Man with his own weapon on their harder difficulty at all; you need two!

I'm still surprised with how huge that song got. Got a CD single, an acoustic version, it's on the NicoNico album, it has covers, etc.

Ack sorry that was a typo from my end! I was not directing it to you, nor was I implying or criticizing what you liked or disliked about it. I fixed my post, what I meant is if someone pointed out the cons of the gameplay or the game I may agree with them on itor some of it at least.
I figured it was some misunderstanding on one end! It's okay. I get where you're coming from.

I don't even mind that it has third parties, it's that there's only a single one that you can actually say is a Sony Legacy character (Heihachi). You have to make huge leaps of logic to tie the other characters down. If they couldn't manage to get any of the elusive characters like Cloud, Crash, Snake, etc, they should have just gone all 1st party (though they'd likely screw that up too by including another version of Kratos or some shit instead of more characters).
I'm legitimately surprised that they never got someone like Cloud or Crash at all given their games' history with the original PS1. It make a ton of sense to put third party people from either era on there, at least based on how influential the games were in terms of shifting hardware units.

FF9's story kinda unravels into a bunch of incoherent nonsense by the time you hit disc 3 or so.
This is exactly the worst part of the game, actually. IMO, once you go to Bran Bal/Pandemonium, the story falls off a cliff. It's like they forgot how to make the narrative cohesive. And then the final boss, well...

Emitan said:
Trying not to throw up while waiting at the doctor's office
That's what happened to me when I had the flu. I hope you come out of there with a solution.
nerf nyan cat plz

It's a madhouse man, a madhouse:




This is exactly the worst part of the game, actually. IMO, once you go to Bran Bal/Pandemonium, the story falls off a cliff. It's like they forgot how to make the narrative cohesive. And then the final boss, well...

I stopped playing at the beginning of the final dungeon. I'd forgotten to stock up on items and never went to the trouble of doing that and continuing.

A fun little story from when I played the game:

You know that part where you split the party into two teams, one of which goes to investigate that temple that blocks magic? Well for some reason, when it told me that the area blocks magic and I should pick a team, I thought the game might be lying to me. So I brought all my magic users with me. That dungeon was hell because of that, but I managed to make it through.

That's not even the worst of it though. The next section has you using the rest of your party in a different area. There's these different switches you find all over the dungeon, and when you fight the boss of the area, all of his defenses are connected to those switches you found. The more of the switches you pressed, the more of his different defense buffs get disabled. I get to the boss, and it turned out I'd disabled every switch... except the one for physical defense. I'd sent all my magic users elsewhere and only had physical attackers.

That was the longest boss battle I'd ever fought. Everybody slowly chipping away piddly amounts of damage to this thing all while I juggled pheonix downs (I had a shitload of them, thankfully) just barely keeping everyone alive. Took about an hour and a half nonstop to take that thing down that way.


Re: Cloud

Heard that S-E would only give then Lightning. Just like Konani only giving them Raiden. They just want to advertise their new games.

Welp as soon as I stepped foot inside the room I felt fine while the doctor was there and as soon as I left I was dizzy again :/

He told me to drink more water and eat less salt.
Weatherpeople suck. Where was my snowstorm? This isn't a snowstorm. It's slush! This isn't snow. I only got 2 hours of sleep for this? This is some bs. >:|

Why do you think they only ever have hot girls or hilariously dishevelled dudes reading the weather? They don't want you to take it seriously, gawd


@Quackula- Son why you such a quack? FF9's story is fine and comprehensible.

But then that'd mean I'd have to hear current Omochao tell me about his life story. In that voice I hate. No thanks. :/
Silly Schala, he can have a different voice. Heck change his voice to something you prefer and bam, instant love-able Omochao.

Haha, Japan got the harder version of Rockman 2, though. Our hard mode is their normal mode. Like... It's not possible to oneshot Metal Man with his own weapon on their harder difficulty at all; you need two!
Pretty sure they did not; Rockman 2 never had a difficulty option, you can do some quick research to check tho.

Also Weather Report is best Weatherpeople:
I updated the Pokecapn thread with all the Retsupurae videos I could think of

God that took forever to compile

Pretty sure they did not; Rockman 2 never had a difficulty option, you can do some quick research to check tho.
This is correct. Rockman 2 only has one flat difficulty, like the rest of the series more or less does. "Normal" in the Western releases was an easier difficulty mode added in after the fact; "Difficult" is the original difficulty.

Also, the difficulties in Complete Works's version of MM2 are based on the original Japanese version, and don't give the Western release the time of day. Thus, if you play it on Easy expecting it to play like Normal from the NES original, expect to be surprised when those multi-part column enemies in Metal Man's stage don't die in one hit.


This is correct. Rockman 2 only has one flat difficulty, like the rest of the series more or less does. "Normal" in the Western releases was an easier difficulty mode added in after the fact; "Difficult" is the original difficulty.
Hmm I made a recoridng of the boss battle against Airman in the Japanese ver. and managed to defeat him without much hassle-
...but I wonder...

The PS1 version of Rockman 2 has Hard Mode.

I figured as much at least based on Schala's post.

qq more

Maverick Hunter X is apparently free on PSN. That's a remake of MMX for the SNES right?

Yeah but I recommend the SNES version at the same time.

The remake does really dumb design decisions such as swapping locations of armor parts. (The fact you don't get the dash in Chill Penguin's stage is absolutely stupid and misses the entire point of that armor location) Oh and Sigma's stages got completely remade... for the worse at times.

Those negativity aside, at least it has Vile Mode where you play as Vile, it starts off extremely annoying but it gets fun later. Oh and you unlock a neat Mega Man X movie that takes place shortly before the events of the game. It's definitely worth playing.


Yeah but I recommend the SNES version at the same time.

The remake does really dumb design decisions such as swapping locations of armor parts. (The fact you don't get the dash in Chill Penguin's stage is absolutely stupid and misses the entire point of that armor location) Oh and Sigma's stages got completely remade... for the worse at times.

Those negativity aside, at least it has Vile Mode where you play as Vile, it starts off extremely annoying but it gets fun later. Oh and you unlock a neat Mega Man X movie that takes place shortly before the events of the game. It's definitely worth playing.

I actually disagree. Having that armor part be forced on you makes it a pain in the ass when you want to do a barebones run for MMX, since the game is totally beatable without it, but people don't try it because they just assume there's no way around it. I have to look up an external password to "mark" chill penguin's stage as cleared without having obtained the dash boots every time I want to do one of those runs, which is annoying.

If people want their precious dash that much, they should work for it and find it!

qq more

IDK, I felt the dash thing was placed as is was just to introduce the ability to new players. I felt the armor swapping went against that decision. It helps that it was in an easy level with a relatively easy boss. But then again, I guess I'm just speaking from a game designer point of view.

By the way, what swapped with the dash by the way? I forgot.


IDK, I felt the dash thing was placed as is was just to introduce the ability to new players. I felt the armor swapping went against that decision. It helps that it was in an easy level with a relatively easy boss. But then again, I guess I'm just speaking from a game designer point of view.

Eh, it's fine with MHX because Chill is no longer the easiest, especially if you start on Hard mode. That would actually be Flame Mammoth, who coincidentally has the Leg parts now.

By the way, what swapped with the dash by the way? I forgot.

Leg - Flame Mammoth where the Arm Parts used to be. The jump is made easier so players can easily climb up there now (and notice that hole to begin with).
Body - Storm Eagle where Head parts used to be.
Head - Chill Penguin, Area before the Leg parts used to be. Requires Leg parts to break blocks.
Arm - Sting Chameleon where Body parts used to be. Makes it so you never really have to get fight the Green robot if you want the Zero buster.

That and they moved the Vile fight to Sigma 3 right before fighting D-Rex, so getting the Zero buster is actually a challenge now.


I can't find the dash. It's in flame mammoth's stage right?

Yup. Right after the first set of conveyor belts, the dash is right before you go into the big room with tons of platforms to climb (that has the hardhat enemies that toss picks at you). There's a hole on the roof that you can climb up.

PS+...thinking about it.

As someone whose had PS+ since the service launched, it's worth it.


Yup. Right after the first set of conveyor belts, the dash is right before you go into the big room with tons of platforms to climb (that has the hardhat enemies that toss picks at you). There's a hole on the roof that you can climb up.

As someone whose had PS+ since the service launched, it's worth it.

Oh wow. I kept exploring that hardhat room because I thought it might be up there lol
I never knew about Zero being able to give you the arm parts until MHX, actually. Blew my mind when I immediately tried it in the original SNES version and saw that it worked there, too. (Although I'm pretty sure they were no different from the normal arm parts there.)


To my understanding, the Zero buster does a negligible difference in extra Damage in the SNES version, to the point where getting one over the other is irrelevant. I just like it cause of the symbolism of Zero passing on his Buster and having Zero's charge shot instead of the Light one.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Is this the Mega Man Community Thread? :v

Gimme a break. Mega Man was the last thing on my mind at lunch hour. Math and chem were on my mind! Best exam today, too. Best exam this week.


Emitan, sounds like you had orthostatic hypotension. Explains why you kept getting up and feeling nauseous because your blood pressure increased, and your body couldn't compensate for it*.

*I am not a doctor.

Yup. Right after the first set of conveyor belts, the dash is right before you go into the big room with tons of platforms to climb (that has the hardhat enemies that toss picks at you). There's a hole on the roof that you can climb up.
I played Rockman X iOS once, and even doing this was a hassle.

Thank you so much. I was thinking of doing it at the end of this week, but you didn't have to go through the effort. I appreciate it a ton. I'll update the OP shortly.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Ah, going back and re-reading what I said, I'm pretty sure I meant to say that the difficulty was scaled down for the NA version. But yeah, the Complete Works version has three difficulties: Easy (called "EASY!"), Normal, and Hard. Gosh, I dunno what I was thinking when I wrote that. Sorry guys.

...should probably break out that Famicom+Disk System in the basement one day just for the sake of playing some stuff.

Seven Force said:
Hard Mode in MM2 Complete Works gets rid of enemy drops, doesn't it?
It does. A quick runthrough the Classic mode and then going into hard mode made me realize that I shouldn't have complained about the lack of hard mode in the first place.

I like my games hard. But that's really hard (read this as: I don't have the patience to relearn how to do a no-damage sorta thing right now, maybe later).

Rockman X iOS is not Maverick Hunter X. One actually has buttons!

also, why
don't play it it's poo poo

One of my friends bought it for his iPad and regretted his purchase almost immediately. I ended up playing through it and it was fuck-awful. Like, half the time you need to find different things, you're struggling with the control, or it's not accurate enough. I really... don't appreciate what Capcom did with it. Also, the artstyle is terrible. It's just dreadful to look at.

Don't buy it.



Those Final Fantasy ones are riots - especially the XIII one.

You're the reason why Capcom is...Capcom!
I don't have a smartphone or iMachine!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Maverick Hunter X Drinking Game: Drink every time the phrase "You've gone Maverick!" is said.
If there's anything I dislike about MHX, it's that. I don't think I ever liked the voiceovers in that game (to be fair, the voiceovers in Mega Man games have left much to be desired). Luckily cutscenes/dialogue scenes are skippable!

Also, Shadow Hog, this guy needs to be my campaign strategist should I ever run for Prime Minister (I didn't see these yet until I read your post):

lol, if you need a break with writing your posts, you don't need to go that in-depth with it.

And SGF is going to hopefully have a [MODE] stream on Saturday so I'm gonna post the link in the Pokecapn thread when he decides to start streaming. Last time was pretty fun!


If there's anything I dislike about MHX, it's that. I don't think I ever liked the voiceovers in that game (to be fair, the voiceovers in Mega Man games have left much to be desired). Luckily cutscenes/dialogue scenes are skippable!

B-But Mark Gatha voicing X in his last VA role... :'(
And SGF is going to hopefully have a [MODE] stream on Saturday so I'm gonna post the link in the Pokecapn thread when he decides to start streaming. Last time was pretty fun!

Oooh, exciting. Hopefully it'll go as well as last time. Watching the archives isn't the same.
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