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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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There was going to be Taxman's own Desert Dazzle Zone in the recent-ish Sonic CD port but it got shelved, the dreams on Sonic shooting through Cactus filled Canyons will have to wait.
edit: Dammit qq!

Maybe you'll get a Westernization themed zone, complete with grittiness and viewed through next gen urnine filter, the zone boss is a Capcom robot (maybe even the cancelled Megaman Reboot bot).


I've always wanted a Chaos Hill Zone. It would be the final level and would take place at Green Hill Zone on a windy night. Robotnik's artillery has bombarded the area, large flames everywhere.

It would kind of look like the last part of the Generation Boss Trailer.

qq more

I feel like it's not really that long but I always end up getting lost in it. I end up finding my way in to an alternate path and circling around backwards somehow.

Maybe it's that.

I'm honestly not feeling for half of the levels past Castle Eggman (assuming that's still Zone 3) in SRB2. I'll have to give it another shot sometime.
Maybe it's that.

I'm honestly not feeling for half of the levels past Castle Eggman (assuming that's still Zone 3) in SRB2. I'll have to give it another shot sometime.

Egg Rock Zone or whatever the final level is can go die in a fire. That's SRB2's Eggmanland, except Eggmanland could actually be finished by human beings with enough perseverance. I might've finished Egg Rock Zone as Tails and maybe Knuckles, but those reverse gravity space sections where you have to refill your air are almost impossible as Sonic. You have to aim your air dashes so far in advance and so perfectly that it's total bullshit.

qq more

Egg Rock Zone or whatever the final level is can go die in a fire. That's SRB2's Eggmanland, except Eggmanland could actually be finished by human beings with enough perseverance. I might've finished Egg Rock Zone as Tails and maybe Knuckles, but those reverse gravity space sections where you have to refill your air are almost impossible as Sonic. You have to aim your air dashes so far in advance and so perfectly that it's total bullshit.
Fuck that level. I remember trying that in multiplayer. It is unforgivably evil.

Who the hell designed these levels and why?!

qq more

Nev3r, and because he can make large levels with lots of unique, interesting gimmicks really quickly.

I really like the gimmicks and the music of that stage, I just wish it wasn't so... soul breaking hard. I love challenging levels (I'm a Mega Man fan after all!) but... ehh, they really need to tone down the difficulty there. It got to the point I was too frustrated to have any fun.

Hope they don't mind what I've said if they're reading this.
As far as western-themed levels, does Rail Canyon not count?
It doesn't really play up the Western angle a whole lot, IIRC. It more focuses on thin, unsupported rails over steep drops and giant cannons. Music isn't even remotely western, either. Aside from taking place in a desert, the closest you get is the prevalence of trains.




a SEGA ad advertising to licensing partners


source: http://board.sonicstadium.org/topic/15724-segas-2013-plans/

is it just me or does Sonic appear more "extreme" in that pic? lol, i dont know. xD, just something i noticed... SEGA has so many renders of Sonic it's impossible to know what any of them even mean. I'm probably just imagining things, but i thought i'd post it anyways

a friend pointed out to me that its a lot like the Sonic Dash render if flipped, but the mouth seems different from the Sonic Dash render, maybe they fixed the Sonic Dash render, his mouth was really awkward in that one.

whatever, either way it makes me think of Sonic Adventure Sonic. I mean it wouldn't surprise me if they made Sonic "extreme" again. Iizuka-san loved that Sonic.


a SEGA ad advertising to licensing partners


source: http://board.sonicstadium.org/topic/15724-segas-2013-plans/

is it just me or does Sonic appear more "extreme" in that pic? lol, i dont know. xD, just something i noticed... SEGA has so many renders of Sonic it's impossible to know what any of them even mean. I'm probably just imagining things, but i thought i'd post it anyways

a friend pointed out to me that its a lot like the Sonic Dash render if flipped, but the mouth seems different from the Sonic Dash render, maybe they fixed the Sonic Dash render, his mouth was really awkward in that one.

whatever, either way it makes me think of Sonic Adventure Sonic. I mean it wouldn't surprise me if they made Sonic "extreme" again. Iizuka-san loved that Sonic.

From what I can make out, he almost kinda resembles Weresonic, but without all the Were. I wouldn't be surprised to see turn out be a render from SA3, for your exact reasoning.


From what I can make out, he almost kinda resembles Weresonic, but without all the Were. I wouldn't be surprised to see turn out be a render from SA3, for your exact reasoning.
I was trying not to draw that conclusion so soon but...

Even then, if they're going back to EXTREME/Adventure 3, I'd still prefer some sick ass 2D art.


i don't know where woun on ssmb gets his stuff, but hes a wizard sometimes lol

it's a really big image so i put it in a quote. It looks like the Sonic Dash render except for a different mouth. That mouth really makes me think of Sonic Adventure for some reason.

Sonic Dash render:

qq more

That mouth really bugs me. It's like they're purposely making him look even more douchebaggy than he already does in CG. lol

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That is just the default look now. Just like the 90's were all ATTITUDE.

Now make him cuss.

Walruses: *freezes themselves in giant ice blocks*

Sonic: You're a real piece of shit, fucker.


*they drown*

RIP sonic and tails 301292-2013


But that foul language is for kids.
Also there are enough adult furry games with Sonic already.

Sonic was never about expressing your hidden and suppressed subconsciousness.
Mario as a plumber with moustache entering tubes and eating mushrooms, had more hidden messages

I'd like Sonic to talk about existentialists issues while holding Metal Sonic's head and lowering it to his crutch.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Dragon Fantasy Book I is done.


That makes it my second game for April, meaning that I have finished the challenge for the month (first was HarmoKnight). Too late to type up decent impressions at the moment, but like I was saying to Noi earlier tonight: while I didn't have many issues with the second, third, and fourth chapters, the primary chapter completely outstayed its welcome by being incredibly poorly balanced towards the end. Boss and Regular battles in turn-based RPGs turning into wars of attrition is not my style, not unless I have buffs and debuffs given to me. Neither Dragon Quest nor Phantasy Star ever turned out like that for me. >.>

I've played a lot of older RPGs. A lot of older kusoge RPGs. A lot of older good RPGs. The difference between those older RPGs and this homage is that a lot of these older RPGs afforded the player a lot of buffs and debuffs in order to gain the upper hand if they did not have a lot of cash to spare for extra armour or if they're not levelled up to par. That's why I generally don't endorse the idea of grinding; I think it's rather needless because you must take advantage of many of the buffs and debuffs that the game gives the player access to. It's just like going into a Persona game without having something like Marakukaja, Heat Riser, Debilitate, or Masukunda or something like that. It's just something you need to have, simply in the case that you're playing on Very Hard or if you feel like getting through the game quickly.

The last leg of Chapter 1 was, put plain and simple, a complete slog. The grinding was padding for the sake of padding. For the next game, give me buffs and debuffs. That would be rather pleasant, especially given that the other chapters gave me characters which could inflict statuses on opponents. Outside of the fact that I felt that Chapter 1 was completely and utterly unbalanced towards the end, I thought the dialogue and homages were decent. Not bad, not great. It's alright.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Post that in the OT where the devs are posting and can actually read it. :p
But then I'd be afraid that they'd be hurt by my commentary.

I hate on games and make them sell poorly, remember?

EDIT: Oh, and this game desperately needs an item/spell sort menu, good lord. And the item menu during the final boss was glitching for me. :/

I really disliked that after getting the ultimate weapons/armour, the game was basically designed in a way that said, "Okay, now you can grind with little problems!" No, that's not how this is supposed to work. The difficulty scaling in the last portion of the game is ridiculous. It's parabolic design, sure, but I still think it's absolutely ridiculous that the game encourages grinding when all it needed were buff spells, or allowing the player to recruit other party members. This right here... this balancing is off-putting. It's poor game design. Completely made Chapter 1 overstay its welcome. Oh, oh, and the hit percentages being obnoxious and the agil stat taking its sweet time to matter in a battle? Oy vey. I'm a person who loves her agility stat. It's a perhaps my favourite stat right next to the luck/crit stat. Seeing it not really have much of an impact unless overlevelled most of the time was kind of disappointing.

So much wrong with that first chapter, design-wise, towards the end. And I'm not a huge fan of the music, to be honest, but I've already noted that.

I absolutely could not stand how my hit% was at least rather high, and I went 10 rounds without a hit connecting! That's bonkers! What are the calculations behind that, because I really need to know. At least I can understand the agil/DEF/ATK math, but the hit% math seems like it's completely whack. It seems like it's the [hit% (in decimals) - 0.nn (the enemy's EVA stat)] or something like that, but I'm not completely confident. If that's the case, what in the world was the rationale behind that?! Give the player a gosh darn chance!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Verbose criticisms might hurt their feelings a little more. Because... if I were to post some criticisms in there and basically laid out everything that I thought was subpar or plain bad game design, I think they'd take that even more to heart than what the other person said. Writing "this is bad game design, why would you do this?" just kind of makes me feel a little bad. I do have more things to say with respect to the game in a negative sense, but... well... I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. :x

Oh, good, I figured that was what the hit/miss calculation was. It seemed kind of simple, just because it wasn't working out half the time, but more algebra for that is required just for the sake of allowing the player more of a chance to hit. The hit% shouldn't even be that low unless the enemy has a high Eva%. The best thing to do is to add 100% to the original calculation and divide it by two since you're using two values in the calculation if you want to keep it simple. That's what a lot of games seem to do, anyway. That sort of thing had me begging for a Hit% buff by the end.

I'd really like to know how crits are calculated, though, because they just seem completely random.

...Shit, I missed doing this sort of thing too. Haha. Figuring the maths out behind some of the enemy stats or your stats. Because this is all FFXIII afforded to me. Yet when I went back to Final Fantasy Mystic Quest and did the mathematics behind the damage calculations there and did some of it for Final Fantasy VI's Atma Weapon when requested, I felt pretty darn happy about doing it because I think the math behind this stuff is exciting!

Shoot, I even did some calculations for Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 a while back. Really miss doing this kind of stuff in RPGs. I don't get to do it very often anymore.


Eh. The way I see it, you "hurt their feelings" now and they make sure to tweak/fix those issues in the next game, or risk none of that being noted and carrying on. Ultimately, we want Book II to be better than I aftet all.

The only RPG I've ever "done the math" for is Last Rebellion, and only to try and make some sense of it. Didn't work.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Last Rebellion's damage calculations aren't worth figuring out because the game is so unbearably easy and so unbearably boring. That is the true HD RPG kusoge of the generation, right there.

Tuesday night, then. I don't have time to write up a rather sugar-coated constructive-criticism post right now, and I kinda want to go to bed. Haha.

-Music is subpar, regardless of whatever skin I wanted to use.
-I don't like the colours/tiles used for the NES skin. A lot of it clashed.
-I wish the enemies had animations; recall that I am comparing this to Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Ys, and Phantasy Star.
-Fix your hit%/Agility/Luck/Crit calculations because they are absurd
-No menu sorting option and this is needed.
-The first chapter is structured awkwardly towards the end, and the game design somewhat fell apart towards the end.
-Dungeon design is unremarkable, and some of the tiles used at times aren't that great.
-No buffs and debuffs afforded to the player and the player is forced to grind when they shouldn't be--other older games allow the player to use buffs/debuffs in order to get things done without having to level up an absurd amount
-Something I wanted to say here but I don't remember what it is at the moment... probably something to do with pacing, the first chapter overstaying its welcome as a result of the poor game design towards the end, I guess... ugh, I wish I remembered what it was because it felt like a bit of a bigger criticism.

+Script is good!
+Touch controls aren't that bad for menus.
+Last three chapters were short and sweet, and never overstayed their welcome
+References were good; the Minecraft chapter totally went over my head, but I got a little bit of it, I think.
+Liked being able to check every single thing and get a dialogue box for it
+Took proper advantage of the world map by being able to find things on the field.
+Pickpocketing was super-fun to me
+Thanks for making the Bandit's Cave/Hideout encounterless.
+I was always fond of that font used in the game.

o Trophies took little-to-no effort.
o New equipment was incredibly expensive (exacerbated by how unbalanced the game became towards the end), but you can find nearly every piece later in a dungeon anyway
o Don't suddenly give me the best equipment and essentially almost give the player the nod to go grind some more because they can finally do it without too many hazards... especially in a dungeon where the EXP amount jumps dramatically between the second-last dungeon and the last one. This is kind of weird design to me. I don't think a lot of people mind this, but I do.
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