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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I really can't fathom why someone would want to buy 06 for both consoles.

He's just that skilled. Just think of the accolades you could get by telling people "I'm skilled enough to have beaten Sonic 06, 3rd greatest Sonic game, on both consoles." And if they don't like it, tell them to go back to Sonic 1 or some other easy Sonic game.
Sheesh, who is this "Gareth Spriggs" character and who pissed in his cereal?

I don't know if I approve of his "TSSZ was right" comment, either. What exactly are we "right" about in this scenario? All I know is that Tristan can be a little snarky sometimes (particularly about old beefs), but more people than just him write for TSSZ.

Though you'd be surprised at how many people don't check bylines and just assume he solos all content on the site.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Girl: Can we get more content for Sonic Generations?
Boy: We'll pay you money...
Homer: For the ninth time, no!

Homer: Wait a minute...this gives me an idea...

Even Simpsons references can be used for SEGA, and not just Sonic.


The first time I think I've ever had a video accompany one of these
Boy, I'd love to play his copy of Sonic 2006 PS3! Sounds like the best version ever produced.

I bet the disc contains the version that Dave Halverson played.

the reason sonic fucks up when moving is your holding analog in same direction non stop. when sonic hits speed things it moves where he needs to go automaticly. same for all 3d sonic games . all games are trial and erro. stop stropping and play it correct
Yeah, Blaze, stop being so stroppy. GOSH!

Just because the controls are stroppy doesn't mean you should be stroppy.

The first time I think I've ever had a video accompany one of these

what the fuck is it with the British and defending Sonic the hedgehog so much

Seriously, when I was living in the UK last year on two separate occasions I inexplicably got given a long winding speech from people I didn't even know at parties about how Sonic has always been great and gamers are just spoiled or some shit. Just smile, nod, walk away, but the way they managed to go on for 10 minutes and not even bring up specific examples for why the series isn't shit seems telling they don't even play it much nowadays themselves.

Both occurrances I didn't say anything more than that I liked platformers while people played something in the background.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Just snapped at the most opportune moment, I suppose. Enough to get Mama Robotnik to post in this thread. :O

Kinda have a question as I'm planning to dive into Issues #237 and #238 tomorrow. Just read this and considering that Geoffrey St. John seems to have an interesting role in both StH and SU at the moment, I wonder what this means? (Even though the bottom cover looks better.) Probably nothing? I thought Flynn said the case has little bearing on the comic flow at the moment.

St. John–and the development behind the character–was one of many singled out by Ken Penders when he filed for copyright protection of his work. Penders and Archie are now butting heads in court in a civil suit Archie filed regarding those copyrights. It’s noteworthy that this switch was noticed right after a federal judge denied summary judgment to both sides in the case on Monday–significantly increasing the chance the case will go to a jury trial.
I don't get it. A lot of the stuff that Penders worked on like the Knuckles stuff is done and over with, right? Is he just blowing a lot of hot air now or what?

And seeing as how we were talking about this in the thread a few weeks agoooo...



Kinda have a question as I'm planning to dive into Issues #237 and #238 tomorrow. Just read this and considering that Geoffrey St. John seems to have an interesting role in both StH and SU at the moment, I wonder what this means? (Even though the bottom cover looks better.) Probably nothing? I thought Flynn said the case has little bearing on the comic flow at the moment.

I don't get it. A lot of the stuff that Penders worked on like the Knuckles stuff is done and over with, right? Is he just blowing a lot of hot air now or what?

Last I checked the case was still ongoing. More likely is that it was a simple marketing change, though. Geoffrey's not blending in with the Sega designs there at all, and he wasn't going to sell any copies anyway.
Went back to Generations for a bit today and wow, I'm really rusty. Missed shortcuts I don't normally miss 75% of the time. The Chemical Plant Act 2 shortcut (you know the one) is the only one I was able to do consistently, which is weird considering I've always strugled with that one before.

And seeing as how we were talking about this in the thread a few weeks agoooo...

Replaying this is definitely on my to-do list for the summer.


I really enjoyed the art for that Foundation Work side story, I agree that Evan did a good job staying on-model and still standing out from other artists. I'm interested in seeing more from Stanley.

EDIT: And bonus points for
Mighty lips (link)

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Last I checked the case was still ongoing. More likely is that it was a simple marketing change, though. Geoffrey's not blending in with the Sega designs there at all, and he wasn't going to sell any copies anyway.
Yeah, the Espio cover looks far better in terms of colour scheme.

Still, I can't help but to feel like the Penders case has gone on for a long time. I can't really remember what it was about now other than him claiming ownership of his Original Characters (Do Not Steal!). Wouldn't he have been under contract at the time those characters were implemented in the series and he wouldn't have ownership of them anyway, because they're basically different versions of a Knuckles design? Meh.

Replaying this is definitely on my to-do list for the summer.
Might put up a GAF Plays thread next week or the week after if people are interested. Kind of swamped with work for the next few weeks or so.

Besides, I can't help but to feel this bit is timely. :p


EDIT: And bonus points for
Mighty lips (link)

This was the best easter egg ever. I have no idea how it made it all the way to print.

Still, I can't help but to feel like the Penders case has gone on for a long time. I can't really remember what it was about now other than him claiming ownership of his Original Characters (Do Not Steal!). Wouldn't he have been under contract at the time those characters were implemented in the series and he wouldn't have ownership of them anyway, because they're basically different versions of a Knuckles design? Meh.

They've got copies of a contract, but their authenticity is in question, and other Archie staff from that era are on record as saying that they never personally signed anything.

Not sure how copyright law regarding derivative characters works out, but his art is so godawful that the only way he'll ever get anything out to the public is by throwing it online himself.
what the fuck is it with the British and defending Sonic the hedgehog so much

Seriously, when I was living in the UK last year on two separate occasions I inexplicably got given a long winding speech from people I didn't even know at parties about how Sonic has always been great and gamers are just spoiled or some shit. Just smile, nod, walk away, but the way they managed to go on for 10 minutes and not even bring up specific examples for why the series isn't shit seems telling they don't even play it much nowadays themselves.

Both occurrances I didn't say anything more than that I liked platformers while people played something in the background.

Sega was kind of the only game console manufacturer in the UK in the 90's. Either you owned a Mega Drive, or you had computers like the Amiga and the Commodore. Nintendo was notorious in their neglect for the UK market, with games releasing there months or even years after North America and Japan. It wasn't until sometime around the Gamecube that Nintendo finally went, "Hey, sorry, Europe. We'll start treating you as equals now."

But Sega of Europe was still doing their Sonic media blitz, so they had comics and toys and whatnot all of their own. Sonic became this huge force over there, and he was basically unopposed, unless you count characters like Dizzy as being "competition". (I don't, but I'm an American, so what do I know)

Kinda have a question as I'm planning to dive into Issues #237 and #238 tomorrow. Just read this and considering that Geoffrey St. John seems to have an interesting role in both StH and SU at the moment, I wonder what this means? (Even though the bottom cover looks better.) Probably nothing? I thought Flynn said the case has little bearing on the comic flow at the moment.

I don't get it. A lot of the stuff that Penders worked on like the Knuckles stuff is done and over with, right? Is he just blowing a lot of hot air now or what?

It's sounding like Penders might actually have a case. My understanding of it is Penders alleges that Archie did not have him sign the appropriate work-for-hire contracts, so he still owns his own characters. Penders is calling in other Archie writers and even the former EIC (as in, the one who would have had him sign that contract) to verify this.

Both Archie and Penders filed for something called "summary judgement", where they basically write up their preliminary evidence, present it to the judge, and if he grants summary judgement, they skip a full blown legal trial altogether and a winner is declared right there. The judge denied summary judgement, and advised them to find a settlement out of court. If Archie doesn't settle, it will eventually go to trial. Based on the removal of St. John, it would seem that Archie might be running scared.
Dizzy is extremely beloved in retro circles over here. Of course, he was the home grown hero versus the Service Games focus-tested super-mascot. The winner was a given. (Also Sonic was better but yeah)

Mr Swine

This was the best easter egg ever. I have no idea how it made it all the way to print.

They've got copies of a contract, but their authenticity is in question, and other Archie staff from that era are on record as saying that they never personally signed anything.

Not sure how copyright law regarding derivative characters works out, but his art is so godawful that the only way he'll ever get anything out to the public is by throwing it online himself.

Doesn't Penders claim that he owns the rights to the master emerelds, chaos emeralds and knuckles?
Doesn't Penders claim that he owns the rights to the master emerelds, chaos emeralds and knuckles?

No. Ken Penders was involved in two lawsuits with Sega over this stuff.

The first one is basically that Ken was fired from Archie in 2007-ish and hasn't really done anything since then, so he wants to launch a self-published graphic novel based on the characters he made for Archie. His allegation is that Archie never sent him the proper "anything you make for us is now our property" contracts, so he retains ownership of basically everything he wrote for Archie that does not already belong to Sega. So that means Knuckles' entire family, the idea of the "Echidnaopolis" civilization, all of the villains (Dark Legion), all of the lore (magic fire ants) and even incidental side characters (Geoffry St. John) could all potentially be exclusive property of Ken Penders. In what we've seen of Ken's graphic novel, it takes place many years in the future (30+) and centers around Knuckles' extended family. It seems Ken is trying to get around not being able to reference Sega characters by referring to Knuckles exclusively as "The Guardian".

The second lawsuit was between Sega, EA, and Bioware, because Ken felt that the plot of Sonic Chronicles: Dark Brotherhood too closely resembled, again, all of the stuff he's fighting Archie for. He alleged that the "Dark Brotherhood" at the center of the game's plot was basically a carbon copy of his Dark Legion. I feel like Sega may have settled out of court on that one but it may not have gone to trial yet.

I also remember hearing a rumor that Sega is really unhappy with Archie right now for letting it come to this. Again, Ken might have a case here, and if he does, it is strictly through Archie's own staggering incompetence. Which comes as no surprise when you remember how diabolically awful the comic used to be - there are also stories I've heard about really terrible stuff happening to artists, like the pencils for an entire issue being ruined because they were left out in the rain. Stuff like that.


The second lawsuit was between Sega, EA, and Bioware, because Ken felt that the plot of Sonic Chronicles: Dark Brotherhood too closely resembled, again, all of the stuff he's fighting Archie for. He alleged that the "Dark Brotherhood" at the center of the game's plot was basically a carbon copy of his Dark Legion. I feel like Sega may have settled out of court on that one but it may not have gone to trial yet.

I'm tempted to say that one was put on hold because it sort of completely hinges on the outcome of the first case.

I also love the utter hypocrisy of pointing fingers at Bioware with one hand while clutching his own Sega/Superman-derived "original" creations with the other.


eyuuuup, were getting Sonic Adventure 3, probably going to be the 25th anniversary game. Iizuka-san's probably been getting stuffed with Sonic 4 feedback to the brim that he thought everyone hated his innovations, of course, that wouldn't stop him from doing them, or making sonic Adventure 3, but it looks like Sonic Boom opened his eyes, and made him ecstatic that the fans want Sonic Adventure 3.

from the Sonic forums, someone who was at Sonic Boom:

(concerning Sonic Adventure 3)

Will there be a sonic adventure 3?

*the entire crowd goes insane for aprox. 3 minutes. Iizuka couldn't quiet them down.*

Iizuka: "Wow. I never expected that. It's something that can be done in the future if theres enough demand for it"


"Will sega take time to make games? will there be a gap in between games?"
*the crowd chants SA3! SA3! SA3!*

Unfortunately you had to be there, no one managed to catch it on video. The smile on Iizuka's face was like $_$ <--- "I know how to please the fans now!"

It was amazing. I wish I had a decent camera..... well... next year.

OMG Aero

I would hope that Sonic Team/Sega are more competent as a company than to just decide to make a game based on what the hardcore people who go to conventions want.
Otherwise this series is fucking doomed.
Sonic Adventure 3, from DIMPS.

Meanwhile, Sonic Team continue making awesome Sonic games. We need at least three before it goes to shit again, guys. :(


Sonic Adventure 3, from DIMPS.

Meanwhile, Sonic Team continue making awesome Sonic games. We need at least three before it goes to shit again, guys. :(

hahahahha, Sonic Adventure 3 from Dimps would be hilarious, but Iizuka cares too much about Sonic Adventure, he wouldn't just pass it onto Dimps. He would make it himself, It's not Sonic 4.


I would be absolutely ecstatic if Adventure 3 happens.....
and Iizuka pulls an Ian Flynn and has most of the side characters get put out of commision and forced to retire in the end. Would be the greatest troll of all-time.


eyuuuup, were getting Sonic Adventure 3, probably going to be the 25th anniversary game. Iizuka-san's probably been getting stuffed with Sonic 4 feedback to the brim that he thought everyone hated his innovations, of course, that wouldn't stop him from doing them, or making sonic Adventure 3, but it looks like Sonic Boom opened his eyes, and made him ecstatic that the fans want Sonic Adventure 3.

from the Sonic forums, someone who was at Sonic Boom:

You know that scene in Star Wars when all the senators cheer for Palpatine? This is like that.
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