Hrm. You know, Nocturnowl might be right about his assertion. I don't have much of an attachment, but I still end up playing the games to see what's new and what stuck around from previous games. But I sorta do that with a lot of series; Kingdom Hearts being another example, though I'm not purchasing KH3D until it drops in price. BbS was the only KH game I legitimately liked.
Aww... He tried so hard, though.
I've been thinking about this since last night, and I think I want a Sonic game on either portable. It's mostly because I was watching the LP of Sonic Generations on my Vita with the YT app, though. >.>
Sonic and All-Stars Racing on Vita and 3DS might come close, but that's more of a Sega reunion racing game as opposed to a platformer. I mostly want a new platformer. I'm in the mood for one.
Anyone else planning on getting the Bonus Edition? I might. Not sure which platform I'll get it on, though (Vita or PS3, though I imagine the PS3 version would be better).