I bet the competitive scene for this is thriving.
fuck mystic cave zone
Two stages for different types of people.I imagine that's how people first reacted to Sonic 06.
Guys, why won't speed be enough?
Because you'll also need psyhic powers and Chaos energy or whatever it is Shadow's supposed to have going for him.
Shadow looks like he can throw down in the kitchen
The ultimate lifeform thing is totally just something Shadow just made up. Sonic keeps beating him and he can't even run as fast as Sonic, he needs fucking jet boots to do it.Thinking that the Ultimate Lifeform based on an animorphic hedgehog, capable of running at mach speeds, needs to ride fucking jeeps and motorcycles.
It's beyond me.
The ultimate lifeform thing is totally just something Shadow just made up. Sonic keeps beating him and he can't even run as fast as Sonic, he needs fucking jet boots to do it.
That whole "ultimate lifeform" thing was such a load of crap, anyway. I'm glad they're not pushing it that much anymore; everything involved is much better off for it.
I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I believe Shadow should've been left alone after SA2.
His purpose was fufilled.
I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I believe Shadow should've been left alone after SA2.
His purpose was fufilled.
Makes me wonder if Sega got a lot of shit for Colours which brought back very little on the character front.
Hah, of course in the end no one loved the game.I remember before Project Needlemouse was revealed as Sonic 4, there was that whole "WHO WILL APPEAR IN NEEDLEMOUSE" thing and everyday they crossed off characters until Sonic was left. There was a bit of an uproar...but they quickly gotten over it because they realized they'll love the game anyways just because it's Sonic.
These days I don't mind the treasure hunting at all aside from mad space, they're not great but a brief bit of exploration isn't that bad, it's the shooting stages that feel my wrath now.I never had a problem with the Knuckles levels in Adventure 1 and 2, I thought the exploration was a nice contrast to Sonic's linear running levels.
The only problems are when they did levels with shitty gimmicks like Aquatic Mines or Mad Space.
Hah, of course in the end no one loved the game.
Sonic Adventure 2 HD likely coming to PC. Also sounds like they're using the uncut OST version of Death Chamber with the "Damn right, Knuckles" line.
>In the GameCube version, the entire conversation between Sonic and Knuckles was removed and replaced with a saxophone solo because of the line "Ya damn right, Knuckles."
I was 13 when SA2 ended and I agree with him on that one. Seeing him come back in Heroes was rather jarring.No, I think a lot of people that were over the age of 15 when SA2 ended would agree with you on that one.
What was the actual conclusion to the heroes twist of shadow robots? I never bothered to find out and am now curious.
I assume Shadow the Hedgehog answers all my questions, too bad I don't want to endure it for answers.
You aren't honestly alone. Every sane person wished Shadow should of have just died there.
No, I think a lot of people that were over the age of 15 when SA2 ended would agree with you on that one. Problem is, Sonic Team got in to this habit of bringing characters back just because they were popular.
It more or less started with Sonic Adventure 2, where, according to "historical records" (aka the news archives of, Sonic Team retooled a significant portion of the game in order to make room for slotting Tails as a playable character when he wasn't, originally.
Sonic Team got it in their heads to always bring back fan-favorite characters or suffer the wrath of the whiners. So Knuckles stuck around long after he was useful, Shadow stuck around long after he was useful, so on and so forth.
Clearly it was just too deep to truly understand.ShTH has Shadow robots out the butt, fuck knows what the plot means though.
I think Sonic was supposed to be moderately surprised with his "talk about being stubborn and full of surprises" comment and I just figured Shadow was making a crappy joke off his own assumed demise with "it'll be a date to DIE for" but maybe i'm giving them too much credit.What was even more shocking was the meeting between Team Sonic and Team Dark. All of the memories of the events of SA2 must've slipped Sonics mind, because the only words exchanged were mindless banter ending with, "Hey, that's my line!"
Fuck that shit.
Sayanora Shadow the Hedgehog my arse, my life is a lie but at least now I have the answers to this disastrous mess.If you dick around in the fight with Devil Doom at the end of Shadow's Last mission (and we're talking like seven minutes of dicking around, so most people wouldn't hear this in their effort to finish the fight quickly), Eggman will chime in on the radio (or whatever's letting all the characters talk to Shadow) and admit that he picked Shadow up from the surface after the events of SA2 and nursed him back to health, so the Shadow in the game is the same Shadow as SA2's.
I know, renders his sacrifice completely pointless, doesn't it.
I think Sonic was supposed to be moderately surprised with his "talk about being stubborn and full of surprises" comment and I just figured Shadow was making a crappy joke off his own assumed demise with "it'll be a date to DIE for" but maybe i'm giving them too much credit.
What was even more shocking was the meeting between Team Sonic and Team Dark. All of the memories of the events of SA2 must've slipped Sonics mind, because the only words exchanged were mindless banter ending with, "Hey, that's my line!"
Heroes's writing sucked all around, though. "Look at all those Eggman's robots!" isn't even grammatically correct. And then actually having a title drop at the ending - not sure if this was in the English version, but the last line of the Last Story in the Japanese has Jun'ichi Kanemaru proclaiming "SO! UI AA SONNIKKU HIROUZU!" I'm sorry, but I cannot even remotely take the phrase "Sonic Heroes" seriously in any context outside of the title of the game, and trying to make me take it seriously is just going to make me feel really uncomfortable.
Sonic Heroes ending also has the OG Metal Sonic design, so it's not all bad.