Okay, so actually played Emerald Ties this time around. Gotta agree with the complaints about Sonic feeling really heavy in terms of gravity, but on top of that he's kind of sluggish to accelerate and hard to slow down (consistent with a heavy object, actually, but that's neither here nor there). Made a lot of the chase segments in Relic Retreat Zone annoying, because it's less me running through the corridors quickly and more me fighting with Sonic's momentum to land where I need to, in one go, without being crushed to death from above. Not easy to do when he takes a while to get going from a standstill.
Graphically it was excellent, but I'm not so fond of how fullscreen mode came out rather horizontally squished on my monitor. The game's widescreen, but MMF2 is trying to shoehorn that into a 4:3 fullscreen resolution. The end result is kind of ugly, so I played it in windowed instead.
Wasn't there supposed to be a snow level in this game, or was that something else? Gonna have to review the posts in this thread, my mind's playing tricks on me...
...yeah, there is. Guess I'll have to revisit, because the game dumped me to the title screen after those two stages. <_<