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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I was just randomly playing SA2 when I saw on my main save file over 86 hours played and 173/180 emblems. It somehow made me feel like I belong here -_-?

There are people around here who've put more hours into worse games, fear not.

I just played through this stage in SA2 and those jumpy spring things look broken in that mod. Most of 'em take 2-3 bounces ta get where ya need to be not 5-6 or more...

They aren't even in Generations in the first place (edit: I am wrong), so it's not surprising that they need some fine tuning still.
I just played through this stage in SA2 and those jumpy spring things look broken in that mod. Most of 'em take 2-3 bounces ta get where ya need to be not 5-6 or more...

I don't think they are so much "broken" as they are being used out of context. In the Sonic Generations mission they appear in, they work as intended, but there might not be any way to make them more powerful.
I was just randomly playing SA2 when I saw on my main save file over 86 hours played and 173/180 emblems.
I openly hate SA2 but I'm pretty sure I'd have even more hours logged into SA2B if I were to double-check. I was a very impressionable 11 year old and it wasn't until I replayed the game years later (Heroes put me off the franchise for years upon years) that I realized it wasn't very good
I still love the music though
Sega1991 I had no idea you invented SAGExpo!

Yep, way back in the prehistoric era of 2000. I was tired of there being this big fear of cease & desists for fangames so I had the lofty goal of using SAGE as a showcase to try and change public perception for the better, along the lines of the way it is in Japan, where "doujin" (fan-made) works are less controversial (and sometimes, even sold for money).

I don't think SAGE ever even came close to doing that, but it ended up serving as a good milestone for the community to celebrate their own projects. A goal for everybody to work towards is worth it in its own right.

I "hosted" the first five or so SAGEs, back when it was one every six months, then I handed the reigns off and it's been going strong ever since. I'm actually really proud that it's still around!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I got my backlog of comics out of the way, finally, but it might be a little late to post what I think considering new issues are about to come out soon anyway. But Sonic Universe and StH seem like they're getting good.
Finally understand stuff about Shard now

Man, I should have used a controller for Sonic Fusion instead. Keyboard input is sucky. Oh well. I haven't gone into MP yet because I'm shy and scared. >.>

Welcome to Sonic Fusion. It's a good fangame, and one that's been around for a loooooooooooong time (like, it seems almost complete already and it's still being tagged as a demo). I think you should play it. You'll come to a few options that allow you to choose input, choose volume, choose the language, etc.

I think this demo has less features than the SAGE 2011 demo cuz I couldn't select the story when I played it but Time Attack is up for grabs.

This game comes with lots of levels! They play to several traditional tropes in Sonic games from the normal green level, factory level, pinball level, etc. I balked at Splash Hill's inclusion and saw that it is made in the vision of Splash Hill. >.>

btw, my favourite level is definitely Fatal Factory. That is super-fun. At the end of each level you'll be ranked. I imagine that if I had played this with a gamepad, my ranks would be higher.

There are four playable characters: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow. Each character comes with their own moveset.

Sonic does Sonic things like boost, cartwheel and attack things, wall jumping, and homing attack. Second shot is from Windowed since I realized that I didn't post shots from every level.

Knuckles uses his knuckles to glide, stick to walls and climb, and he has a combo attack. If you jump and press the attack button, he'll attack things with his head.

Tails does what Tails usually does. He flies, he has a small attack with his tails (and its a 1-hit combo so you can't chain attacks), he has that accursed "throw rings at people to do damage" attack, and I don't really like using him much. Not as much as the others.

It's funny because Tails is usually the easiest person to use in Sonic games.

Poochie the Hedgehog makes an appearance, and he's... actually... not bad to play... Like, he's kind of fun to use. He has a ranged attack (which uses part of the meter in the corner), can boost, has a short kick attack, and can use a homing attack. He's pretty decent to use in this game.

Everyone can spindash.

One thing that I absolutely can't stand is the intro video. I don't like it. I don't like the animation (or lack thereof), I don't like the flash look of it, I don't like the stiffness of it. The Rise Against song is horribly out of place. I don't like it at all. It seems like bad stiff flash. And it's something I've accused the Ys Celceta trailer too. I can't stand stiff character animation at all. It bugs the crap out of me.

Other than that, the music and environmental design are very good. Music is great, and the environments and levels are nicely designed (except in Outer Wood where being able to stand on trees is not made obvious to the player, and in Splash Hill where there's a giant pit of doom in places). Shields have a place in this game, and hilariously, in Splash Hill, you get that Sonic 4 shield. Actually, now that I think about it, Green Valley was the level I'd played the least because I didn't like how it looked at all. I think it should be brighter. >.>

It is a little hard to see the characters because they're kind of small. I ended up playing it in both windowed and full screen but it was still kind of hard to see characters in both of them. Some of the areas are all "kill of the enemies before moving on" but I guess that's to emulate the Adventure-style stuff.

I think it's about time for this to come out now, unless they're tweaking the story mode. It plays like Modern Sonic games in that it has modern moves and stuff, but it feels a lot like a classic-style game. I enjoyed it. Plays very well.

Someone do the whole movie in SFM now.

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Not to be nosy qq more but I think you meant to leave this post of yours in here.
I'm sure capcom's deplorable shenanigans just bewildered you into making a mistake so it's okay.

Whooops, I opened the wrong tab. Haha. Thankfully no one quoted me. How embarrassing though >.>

Wait, I remember Sonic Fusion back from 2008. I recognize that carnival level and Sting Chameleon's forest stage.

By the way, what in the fuck is up with every Advance style Sonic game using all of these bg styles that clashes? Seriously, what is up with the Mega Man and Genesis era Sonic backgrounds? Every.single.advance.style.fan.game.fucking.does.this.
By the way, what in the fuck is up with every Advance style Sonic game using all of these bg styles that clashes? Seriously, what is up with the Mega Man and Genesis era Sonic backgrounds? Every.single.advance.style.fan.game.fucking.does.this.
Some fan game artists just want to watch the world burn have no aesthetic tastes. Case in point: Sonic 4 backgrounds with Advance sprites. Not that it'd look any better with Sonic 4 sprites, to be sure...

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Some fan game artists just want to watch the world burn have no aesthetic tastes. Case in point: Sonic 4 backgrounds with Advance sprites. Not that it'd look any better with Sonic 4 sprites, to be sure...
That stuff is ridiculously jarring. It looks terrible. I didn't want to say anything yet but you hit it on the head: Advance sprites + larger backgrounds, merging them with a Sonic 4 style in a clashy way, and using Genesis-like backgrounds + Advance sprites is really really weird.

They look fine on their own. Backgrounds look fine on their own, and the Advance sprites look alright in the Advance style or on their own.

But these don't mesh well. There are a few aesthetic choices I don't like about this game outside of the shitty flash animation at the beginning which bugs me because everything about it is wrong.

The game plays very decently, though. It ain't perfect, but it's fun.

Edit: I'm wondering why they haven't released it yet, and why this demo didn't have a Story Mode apparently. Cuz I think the 2011 demo and a previous demo had story mode, right? It's been in development for several years, even...

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The thing that bugs me most is that Advance style backgrounds are generally very nice looking and yet they ignore them and use out of place backgrounds from other games.
That video reminds me that I've always liked the Sonic OVA music, especially that one bit that plays when the sun is setting and Knuckles is talking with Sonic/Tails after they blow up MechaRobotnik. Don't ask me why
I kind of wish they'd made an OST for the OVA. I tried making a MIDI of the "Land of Darkness" theme, but it's obscured by sound effects in the two times it comes up in the film (the first visit to the Land of Darkness itself being one, obviously; the other being around about the same fight the SFM video replicates). Which is really annoying, because the strings do something really fast rather early on into the song, and all four times they do it, there's some sort of sound that gets in the way. I still don't think my MIDI is accurate.

And no, while there is an MP3 rip floating around, it isn't accurate. They cut parts without sound effects and pasted them over the parts with sound effects, with no consideration for whether or not the song actually sounds like that.


So I got one of my friends recently played Generations , and he has never played any 3D sonic games. Just the 2D ones , watching him play it looked really bad. Boosting at the wrong times , not getting some visual cues.

Yet when he played the 2D level everything seemed much better , and even in the 2D games . Everything just seems easy to pick up and play while still being challenging and fun.

However when I play generations , even on the harder levels or when am playing for the first time . I dont get this frustration , everything seems in place and the game plays fun.
Are the recent sonic games just hard for new comers? which is why they stay away from them? Even though the old games had their equivalent for boost , the spindash. The fact that boost doesnt slow down at all just makes it to hard to control.

Dont game companies normally test out games with Experienced players,new to the game,average gamers . To see how it plays at various levels of skill?



Playing Sonic Colors with an Xbox 360 controller is a lot more fun for me now that I have it setup on Dolphin.

I was just randomly playing SA2 when I saw on my main save file over 86 hours played and 173/180 emblems. It somehow made me feel like I belong here -_-? I wondered why I had bothered to A rank all Eggman missions but not Tails... then saw Route 101. Yup. I can't begin to imagine what Crazy Gadget Hard Mode is like when the "Beat it in under 5 minutes with no checkpoints" one is impossible to begin with!

There are a few here like myself that tend to enjoy the Sonic Adventure series as part of the top series of Sonic.

Do you like all the modes in Sonic Adventure 2?


What controller did you used in the previous playthrough?

Classic Controller Pro. Something about it doesn't feel right with Sonic for me.

Sonic Colors was also my first time really playing Modern Sonic. I only played the first level of Sonic Unleashed 360 before Colors which was a while before I played Colors.
I actually appreciate Colors more than I did then because I understand it a bit more thanks to Generations.
So I got one of my friends recently played Generations , and he has never played any 3D sonic games. Just the 2D ones , watching him play it looked really bad. Boosting at the wrong times , not getting some visual cues.

Yet when he played the 2D level everything seemed much better , and even in the 2D games . Everything just seems easy to pick up and play while still being challenging and fun.

However when I play generations , even on the harder levels or when am playing for the first time . I dont get this frustration , everything seems in place and the game plays fun.
Are the recent sonic games just hard for new comers? which is why they stay away from them? Even though the old games had their equivalent for boost , the spindash. The fact that boost doesnt slow down at all just makes it to hard to control.

Dont game companies normally test out games with Experienced players,new to the game,average gamers . To see how it plays at various levels of skill?

Honestly it's a combination of the incredibly bad reputation the series had gained at the beginning of this generation it's only now making active-strides to pull itself out of and most of the Sonic audience being on the Wii/3DS.

If you like 2D Sonic but dislike the more modern sections in Generations due to complication, I'd give Sonic Colors a try on the Wii. It's still modern Sonic, but the boost is downplayed significantly, most of the game is 2D and the focus is instead more on using simple powerups to interact and explore your environment.

qq more

Classic Controller Pro. Something about it doesn't feel right with Sonic for me.

Sonic Colors was also my first time really playing Modern Sonic. I only played the first level of Sonic Unleashed 360 before Colors which was a while before I played Colors.
I actually appreciate Colors more than I did then because I understand it a bit more thanks to Generations.

Classic Controller is really bad for Sonic games for some reason. I don't know what it is, but I struggle so badly with it.
The Classic Controller Pro is the only controller I could stand to play Colors with, weirdly enough. The Wiimote and Nunchuck options felt weird, and I'm not really a fan of using the GC controller.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I don't like the CC or CCPro much either. They feel weird.

Like, put an SNES controller or a GCN controller in my hands and I'll be fine with it. I just feel like both controllers have more plastic than they should. They're kinda big and don't fit well in my hands.


Other than a few d-pad derp moments I very much preferred the Wiimote sideways with Colors, though sometimes I could put up with the CCPro. 360 controller would no doubt be much better, but hey.

Speaking of controls, it really pisses me off how there seems to be a problem in Chun-Nan Day where, near the beginning of the level, pressing X sometimes just does not work. It happens from just before the first dragon (first failure being an attempted homing attack on the gunner above the speed boosters) and continues to the point where you have to homing attack 3 Spinners across a gap--the failure resulting in death.


I love the CC Pro, it's a great controller for 2D gaming. 3D gaming... not so much.

It's really nice for SNES games, and I do happen to enjoy the Classic Controller Pro for 2D games as well. It's just Modern Sonic games don't feel right with it's analog sticks, but I don't think it's bad for 3D games. Monster Hunter is a certain 3D game that works well with it.

Still wish they gave it actual triggers. But for a cheap 20$ controller it's not so bad, it's just not so great either.

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It's really nice for SNES games, and I do happen to enjoy the Classic Controller Pro for 2D games as well. It's just Modern Sonic games don't feel right with it's analog sticks, but I don't think it's bad for 3D games. Monster Hunter is a certain 3D game that works well with it.

Still wish they gave it actual triggers. But for a cheap 20$ it's not so bad, it's just not so great either.

Oh yeah, I forgot that MonHun is pretty good with the CC Pro. (although, that makes sense... it was designed for it!) I've always used it for the game. :)
The problem with the CC/Pro, as I understand it, is that they use one less bit for their analog sensors than the GC controllers do, meaning you get less fine-movement capability with the former than you do with the latter. Also the former doesn't have analog triggers, which may or may not be a problem to you (the Pro certainly doesn't; the original CC pushes in like it does, but I don't think they actually are analog, funnily enough).
My problem with the Classic Controller is the analog sticks. Compare them to any other controller, heck, even the Nunchuck, and it's pretty obvious that they're a good half an inch taller than most other controllers.

Because of that, there's a lot bigger throw on the sticks, and less room to make fine movements, I feel. I also don't really like the grooves that force your analog stick in to one of eight directions; for games like NiGHTS it really makes things feel a lot less smooth.
That last one's sort of been the case for all Nintendo analog directional inputs ever, up until the 3DS. The Wii U won't have the octagonal gates, though. Yay.
I wonder what's in store for next gen Sonic. Hopefully not another MODERN REALIZATION OF THE WORLD OF SONIC.

Gritty, cynical Sonic

Tails: Sonic, Robotnik is terrorizing Moebi--uh, Earth, uh...wait, what's the name of the planet again? Whatever, he's destroying stuff, you gotta save them!

: Fuck 'em

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Yeah, that's another thing I don't like about the CC/CCPro; the sticks feel weird and they're too big. Everything about the CC/CCPro is too big and bulky. :|

Apparently, Sonic Adventure 3.

And considering that the first two were MODERN REALIZATIONS OF THE WORLD OF SONIC...
Sonic Adventure 3 could be like Sonic World Adventure!

Only instead of the Manhog, you get his friends implemented in shitty game mechanics that deviate so far from the central game's gameplay as to be wholly unappealing to most players! What could go right? :D
We all know the next Sonic game is going to be this.

I've looked over the opening post multiple times trying to gather my thoughts on this potential development, after much consideration i've decided that a simple "NO!" will suffice.
Open world, man that gives me the shivers.

Yeah, good times.


To be honest, I don't really see how Unleashed(Sonic World Adventure) would work without Werehog and Medal collecting. The hub worlds are based a majority over these two things, and the NPCs don't offer much.

You pretty much could just say Modern Sonic with a hub world.
Actually, setting aside my pessimism and self-loathing for a bit here, an open world Sonic game could work pretty amazingly. One of my favorite aspects of the Sonic series is the exploration, using Sonic's speed and the various physics quirks as means toward this end. Dicking around in Mystic Ruins was fun. Expanding this to a full game could be pretty awesome.

Probably wouldn't make it purely open-world; I know Blaze/Sega1991 proposed a system where several more open areas are interconnected by more linear pathways, some which could be traversed two-way, some which are strictly one-way. In effect, it'd be like Sonic Adventure, but the only means to reach one Adventure Stage from another would be to go through Action Stages, and (presumably) there would rarely be Action Stages that feed back into the same Adventure Stage you entered it from.

Also, some kind of RPG-ish upgrade system could probably work... Think Wario Land 3, where for whatever reason most of Wario's moves from Wario Land 2 were removed or severely downgraded, but as you played you gradually earned all of them back (and at least one situation where the end power was even better - Wario could swim against strong currents in WL3 whereas he totally couldn't in WL2). You'd start off with a lower top-speed and the inability to spin attack, which would probably play like Freedom Planet already does, but quickly earn those back, and then move on to some of the upgrades the Adventure series already had (light dashing, bounce attacks, powering-up the spin dash to handle stronger walls, etc). You could use these to block off access to certain paths or items, to add some semblance of progression.

However, in order to get to a point where I'd think Sega could actually pull this off, the controls really really really have to be tightened up. It feels okay when you're boosting, but when doing general platforming, it just... doesn't feel right. I'm not sure if it's too loose or too tight, but making fine movements to land on platforms accurately feels kind of finicky, when it really shouldn't. Mario is sort of the golden standard I'm thinking here; all five of his 3D entries just feel right, in terms of control. Not too slippery, not too oversensitive. I think some fangame attempts in this sort of foray get this part right; I recall BlitzSonic feeling pretty much like my ideal Sonic game, and GDK wasn't too bad about it either (although I didn't dabble with it quite as much).

I dunno, it could work. I don't think the Sega of today would do it quite right, but it's not entirely inconceivable.
I want Sonic Adventure 3 just for the fucking bedlam, to be honest.


Because some posters aren't looking for anything logical, like good gameplay. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.


Actually, setting aside my pessimism and self-loathing for a bit here, an open world Sonic game could work pretty amazingly. One of my favorite aspects of the Sonic series is the exploration, using Sonic's speed and the various physics quirks as means toward this end. Dicking around in Mystic Ruins was fun. Expanding this to a full game could be pretty awesome.

Probably wouldn't make it purely open-world; I know Blaze/Sega1991 proposed a system where several more open areas are interconnected by more linear pathways, some which could be traversed two-way, some which are strictly one-way. In effect, it'd be like Sonic Adventure, but the only means to reach one Adventure Stage from another would be to go through Action Stages, and (presumably) there would rarely be Action Stages that feed back into the same Adventure Stage you entered it from.upgrades the Adventure series already had (light dashing, bounce attacks, powering-up the spin dash to handle stronger walls, etc). You could use these to block off access to certain paths or items, to add some semblance of progression.
Huh, so kinda like Crash Twinsanity then? I think that could work really well.

Unrelated, but it crossed my mind how awesome Dragon Road would be as a track in S&ASRT.
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