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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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qq more

One more:

Noted. I'll look into fixing that bug, thanks.

(By the way, please tell them that they can change the controls by pressing Ctrl+Y. It isn't fully configurable because MMF2 is awful with it, but we are planning to implement our own customizable controls system in the future)

qq more

I'm gonna review my first SAGE 2012 fangame: Sonic Run 3!

Impression Before Downloading:
Well... the graphics looks VERY simple and... kind of ugly too. But it reminds me of the simple KnP days somewhat, so it's kind of nostalgic. And that only snapshot in the booth... looks rather empty. Oh well, download is done! Time to play!

I'm writing this as I play. Oh lookie, the default Game Maker loading screen! :V

Oh god is that a MIDI of Ice Mountain? Wait... where IS the HUD? Holy shit, it's really non-existant (and so are the sound effects) :lol And the controls is kind of weird. Up Arrow = Jump but you don't roll into a ball.

Wait, wtf? Why am I stuck against a wall? I have to stop holding forward to get unstuck... And what was up with the slopes? They don't even function as them. I have to actually jump on them like stairs.

Okay, for some reason I cannot jump onto a higher platform. Sonic's jump distance is too short for it!

...Nevermind, I just discovered Space = Jump... but you actually roll into the ball! Why is there 2 jump buttons? You can do a double jump by pressing Up first and then Space. Wow.

Now I'm just running through the stage... nothing exciting is really happening. It's a really bland gimmick-less level with no hazards and no enemies. Not even spikes. The double jumping makes every pit extremely easy to avoid... actually, I think even without the double jumping it's still too easy... Then I found the exit sign in a matter of 10 seconds and the game ended right there.

That was quite the experience. You can tell someone decided to whip up a quick Game Maker game in a matter of 5 minutes.

6 out of 5

0 out of 5


I finally got around to playing a few levels of Sonic Classic and music is pretty neat. I'd prefer if the jumping had more floatyness like the Genesis games instead of dropping fast, but it's not bad by any means. I couldn't figure out how to play as other characters so I was playing as Tails, for a fangame I think it's a good job and I can tell a lot effort went into it.

The levels were pretty big.

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I need to replay Sonic Classic since I got a new computer. My laptop sort of had performance issues (nothing too bad, it just kind of broke the pace if anything).



Watching the opening of the new Pitfall! game for iPhone made me realize how easily the current Sonic formula would easily fit into a Temple Run game on iPhone.
The aesthetics are hit and miss; some animations look jank and I'm not entirely sold on that artstyle, but I am very pleased by how the actual gameplay turned out. Just what I was expecting.

But yeah, a Sonic runner doing the same thing as this (take Temple Run, crank it up some notches) would be pretty damn sweet.

Come to think of it, it'd pretty much be Sonic and the Secret Rings.

I think I'm alright with that.

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Yeah, Act 2 is more offensive with the framerate. I have a feeling it has to do with the crazy amount of Tiles. (2000+) Most of the other non-boss levels were around 1200-1500.

EDIT: Estimated Tile Count (all I had to do was right click on a random tile and set it to "Bring To Front" and MMF2 would tell me a number):

SSZ1: 800
SSZ2: 1200
SSZ3: 150
RRZ1: 1700
RRZ2: 1500
RRZ3: 1000
PPZ1: 2000
PPZ2: 2000
PPZ3: 650

Original SSZ1: 1000
Original SSZ2: 400

Been working on reducing the amount of backdrops for the game by making 256x256 128x256 512x256, etc tiles. As it stands right now:

SSZ1: 640
SSZ2: 913
SSZ3: 96 (Completely pointless but I did it just for fun)
RRZ1: 1204
RRZ2: Haven't touched yet
RRZ3: 626


Pretty easy though and not too time consuming. Wish I had done it before SAGE began >>

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Next game: Project Shadow

It was okay. I didn't like it much. The engine was good, the framerate was at smooth 60FPS, and the visuals weren't too shabby (but I don't understand why stars are constantly scrolling across the screen). But the level design wasn't very well thought out.

There was a lot of grinding and boostpads, I recalled holding right (and not even touching any other input button) to progress through half of the stage. And some of the enemies takes multiple-hits... no thanks.

Also, it also had a lot of Dimpish flaws... namely, boostpad/springed into enemies. And there were also that part near the end of the stage where you fall down and you're suppose to be dodging all of the spikes... but you're falling too fast to even get the chance to react.

2/5. It has potential, but the level design needs a lot of work. And enemies with multiple-hits do not really fit in a Sonic game.
Being Android is suffering.


I don't know... for some reason I kind of want an Android.

Join the Windows Phone

There aren't many Windows Phone users, as I've seen. Shame, because I think it's a great platform for those wanting a minimalist UI.
Oh man, just figured out the Sketchhog is from the Sonic 2 JPN manual


Also, this manual is totally spoiler-rific
Bang bang bang DOM DOM DOM muhfucka
Would you like some eggs with your bacom?

That music is so much better than the original Sonic 4 versions. That game has some good tunes, but some horrible arrangements.
Pretty much what I've maintained. I love listening to a good arrangement of Splash Hill Zone, but the instruments chosen for the actual game are bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeegh

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Next game: Freedom Planet


After that thought: Despite the characters looking too much like Sonic characters (I'm not a fan of fan characters as you can see. Oh look a pun). Holy shit this game is fucking awesome.

The gameplay felt like a great mix of Sonic's speedy gameplay and a non-Sonic 16-bit era-esque platformer. The level design is excellent, the bosses are challenging, and the music is really well done. The art style is also pretty cool. I have not completed the demo of the game yet since it is very challenging, but it is really damn fun for sure.

I can't say I have any complaints from what I've played outside of having myself accidentally using the special move multiple times since I think it was somehow mapped to the Jump button? Not too much of a big deal, though. I heard that was getting fixed anyways.

5 out of 5
When I first saw freedom planet in a video a few months back it blew my mind how awesome it looked, apart from a few sonic things here and there and edited sprites it's something which should be sold for a price.
So guys, I finally own a 3DS. Nostalgia glasses aside... what's Triple Trouble really like? It didn't look much good at all on the Kyle/Keith video of it.

OMG Aero

So guys, I finally own a 3DS. Nostalgia glasses aside... what's Triple Trouble really like? It didn't look much good at all on the Kyle/Keith video of it.
I played a bit of Triple Trouble on the Sonic Gems Collection disc when that game came out on the eShop to see what it was like and it's not a good game.
I firmly believe that Game Gear/Master System Sonic games are mediocre at best and the only one I've ever had fun playing is Sonic Chaos and that was back when I was a dumb kid so that's probably bad too.
It's an okay platform game. Worth the asking price, at any rate. It has some annoying quirks, like how enemies like to respawn and the screen size is way too small, both of which combine to result in you running into said respawned enemies, but I still think it's pretty good.

OT, but


I've been arrested? News to me.


I am totally unbiased about Triple Trouble and it's a great game and worth 5 squids or whatever you people use in place of dollars.

And by unbiased I mean its the first game I ever owned and I have intense nostalgia for it.
So guys, I finally own a 3DS. Nostalgia glasses aside... what's Triple Trouble really like? It didn't look much good at all on the Kyle/Keith video of it.

None of the Game Gear Sonics are really that good, honestly. I won a raffle for a Virtual Boy when I was a kid and returned it to the store and bought a Game Gear, and even as a kid I wasn't too super thrilled by it.

But it's not THAT awful. I go back and forth on whether or not Sonic Chaos or Sonic Triple Trouble is the best GG Sonic game.

Sonic Chaos seems really bland at first until you realize that getting 100 rings is what sends you to a special stage, which suddenly makes the weird level design focused around huge caches of 50+ rings make a lot more sense. It transforms the goal of the game in to one where you have to specifically treasure the rings you hunt for and take special care to avoid enemies.

The tech in Triple Trouble, on the other hand, is a little more impressive. It is the closest in look and feel to a console Sonic game, but still never manages to break out of their shadow. It starts strong but really loses steam in the middle (the jungle and underwater levels are a real drag) and the special stage mechanic is a bitch.

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Triple Trouble is still my favorite portable title. I don't care what anyone says. It shits all over the Advance and Rush games any day!

And this is not speaking from nostalgia, I just find it really fun. It's definitely no where near the Genesis games in terms of quality. I think if there's one thing I'd REALLY change would be the platform it's on... Seriously, why Game Gear only? :(
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