Screenshot and subtitled LPs are a thing too.I want to let's play for GAF but then I'd have to talk. And you'd hear my horrible voice.
Screenshot and subtitled LPs are a thing too.I want to let's play for GAF but then I'd have to talk. And you'd hear my horrible voice.
Bork vs Trips happened?
At SS?
This is why I stop watchin', ya'll
No respect for THIS BUSINESS.Bork vs Trips happened?
At SS?
This is why I stop watchin', ya'll
And he's dead now, as in as dead as Shadow the Hedgehog after SA2.Trips lost.
Trips lost.
I like Hope, though, considering he's the only character to go through actual character development out of the entire cast (ex: he's the only one who acts believable considering his relationship with his father, the only parent he ever got to see most of his life was his mother, he's fourteen, etc.).Snow? That title would certainly go for Hope.
I still think you should play it, though. Different strokes and all that.Should I feel bad or good for skipping FFXIII? The overworld's overarching overt linearity kind of killed my interest. I don't like RPG fighting mechanics enough that streamlining the game to be them and only them would really tickle my fancy...
Ewww, Snow. Terrible in Japanese, couldn't be saved in English.schala stop talking shit about snow he is a good character
Snow just wants to be a HERO, punches everything instead of using a fancy weapon and is voiced by Troy Baker who is always awesome.Ewww, Snow. Terrible in Japanese, couldn't be saved in English.
Remember to link music and stuff. Heck you can do the thing that I do often and substitute better music in for the bad music.Ya'll are getting too much pleasure from this. I HAVE DONE NOTHING.
One of them had better be Christmas Nights.Rlan said:Looks like they might be bringing back the unlockable stuff for this version? It'd be silly to have Galleries AND Presents, so maybe the Question Marks are something different again? We can assume one of them is Christmas Nights, other is probably movie theatre, but I would have thought they'd put them into the presents?
Snow was voiced by Daisuke Ono in the JP version who voices almost every single character like that archetype, his dialogue is insipid, he fights with a weapon embedded in his jacket, and he barely evolves as a character.Snow just wants to be a HERO, punches everything instead of using a fancy weapon and is voiced by Troy Baker who is always awesome.
I like Hope, though, considering he's the only character to go through actual character development out of the entire cast (ex: he's the only one who acts believable considering his relationship with his father, the only parent he ever got to see most of his life was his mother, he's fourteen, etc.).
Based on that, and I'm generalizing here, I think you like your share of RPGs with a sense of humour, and with a fixed sort of structure (ie: you're always progressing towards something). I'd go for some of the Digital Devil Saga games, the Mother games, and maybe some of the Tales games if you really wanted to try to get into the genre. Start with Earthbound, though, I urge you. I think you might have a preference for ARPGs rather than the turn-based stuff too.Shadow Hog said:To be fair, you're also talking to a guy who's never beaten a single Final Fantasy game he's started, so it might be better that I save my money.
Seriously. FF1, I tend to get bored after getting either the boat or the raft (I forget which it is). FF6, stopped playing after failing to figure out how to progress in the World of Ruin (also Advance version, but eh). FF7 I liked enough to see all the way through to Sephiroth, but never got around to actually beating the bastard. Aaaand that's it. Not exactly a great track record of mine, I must admit.
I have beaten RPGs in the past, though. Admittedly I can count them on my hands (Skies of Arcadia Legends, Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Chrono Trigger, both mainline PS2 Kingdom Hearts titles, Magic Knight Rayearth if that counts, Shenmue if that counts, and I don't think Super Paper Mario or any Zelda games count at all), but I can occasionally do it!
Which reminds me, I should probably wrap up Shining the Holy Ark sometime, I was making good progress there.
An eyewitness report published on Sega Addicts explains that Sega left their space barren:
[....] To my disappointment, the area where the booth was said to have been was completely barren, an empty void surrounded by the attractions of competing companies. The only other presence Sega had was a 45 minute video compiled of various trailers shown on a general Gamescom screen. That and the appearance of some dear old Sega friends in the retro gaming section.
Sega may have elected instead to show products behind closed doors, as was previously reported, but if they indeed reserved the public space in the first place, leaving it blank could be the companys most glaring example of wasteful spending to date. That aside, having a few game journalists try out Sega games may be beneficial in preserving the PR message, but having the public do the same while providing feedback can be invaluablean opportunity that, for better or worse, Sega chose to miss out on for Gamescom.
Start with Earthbound, though, I urge you.
I want Earthbound, but Jesus Christ @ the prices on eBay. Not even for a complete collection, just a loose cartridge. Why oh why didn't I buy this while it was sub-$100?
Did try it on SNES9X GX on my Wii for a while, though. It's hard! Did like what I saw, though.
One day.
As for the XL, waiting on a green one. Maybe during a Christmas season, like with the DSi.
I was thinking of doing an actual recording of the game so everyone could listen to myRemember to link music and stuff. Heck you can do the thing that I do often and substitute better music in for the bad music.
Hey, beef
I was thinking of doing an actual recording of the game so everyone could listen to mysufferingenjoymentplaythrough.
Good for you, I guess?
I ended up paying... $78 for a loose cartridge (with a working battery so I didn't have to go in and take pliers to the battery then apply duct tape/solder it) back when I was in high school after much haggling. I don't regret my decision to purchase it right then and there, though, considering it's not on VC or anything. I have the Mother 1+2 collection for GBA now, but I prefer the SNES version. Buy Earthbound is a good place to check prices and stuff in a good place.Shadow Hog said:I want Earthbound, but Jesus Christ @ the prices on eBay. Not even for a complete collection, just a loose cartridge. Why oh why didn't I buy this while it was sub-$100?
Did try it on SNES9X GX on my Wii for a while, though. It's hard! Did like what I saw, though.
One day.
You didn't notice what I checked? Just for you?
I'm actually aware of both of theseBuy Earthbound is a good place to check prices and stuff in a good place.
Earthbound has one of the most hilarious forms of anti-piracy measures I've ever seen. You can read about it all here. It won't even let you finish the game.
Yeah, I saw.
Sweet lord, CD's JPN music is so goddamn good.
Dat Quartz Quadrant, dat Stardust Speedway Present, dat Tidal Tempest Bad Future....
Sonic CD music battle commence.
US Invincible
I like this compared to the Japanese soundtrack.
JPN Invincible
Yeah, I'm not getting one at launch either. It's a good thing, though, because I feel like I'm importing a lot this year. :|Shadow Hog said:Good thing I'm not still committed to getting a Wii U at launch, huh.
Japanese Sonic CD's music is some really good stuff, man.
US invincible music and the special stage music are pretty good, though. Oh, and Sonic Boom.
Yeah, I'm not getting one at launch either. It's a good thing, though, because I feel like I'm importing a lot this year. :|
Probably just gonna buy Rayman Legends and wait until Wii U gets a price cut or when I'm able to afford one.
US soundtrack has nothing over JPN imo. You could argue the special stages, but I feel JPN edges it out.
And the US's boss and game over themes, wtf? Where they trying to scare lil kids?
I think so. Thus I'll just buy the game and wait to get a Wii U. It's just like how I have a bunch of 360 games and no 360 yet, or how I bought DMC4 prior to owning a PS3. >.>Ain't Rayman Legends a Wii U exclusive?
Why would you criticize US's Game Over theme? It's wayyyyyy better than the crappy JPN Game Over song, not to mention I love nightmare-inducing songs for certain things. But seriously, that JPN Game Over song... what was THAT? :lol
But I agree that the JPN OST is overall better.
I think so. Thus I'll just buy the game and wait to get a Wii U. It's just like how I have a bunch of 360 games and no 360 yet, or how I bought DMC4 prior to owning a PS3. >.>
It makes up for the lack of drowning music at least!It's not so much that I dislike it, I just feel it didnt fit.
Creepy laughing and moody organ? Kinda foreign for Sonic, no?
I'm in the "I like both soundtracks and don't care to rank one over the other" camp.
I'll probably get crucified for this, but I like Stardust Speedway Present US more than it's JP counterpart.
I'm sad to say that a few friends and I waited overnight outside of a store to get our Wiis on launch day since we really wanted Twilight Princess.Oh okay, I remember doing that with Twilight Princess![]()
,Collision Chaos Present US has a really good atmospheric thing going on. Both soundtracks are good, but I simply prefer the JP one over the US one in some cases.
I'm sad to say that a few friends and I waited overnight outside of a store to get our Wiis on launch day since we really wanted Twilight Princess.
We got free coffee and doughnuts, and got to play some games on a TV they hooked up, so it wasn't a bad thing. It was really really cold, though...
I'll probably get crucified for this, but I like Stardust Speedway Present US more than it's JP counterpart.[/spoiler ]
Something about this sentence amuses me greatly.It makes me... like... Grrr!
Quartz Quadrant JPN is so good, easily my favourite from both soundtracks, Wacky Workbench US nips closes at its heels.Sweet lord, CD's JPN music is so goddamn good.
Dat Quartz Quadrant, dat Stardust Speedway Present, dat Tidal Tempest Bad Future....
While I give the JPN set the edge over US this is easily one of the tracks where I felt US just flat out won the round, love the crazy percussion going on in this one.