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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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EmCeeGramr has the best reactions to HUELEN10's posts.
He has pretty amusing reactions to many things so I should check this out.

I'm kind of shocked the Rhythm Thief thread went the way it did when expressing criticisms about the game/game structure to be honest with you. I thought people were going to be more defensive in there.

Well we all know that Beef doesn't like Final Fantasy VI, and that was met with OP YOU'RE WRONG.

The most recent thread dogpiles I can think of are: Xenoblade (say something bad about the game or criticize one aspect of it and you're met with 'omg wtf why do you hate xenoblade wtf is wrong with you you have shitty taste', or even say it's not your RPG of the generation and you're met with the same garbage), Final Fantasy XIII-2 (on both sides of the discussion), Theatrhythm (any criticisms about the localization or game structure are met with utter scrutiny), Guild Wars 2 (it's not WoW so I don't like it, or at least that's what I'm told anyway), Skyward Sword (wtf is wrong with you, why do you like this game so much), Uncharted 3 (it's illegal not to like this game), and so on. Oh, apparently because of my comments about Tales of Xillia's main character on GAF, a lot of people think I hate the game in general or something which is incredibly strange.

It's a very annoying thing on GAF, tbh. Everything has a defense force, surely, but man, it gets really annoying and nuts when you're in an OT. That's why I have a general policy about not posting in threads about games I generally don't like, or to stop posting in threads about games that I'm currently playing/finished playing but have some criticisms about.

I feel good about posting that in here because SonicGAF is made of cool people who are pretty relaxed about this kind of stuff anyway.

Not enough people playing Rhythm thief to mount up a resistance, and now i'm kind of sad.
As for the other games, or at least the ones I can comment on from first hand experience.

Xenoblade: Ah this is a good choice, I was part of the PAL release people so back then it hadn't quite reached hyperbole central, it's my second favourite game from last year but damn some people are irritating when proclaiming their love for it, by the logic of some JRPGS were on the brink of absolute destruction about to become extinct when the heavens opened and Xenoblade swooped in saving the entire genre and now it's laughing atop its mighty throne yelling at passer bys to play it or be laughed out of the room for daring to enjoy other JRPGs.

Theatrhythm: Oh yeah there were a few folks adamant that nothing was wrong with the sometimes half assed localisation, not much of a fuss though, it was only a few people. Though I believe some didn't take kindly to our points that the beats can sometimes be flat out bad. Still it's not as bad as other cases of defensiveness I think.

Skyward Sword: It's a Zelda game, already you cannot win, especially not with motion controls joining the party, the most "fun" threads on GAF for sure.

Uncharted Series: I have to deal with this one in real life, I think I hate Uncharted 2 now because of it, I best not start with this one.

Tales discussions are kind of all over the place, it's sort of like people begging for the games to come over and when they finally get their wishes granted it's like some suddenly look for reasons to not want it anymore.
That said I still haven't picked up Graces though I originally planned to.

Personally I hate how every Rayman thread turns into some kind of NSMB/Rayman showdown as if it's an impossibility to enjoy both games, plus it's all about visuals half the time anyway.

Regardless of these sort of annoyances I still say it's worth sticking yourself out there if you have legitimate gripes, as long as the argument is structured well and not disrespectful it shouldn't draw much ire.

It's pretty bad in Wii U topics. I know I really wish I could believe that the Wii U would be able to keep up with whatever Durango/PS4 end up being, but the grim reality that it very likely will be a repeat of this generation is slowly sinking in. Others want to keep the hope springing ever eternal. Still, the subject gets pretty heated, and you end up seeing grayed-out names on both sides. It's a mess, but then I've been led to believe console launches are typically like this.

It's times like this that I revert to my typical lurker mode, because I'm way too shy to step into something like that, lest I overreach.

Then again, I think I switched into Defense Force Mode in that Aladdin topic, so I'm not exactly guiltless here.

I have like zero interest in console specs and all that, all I know about Wii U is that it has Rayman and Mario, ergo I want it. But the threads are pure madness on both sides of the fence, I can't bring myself to post (what the hell is all this tech speak?!) and just don't get what people are getting so worked up over. The lack of information is just too much for some people it seems, well tomorrow will be fun with those conferences, oh yes indeed, time for chaos I expect.

Nintendo will likely be underpowered once more but damn i'm just here for the games, if I desire the higher tech then I guess i'll just need to grab a Durango/PS4 in the future as well, it's as simple as that to me.

The Aladdin thread is incredible in a way, it's like the nineties all over again, i've only had a proper run with the SNES game so I can't truly judge.
The Aladdin thread is incredible in a way, it's like the nineties all over again, i've only had a proper run with the SNES game so I can't truly judge.
I was fortunate enough to know both games were completely different, even at the time; I owned the Genesis game, a friend owned the SNES game, and through that, I'd tried both out. I'll admit the SNES version gained a bit of mysticism over the years as "that completely different Aladdin game to the one you know and love on your Genesis". Going back to it and playing it after all those years... well, it wasn't spectacular, but hell, it really was a damn fine game. I just still feel partial to the Genesis version, and kinda got defensive when people started claiming that A) it has unresponsive controls (it doesn't), B) its gameplay is shit (it's not), and C) we're only favoring this game because we're graphics whores (I'm not, and even if I was, I think the SNES version's more colorful graphics are more appealing, even if the smooth animations of the Genesis version are more appealing).

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I haven't gone into any of the Wii U threads because I don't think I'd get the conversation flow, nor am I interested in specs. I'm interested in the games, and we're going to probably learn more about that tomorrow.

And tbh, at the moment I'm not planning on getting one at launch. I can wait a bit.

Xenoblade: Ah this is a good choice, I was part of the PAL release people so back then it hadn't quite reached hyperbole central, it's my second favourite game from last year but damn some people are irritating when proclaiming their love for it, by the logic of some JRPGS were on the brink of absolute destruction about to become extinct when the heavens opened and Xenoblade swooped in saving the entire genre and now it's laughing atop its mighty throne yelling at passer bys to play it or be laughed out of the room for daring to enjoy other JRPGs.
I'm going to pick this one out.

There was a time when there were some Xenoblade fans going into many other JRPG threads asking "why don't you play Xenoblade instead?" or "Xenoblade is so much better than this game" and that's where a lot of the general annoyance came from. It was earlier this year, iirc, because I remember a few people doing that in a few RPG threads. It leads to absurdly high expectations for the game, and I think (I haven't wandered into it to be honest) the NA OT had some people who ended up overhyping the game.

Like, I ended up picking the PAL Xenoblade release up (it just took forever to get here, lol), and while I think the game is gorgeous and it sounds great and I like changing equipment and customizing how my people look, I don't like the battle system too much, didn't like the character balancing too much, didn't like how easy the final boss was, and I don't like the quest structure too much. I ended up not posting my impressions in the PAL OT at all because of the whole defensive thing, even though I like the game.

Like I said, I don't think the game is bad. I think it's pretty good; hell, it's the only game with the "Xeno-" prefix I like! I don't think it's the best of the genre, though; nor is it my personal 'saviour' of the genre (and to be honest, I always felt that the genre was niche).

Tales discussions are kind of all over the place, it's sort of like people begging for the games to come over and when they finally get their wishes granted it's like some suddenly look for reasons to not want it anymore.
That said I still haven't picked up Graces though I originally planned to.
That's always what happens in Tales threads. "X game sucked, I want game Y that's out in Japan now!" Problem is that Japan gets, like, 3-4 Tales games every year (well, oddly not this year since they releasing GREE/Mobile stuff + Xillia 2), and asking Namco of all people to localize all of them is kind of a big task. Or you have guys asking for Vesperia PS3 in almost every single Tales thread even though the 360 version is apparently competent enough (I've only played the JP PS3 version so I dunno). I have to wonder if some people went nuts when Symphonia PS2 was released after the GCN version with its extras.

Graces will get cheaper somehow (maybe on Amazon)... unless you're planning on getting the Day 1 Edition. Not sure if they shipped a lot, though.

Regardless of these sort of annoyances I still say it's worth sticking yourself out there if you have legitimate gripes, as long as the argument is structured well and not disrespectful it shouldn't draw much ire.
In threads where the defense force isn't as strong, probably. :lol

To be fair, though, I think I do that in some cases too. Like in Sonic threads. :p
Yeah, at this point, I just keep whatever opinions that might be seen as dissenting or controversial to myself when I post in Gaming, lest I get the wrath of a GAF Defense Force™ down my throat. At least I don't have to worry about any sort of ridiculousness in this thread, though, heh.

Or you have guys asking for Vesperia PS3 in almost every single Tales thread

That made Tales threads around the time of Xillia's localization announcement almost unbearable for me.

"Hey cool there's a high chance of getting a new tales game abroad which is great because that doesn't happen all that often anymore but no let's complain about a ship that set sail years ago"


Xenoblade: Ah this is a good choice, I was part of the PAL release people so back then it hadn't quite reached hyperbole central, it's my second favourite game from last year but damn some people are irritating when proclaiming their love for it, by the logic of some JRPGS were on the brink of absolute destruction about to become extinct when the heavens opened and Xenoblade swooped in saving the entire genre and now it's laughing atop its mighty throne yelling at passer bys to play it or be laughed out of the room for daring to enjoy other JRPGs.

I'm going to pick this one out.

There was a time when there were some Xenoblade fans going into many other JRPG threads asking "why don't you play Xenoblade instead?" or "Xenoblade is so much better than this game" and that's where a lot of the general annoyance came from. It was earlier this year, iirc, because I remember a few people doing that in a few RPG threads. It leads to absurdly high expectations for the game, and I think (I haven't wandered into it to be honest) the NA OT had some people who ended up overhyping the game.

Like, I ended up picking the PAL Xenoblade release up (it just took forever to get here, lol), and while I think the game is gorgeous and it sounds great and I like changing equipment and customizing how my people look, I don't like the battle system too much, didn't like the character balancing too much, didn't like how easy the final boss was, and I don't like the quest structure too much. I ended up not posting my impressions in the PAL OT at all because of the whole defensive thing, even though I like the game.

Like I said, I don't think the game is bad. I think it's pretty good; hell, it's the only game with the "Xeno-" prefix I like! I don't think it's the best of the genre, though; nor is it my personal 'saviour' of the genre (and to be honest, I always felt that the genre was niche).

I can definitely see where you two are coming from, even though Xenoblade is my favorite console JRPG of this generation (I might put The World Ends With You above it if we include handheld titles). Beyond the usual layer of concentrated hype that's inherent to official topics, I imagine that some of the people who were overly aggressive with their love of the game just wanted it to see some financial success after the long and bizarre lead-up to its release here. Before that, building up hype for the game was integral to the Operation Rainfall movement.

Anyone referring to the game as a genre "savior" probably didn't follow JRPGs to handhelds when most of them shifted there.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
^It's just that sometimes the direction shifted into "I'm right and the rest of you are bloody wrong" territory and it got annoyingly aggressive. I totally want games with less time in the spotlight to do well, and I get that. But sometimes it came off as dismissive of other people whose opinions differ, or dismissive of other games as well within the same genre. It's kind of disappointing behaviour in that regard. I expected better.

Yeah, at this point, I just keep whatever opinions that might be seen as dissenting or controversial to myself when I post in Gaming, lest I get the wrath of a GAF Defense Force™ down my throat. At least I don't have to worry about any sort of ridiculousness in this thread, though, heh.
Community threads are incredibly chill in this respect. I know the general idea for them was to act as 'garbage' threads originally, but they ended up being something else depending on which direction posters took them in, imo.

Plus they're in the graveyard of Community anyway, so no one checks there. >.>

That made Tales threads around the time of Xillia's localization announcement almost unbearable for me.

"Hey cool there's a high chance of getting a new tales game abroad which is great because that doesn't happen all that often anymore but no let's complain about a ship that set sail years ago"

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Discussing Huelen led to this. Haha. Sorry everyone.

Anyway, back on-topic. Sonic Adventure 2 Achievements.

Hello World (20)
Hello, rookie, welcome to the Sonic World!

Chao! (20)
Welcome to the Chao World!

Chao Raiser (20)
Time to raise your Chao.

HERO! (20)
You have cleared our HERO story.

DARK! (20)
You have cleared our DARK story.

Boss Attack (20)
Your skill is top notch!

Mission Complete (20)
Now you are the master of this stage.

Heaven or Hell (40)
You have successfully unlocked the HERO and DARK gardens.

Beyond Good And Evil (40)
My hero, you have successfully saved the world!

Speedy Racer (40)
Excellent driving skills!

Emblem Collector (40)
Half way to go!

You Are The Legend (100)
You are the Sonic expert now!

There was a time when there were some Xenoblade fans going into many other JRPG threads asking "why don't you play Xenoblade instead?" or "Xenoblade is so much better than this game" and that's where a lot of the general annoyance came from. It was earlier this year, iirc, because I remember a few people doing that in a few RPG threads. It leads to absurdly high expectations for the game, and I think (I haven't wandered into it to be honest) the NA OT had some people who ended up overhyping the game.

Like, I ended up picking the PAL Xenoblade release up (it just took forever to get here, lol), and while I think the game is gorgeous and it sounds great and I like changing equipment and customizing how my people look, I don't like the battle system too much, didn't like the character balancing too much, didn't like how easy the final boss was, and I don't like the quest structure too much. I ended up not posting my impressions in the PAL OT at all because of the whole defensive thing, even though I like the game.

Like I said, I don't think the game is bad. I think it's pretty good; hell, it's the only game with the "Xeno-" prefix I like! I don't think it's the best of the genre, though; nor is it my personal 'saviour' of the genre (and to be honest, I always felt that the genre was niche).
I guess there's always the element of being that one poster who brings the mood down in a mostly positive thread that's not worth dealing with, funnily enough the PAL Xenoblade OT is one of the most positive ones i've seen around here so maybe you were right to stick to the sidelines for that
On a side note the final boss was one of the few difficult moments I had, I was slightly underleveled and it was not fun.

That's always what happens in Tales threads. "X game sucked, I want game Y that's out in Japan now!" Problem is that Japan gets, like, 3-4 Tales games every year (well, oddly not this year since they releasing GREE/Mobile stuff + Xillia 2), and asking Namco of all people to localize all of them is kind of a big task. Or you have guys asking for Vesperia PS3 in almost every single Tales thread even though the 360 version is apparently competent enough (I've only played the JP PS3 version so I dunno). I have to wonder if some people went nuts when Symphonia PS2 was released after the GCN version with its extras.

Graces will get cheaper somehow (maybe on Amazon)... unless you're planning on getting the Day 1 Edition. Not sure if they shipped a lot, though.
The day 1 version would be nice to have but it's nothing i'd lose sleep over, basically i'm being cheap right now, Abyss' plot failed to keep my attention so i'm being sort of cautious with this one, to get it on the cheap instead, the battle system sounds interesting but i'm not sure if such a thing could carry me through like 40 odd hours.

Ah Vesperia PS3, some people just really don't want to shell out for a 360 I guess.

Yeah, at this point, I just keep whatever opinions that might be seen as dissenting or controversial to myself when I post in Gaming, lest I get the wrath of a GAF Defense Force™ down my throat. At least I don't have to worry about any sort of ridiculousness in this thread, though, heh.
The more I think about it I probably don't worry about this too much since the "big" games that fit the bill for AAA (or is it AAAA now?) are probably the likeliest threads for this to happen and I just don't usually care enough for said games to be hanging around there anyway.

I can definitely see where you two are coming from, even though Xenoblade is my favorite console JRPG of this generation (I might put The World Ends With You above it if we include handheld titles). Beyond the usual layer of concentrated hype that's inherent to official topics, I imagine that some of the people who were overly aggressive with their love of the game just wanted it to see some financial success after the long and bizarre lead-up to its release here. Before that, building up hype for the game was integral to the Operation Rainfall movement.

Anyone referring to the game as a genre "savior" probably didn't follow JRPGs to handhelds when most of them shifted there.
This is a point, it's kind of an anomaly in 2011/2012, a sleeper hit wii game which was one of the very few releases of last year as well as this year which does well to address some of the problems people have with the genre. Considering the near death status of the console itself in need of any big games, the games genre and how it was destined to be overlooked in the avalanche of big games coming towards the end of 2011 it's not too surprising to see that aggressive love, it's just that as the months went by lets say some started going a bit too nuts and undermining other games in the process, not really a way to get people on your side if you ask me.
And of course the whole rainfall thing, well it sort of worked out in the end.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I bet Beef is going to love the
chao ones
. First ones he'll go for! :D

The day 1 version would be nice to have but it's nothing i'd lose sleep over, basically i'm being cheap right now, Abyss' plot failed to keep my attention so i'm being sort of cautious with this one, to get it on the cheap instead, the battle system sounds interesting but i'm not sure if such a thing could carry me through like 40 odd hours.
Well, if you're not digging Abyss's plot, you're probably not going to like Graces' depending on what you're not liking about Abyss's plot (I didn't like the character interactions in Abyss either). I generally don't play Tales games for the story, but moreso for the gameplay. I've noticed that most western players seem to go into Tales for the narrative due to the games they've gotten to play (ex: Destiny, Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia) with more of a focus on narrative, so I never thought people would like Graces much to be honest with you.

I think people will like Xillia a lot more than Graces despite some of its shortcomings.


I started lurking just before HUELEN went off the deep end. Watching that whole saga unfold made the wait for my account to be enabled entertaining.

Though there is a kind of beautiful irony in Huelen getting banned for posting about the hue of a character's lens.

Anyway, back on-topic. Sonic Adventure 2 Achievements.

Beyond Good And Evil (40)
My hero, you have successfully saved the world!

Huh, interesting reference-but-not-really
I bet Beef is going to love the
chao ones
. First ones he'll go for! :D
Factoring in emblems that's like a third of them
being chao related
right there, it's everything he ever wanted

Well, if you're not digging Abyss's plot, you're probably not going to like Graces' depending on what you're not liking about Abyss's plot (I didn't like the character interactions in Abyss either). I generally don't play Tales games for the story, but moreso for the gameplay. I've noticed that most western players seem to go into Tales for the narrative due to the games they've gotten to play (ex: Destiny, Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia) with more of a focus on narrative, so I never thought people would like Graces much to be honest with you.

I think people will like Xillia a lot more than Graces despite some of its shortcomings.
For someone like myself who is sort of on the middle ground regarding the RPG genre I tend to angle towards ones that string together both an interesting battle system, a plot that pushes you onwards, good music and exploration elements. I don't even ask that much of the plot really, enjoyable characters can do the job as well. Of course you can't really tell some of these until you play the game yourself so i've had numerous RPG games languishing in a pile of failed progression.
So yeah i've read around from the voices of what you could call JRPG GAF enough and figured that maybe this one wouldn't be quite up my alley, i'm still intrigued on trying it somewhere down the line and at any rate it's nice that the games are finally coming over again.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
A few people on GAF have certainly done it. Seriously.

Also, man, now I have to get a Wii U someday (well, I knew I was gonna get one eventually, but Bayo 2 + Rayman Legends sold me). :lol


A few people on GAF have certainly done it. Seriously.

Also, man, now I have to get a Wii U someday (well, I knew I was gonna get one eventually, but Bayo 2 + Rayman Legends sold me). :lol

I watched every Nintendo Direct this year, except I forgot about this one and I see megatons everywhere. It's an unreal feeling. It certainly has changed my mind about the Wii U.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I watched every Nintendo Direct this year, except I forgot about this one and I see megatons everywhere. It's an unreal feeling. It certainly has changed my mind about the Wii U.
Yeah, I was more dismissive about it before. Not so much now but it's a little out of my price range right now considering my other expenditures this year.

I get the feeling that they're going to eventually release another model with more internal memory one day so I'm holding off on getting one. I still want to get Rayman Legends and Bayonetta 2 day one, though. If Sega puts a Sonic platforming game on there then maybe I'll crack. :lol

Seriously, though. Put a Sonic platformer on there and day 1.
This would be a good time to fart out a second Generations and slap it on Wii U.

Schala: I'm pretty sure it has HDD support? Hence the low internal memory. If that helps.
Yeah, when they revealed the price point, I figured I was going to wait. But fuck it, Bayo 2 is more than enough to sell me on it Day 1. I'd buy a damn TI-89 calculator if it had Bayo 2 on it. :lol

That thread is quickly approaching being the new Epic Mickey reveal thread, though.

This would be a good time to fart out a second Generations and slap it on Wii U.

Wouldn't be surprised if they did and it sold more than the other HD SKUs.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
This would be a good time to fart out a second Generations and slap it on Wii U.

Schala: I'm pretty sure it has HDD support? Hence the low internal memory. If that helps.
Thanks. :D That's not too too bad, then. I imagine that digital stuff on the system won't take up too much space so you wouldn't have to shell out for a big external thing.

Wii U exclusive Sonic Generations and I'm in. My only dilemma is the region-lock, which I suppose a lot of EU/AUS people might be thinking about now?

Plus I found it weird that they didn't really talk about Nintendo Network and stuff...

That thread is quickly approaching being the new Epic Mickey reveal thread, though.
Why isn't it on the piece of plastic+metal I own/like a lot? D:

I guess Sega didn't want to publish it, so Nintendo ended up doing it then? Then it makes sense that it's just exclusive. Much like Xenoblade, TLS, Pandora's Tower, etc. are. My only hope is that Nintendo doesn't make the same mistakes they did with the Rainfall games and other games like those (ex: Another Code: R).

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Has Sega had a good PC experience in terms of porting stuff over and profitability, I wonder?

The Generations port was pretty good from what you guys said. I wouldn't see a problem with putting any of their Nintendo stuff on PC in general...


Has Sega had a good PC experience in terms of porting stuff over and profitability, I wonder?

The Generations port was pretty good from what you guys said. I wouldn't see a problem with putting any of their Nintendo stuff on PC in general...

Sonic Generations port was solid, had a few issues, but otherwise a much better experience than on the consoles due to the 60 FPS. I don't know about the sales, but I'm sure steam deals sold a good portion.
I went ahead and watched the summit anyway, despite not expecting much from it. And indeed, I don't think I did get much from it; I want one, but I don't want one so desperately that I'll splurge on launch day.

I think. Seeing it now available for pre-order admittedly has me very tempted. But then there's the issue of how I have Homebrew Channel on my Wii; how will the transfer from the Wii to the Wii U affect that? Argh. Couldn't afford it anyway; if I saved $50 from every paycheck from now until launch day, I'd only have $250 extra dollars in addition to my current $40 for game spending. That's not even enough for the Basic version, and I'd want the Deluxe version (more shit for the cost of a game, including a game? Can't go wrong). Christmas, maybe?

TVii is cute, though, and my folks do enjoy using the Wii for Netflix, so as long as I'm still living with them (haven't looked into getting my own apartment yet), I'm sure that'll prove popular.

And I definitely wasn't expecting Bayonetta 2 as a Wii U exclusive. Saw that teaser trailer and all I could think was "ha ha ha, NeoGAF is going to gain so many new gray names from this".
Yep, the Bayonetta 2 announcement totally caught me by surprise, whenever I get a chance to pick up a WiiU it will certainly be one of the first games I'll play.

I sure hope there aren't Wii U exclusive Sonic games, I like being able to play them on the PC.

At the very least the Olympic games will still be exclusive, Dimensions is still the only rumored game so far correct?


It's not 2006, but I feel like this was a similar waste of time.
I couldn't put up with collecting enough medals to beat the game, that is unreal.

[quote="SpikedGunner, post: 42086517"]So we get another Sonic appearance in Wreck-it-Ralph, well on a poster:

Sonic looks great in that style. Honestly, I'd like the games to take a similar approach.


The Generations PC port was pretty good, and the game looks stunning at 1080p/60fps. For whatever reason, the game has crashed on me dozens of times when I've tried to use the ranked mode online, and apparently other people have had this problem as well.


Has Sega had a good PC experience in terms of porting stuff over and profitability, I wonder?

The Generations port was pretty good from what you guys said. I wouldn't see a problem with putting any of their Nintendo stuff on PC in general...

They've been putting everything on PC lately, so I imagine the ROI is good enough to keep the ports coming.

Sonic looks great in that style. Honestly, I'd like the games to take a similar approach.
It reminds me of what SADX was going for, but better.

That's some really funky quill positioning, though.

The Generations PC port was pretty good, and the game looks stunning at 1080p/60fps. For whatever reason, the game has crashed on me dozens of times when I've tried to use the ranked mode online, and apparently other people have had this problem as well.
IIRC, online mode crashes are mostly related to having over 100 people on your friends list.
I barely had the patience to finish Sonic Unleashed HD, especially when I had to scrounge for medals for the last two Day stages before Eggmanland, despite exploring the Night stages a ton. I really doubt I could get all the achievements in that game.

I did do all the achievements in 2006, though. Wow, some of those missions... some were super-easy to S-Rank, some just took forever to retry (multi-part Shadow missions), and some you almost had to exploit the game design to succeed. In Silver's apple drop one, for example, where you're NOT told throwing the apples doesn't work, the best way to S-Rank it is to travel to the edges of the map, and smash the guard rails dotted there. They're worth a large amount of points, and otherwise the mission is so awkward and slow that S-Ranking it's... very tricky. Smashing the guard rails in other missions helps you S-Rank those as well.

Sonic looks great in that style. Honestly, I'd like the games to take a similar approach.

Maybe it's the pose, but that shot reminds me too much of the Heroes artwork, just without the terrible mouth. (And I don't usually mind the side-mouth, but it looks baaaad in Heroes.)

On a separate note, this was posted in another thread, the demo shown today for All-Star Racing Transformed on Wii U. The framerate is very rough. I really don't know if Nintendo gave 3rd parties enough time with the hardware, I have a feeling some of the launch ports are going to have some rough edges, despite being on more powerful hardware. Hopefully it's all smoothed out for the final game, though.
Had to whip this up last night for 1up.com and their Essential 100 list. Of course they managed to crop off 25% of the borders, so I thought I'd share the full version with SonicGAF :)

Meanwhile, I have decided I wanted to get the "Eat one of everything in the game" achievement in Sonic Unleashed, and I am about to break a controller in half trying to do just one Eggmanland hotdog mission.

I've been at it almost two hours and my most recent run saw me die to the cheapest, worst death in what I assume was the last Werehog section - the big circular room with the weird clockwork gears sticking out of the walls. There were swing bars that I forgot retracted so I went to jump for them only to go sailing in to a bottomless pit as they instantly retracted.

I think once you get to the other side of that room, you enter the last two rooms with the Dark Titans and the level ends.

Whoever designed Eggmanland needs to be kicked in the face. Repeatedly. Especially the pipes room as the Werehog, where you have to tightrope walk across them. The fact that the camera angle swings 45-180 degrees every ten steps just feels like some level designer made that with some kind of evil, grinch-like smile on their face. I feel like most of the day levels in Sonic Unleashed are pretty okay at trying to teach you how to play the game, and Eggmanland throws all of that out the window just because it is constantly trying to trick you into killing yourself over and over again.
Had to whip this up last night for 1up.com and their Essential 100 list. Of course they managed to crop off 25% of the borders, so I thought I'd share the full version with SonicGAF :)

I like it, that's some swift sketching......okay I know better than to bring actual sonic game level dialogue in here.

[quote="Sega1991, post: 42114472"]Meanwhile, I have decided I wanted to get the "Eat one of everything in the game" achievement in Sonic Unleashed, and I am about to break a controller in half trying to do just one Eggmanland hotdog mission.

I've been at it almost two hours and my most recent run saw me die to the cheapest, worst death in what I assume was the last Werehog section - the big circular room with the weird clockwork gears sticking out of the walls. There were swing bars that I forgot retracted so I went to jump for them only to go sailing in to a bottomless pit as they instantly retracted.

I think once you get to the other side of that room, you enter the last two rooms with the Dark Titans and the level ends.

Whoever designed Eggmanland needs to be kicked in the face. Repeatedly. Especially the pipes room as the Werehog, where you have to tightrope walk across them. The fact that the camera angle swings 45-180 degrees every ten steps just feels like some level designer made that with some kind of evil, [URL="http://i.imgur.com/jhzLc.gif"]grinch-like smile[/URL] on their face. I feel like most of the day levels in Sonic Unleashed are pretty okay at trying to teach you how to play the game, and Eggmanland throws all of that out the window just because it is constantly trying to trick you into killing yourself over and over again.[/QUOTE]
There's so much fundamentally wrong with Eggmanland, especially the werehog sections. Of course the game design book was already lobbed out the window earlier with such things as the shadowless jumping over crates but Eggmanland manages to take things further and that wonky ass pipe walking section is definitely up there, one can expect to hear the almost hilarious sound of Werehog Sonic's yell as he falls to his death for the umpteenth time.
The big circular room has confusing design, I think there's multiple ways up and the last time I ventured through I remember having one ridiculous death but for the life of me I can't remember what it was.
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