So which are your personal top favorite Sonic characters?
1. Eggman
2. Sonic
3. Cream
4. Vector
So which are your personal top favorite Sonic characters?
Had to whip this up last night for and their Essential 100 list. Of course they managed to crop off 25% of the borders, so I thought I'd share the full version with SonicGAF![]()
It reminds me of what SADX was going for, but better.
That's some really funky quill positioning, though.
My exact thoughts, it's like they merged the Generations modal with the SADX model. I like it!
Maybe it's the pose, but that shot reminds me too much of the Heroes artwork, just without the terrible mouth. (And I don't usually mind the side-mouth, but it looks baaaad in Heroes.)
On a separate note, this was posted in another thread, the demo shown today for All-Star Racing Transformed on Wii U. The framerate is very rough. I really don't know if Nintendo gave 3rd parties enough time with the hardware, I have a feeling some of the launch ports are going to have some rough edges, despite being on more powerful hardware. Hopefully it's all smoothed out for the final game, though.
Had to whip this up last night for and their Essential 100 list. Of course they managed to crop off 25% of the borders, so I thought I'd share the full version with SonicGAF
Horrors of Eggmanland post
This looks so gosh darn cute. Nice work!Had to whip this up last night for and their Essential 100 list. Of course they managed to crop off 25% of the borders, so I thought I'd share the full version with SonicGAF![]()
Wii U allows for patches and stuff like that now, right? So they could probably fix the framerate if it's not that great at launch/post-launch.I have a feeling some of the launch ports are going to have some rough edges, despite being on more powerful hardware. Hopefully it's all smoothed out for the final game, though.
Real talk: I like Eggmanland.Meanwhile, I have decided I wanted to get the "Eat one of everything in the game" achievement in Sonic Unleashed, and I am about to break a controller in half trying to do just one Eggmanland hotdog mission.
I've been at it almost two hours and my most recent run saw me die to the cheapest, worst death in what I assume was the last Werehog section - the big circular room with the weird clockwork gears sticking out of the walls. There were swing bars that I forgot retracted so I went to jump for them only to go sailing in to a bottomless pit as they instantly retracted.
I think once you get to the other side of that room, you enter the last two rooms with the Dark Titans and the level ends.
Whoever designed Eggmanland needs to be kicked in the face. Repeatedly. Especially the pipes room as the Werehog, where you have to tightrope walk across them. The fact that the camera angle swings 45-180 degrees every ten steps just feels like some level designer made that with some kind of evil, grinch-like smile on their face. I feel like most of the day levels in Sonic Unleashed are pretty okay at trying to teach you how to play the game, and Eggmanland throws all of that out the window just because it is constantly trying to trick you into killing yourself over and over again.
No-one posted Gamma even as a number 5 in their list. I am fucking done with you SonicGAF.
So which are your personal top favorite Sonic characters?
So which are your personal top favorite Sonic characters?
5. Chaos
4. Knuckles
3. Shadow
2. Sonic
1. Metal Sonic
It's posts like these that ensure me that not completing Unleashed was a wise decision. I never got to Eggmanland.
You need to play through it to get your SonicGAF Badge of Honour.UNLIKE SONIC 06
I'm still planning that Sonic marathon... and my brother recently gave me his copy of Unleashed for the PS3.
...Yep. At least the game is half good :3c
You need to play through it to get your SonicGAF Badge of Honour.
The problem I had with Heroes is that you have to play the entire game 4 times (and the game was already annoying the first time) before facing the true final boss.![]()
Screw that, just playing a decent chunk of the game should qualify in my opinion. I couldn't finish any of the three stories, and I never intend to go back and do so.You need to play through it to get your SonicGAF Badge of Honour.
You can keep ya stinkin' badges, I want no part of this "honour".You need to play through it to get your SonicGAF Badge of Honour.
I'd argue Chaotix are the bigger grief, fetch quests and putting out 60 odd torches.I'd suggest playing Team Dark first and getting it out of the way. That's how I played it, and was quite relieved at how easy it was playing all the others. (Except I wasn't fond of Team Rose)
You can keep ya stinkin' badges, I want no part of this "honour".
I'd argue Chaotix are the bigger grief, fetch quests and putting out 60 odd torches.
Quite surprised that a few people here didn't reach the finish line in Unleashed, the Werehog is pretty bad but you've missed out on some solid daytime stages if so.
why yes i am overacting for the entertainment. dont mindddd meeeee
As I recall, Rose is Easy Mode, Sonic is Normal Mode, Dark is Hard Mode, and Chaotix is WTF Mode (not harder; they just have completely different goals from "reach the end"), so Chaotix is probably what put you off. Unless you find Amy, Cream and Big off-putting, and I can't entirely blame you if that's the case.
And yes, it's very, VERY slippery.
Sounds like it could it have been that, guess I'll find out. I actually like pretty much every Sonic character except Silver, Chip, and Marine.
Sonic Heroes is such a mess of a game. Levels were too long, the controls were slippery, the level design tends to be sadistic or just cheap, everyone wont shut up, embarrassing writing, repetitive gameplay, etc etc
Still tons better than Shadow and Sonic 06 combined though.
EDIT: I'm not a big fan of Chip either but he's a way better character than Shadow ever hoped to be.
EDIT2: Wait, does that mean you also like Elise? :S
You can keep ya stinkin' badges, I want no part of this "honour".
I'd argue Chaotix are the bigger grief, fetch quests and putting out 60 odd torches.
Quite surprised that a few people here didn't reach the finish line in Unleashed, the Werehog is pretty bad but you've missed out on some solid daytime stages if so.
why yes i am overacting for the entertainment. dont mindddd meeeee
As I recall, Rose is Easy Mode, Sonic is Normal Mode, Dark is Hard Mode, and Chaotix is WTF Mode (not harder; they just have completely different goals from "reach the end"), so Chaotix is probably what put you off. Unless you find Amy, Cream and Big off-putting, and I can't entirely blame you if that's the case.
And yes, it's very, VERY slippery.
I'm still planning that Sonic marathon... and my brother recently gave me his copy of Unleashed for the PS3.
...Yep. At least the game is half good :3c
It's like they expected people to only play the game on the difficulty setting they thought was appropriate for them.I also wish Team Rose didn't force the tutorial on you when you start their story, when it already appears as an option (with Team Sonic) in the 1P menu.
it aint so bad
I remember getting so hyped for Heroes. Then it came out and everyone was like "holy shit, this game sucks." So I wound up renting it instead of impulse buying it like I had done with every Sonic game up to that point. I kind of liked various aspects of it, but yes, it was very flawed. But surely their next game would be good, right?
Oh hai Shadow.
Okay, they've seriously jumped the shark. But look! The Xbox 360 has this beautiful-looking Sonic game that harkens back to the nice, lush environments that made me love this franchise. This game has to be good, they know what they're doing!
...Jesus Christ this is the worst Sonic game I've ever played.
Okay, that's it. It's over. Franchise is done. There's no recovering from thi- what do you mean Unleashed is okay
It'd been the most modded PC game of all time in terms of fixing the game. (And they'd still get nowhere near fixing the game completely by this time)Just imagine if there was a PC port of 2006 in 2006.
It'd been the most modded PC game of all time in terms of fixing the game.
Just imagine if there was a PC port of 2006 in 2006.
It would be a great game.Because it probably wouldn't even start
What I don't understand is why they just didn't use Adventure 2's engine for Heroes and Shadow. Adventure 2's movement was so polished and nice, and how Sonic's legs would actually look like someone running was neat. The homing attack was also more "watery" and not precise like Adventure 2 either.