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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I dunno, actually. If I had to hazard a guess:

5) Amy
4) Knuckles
3) Eggman
2) Sonic
1) Tails

I dunno why I like Tails, I just do. I think I enjoy playing as Sonic the most, though.

5th could be anyone, really, but Amy seems like the most obvious choice.


It reminds me of what SADX was going for, but better.

That's some really funky quill positioning, though.

I think it's overall better because it's much higher quality in graphics and done more professionally. The DX/Heroes ones have considerably aged.

My exact thoughts, it's like they merged the Generations modal with the SADX model. I like it!

To me it looks like they took the "softness" look of the current Modern Sonic, and applied it to that other design which in turn is a nice improvement.

Maybe it's the pose, but that shot reminds me too much of the Heroes artwork, just without the terrible mouth. (And I don't usually mind the side-mouth, but it looks baaaad in Heroes.)

On a separate note, this was posted in another thread, the demo shown today for All-Star Racing Transformed on Wii U. The framerate is very rough. I really don't know if Nintendo gave 3rd parties enough time with the hardware, I have a feeling some of the launch ports are going to have some rough edges, despite being on more powerful hardware. Hopefully it's all smoothed out for the final game, though.

It's because of the style of the design. That CG for Heroes was kinda primitive for it's time too, but this is as if they actually put money into the quality overall. Although that pose is Sonic's "cool" pose they use a lot in the CG pics.

Framerate does look bad, but I'll be playing on the PC. They probably have some ironing to workout on the Wii U as they were mentioning that they were still getting used to it.

Had to whip this up last night for 1up.com and their Essential 100 list. Of course they managed to crop off 25% of the borders, so I thought I'd share the full version with SonicGAF :)


Didn't know you were an artist, that's quite swell.

Horrors of Eggmanland post

It's posts like these that ensure me that not completing Unleashed was a wise decision. I never got to Eggmanland.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Eggmanland HD is the single reason why I don't want to platinum Sonic Unleashed. I like Sonic Unleashed a lot already. I think that if I go for the platinum, I'll end up having a lower opinion of the game in general. If it were Eggmanland SD, I probably wouldn't be so against it.

Need some time to think of favourite Sonic characters because I'm thinking gameplay-wise here.

Had to whip this up last night for 1up.com and their Essential 100 list. Of course they managed to crop off 25% of the borders, so I thought I'd share the full version with SonicGAF :)
This looks so gosh darn cute. Nice work! :D

I have a feeling some of the launch ports are going to have some rough edges, despite being on more powerful hardware. Hopefully it's all smoothed out for the final game, though.
Wii U allows for patches and stuff like that now, right? So they could probably fix the framerate if it's not that great at launch/post-launch.

But I wasn't thinking of getting ASR:T on Wii U, tbh.


1. Eggman
2. Sonic
3. His Shitty Friends
4. His not shitty friend Blaze
5. Big the Cat

...I uh, I don't think I care much for anyone other than Sonic and Eggman anymore. So much... untapped potential. (there's a reason there's so many damn fanfics >.>)

But hey, if we're talking comic characters, I got a lot more real picks

OMG Aero

No-one posted Gamma even as a number 5 in their list. I am fucking done with you SonicGAF.

Meanwhile, I have decided I wanted to get the "Eat one of everything in the game" achievement in Sonic Unleashed, and I am about to break a controller in half trying to do just one Eggmanland hotdog mission.

I've been at it almost two hours and my most recent run saw me die to the cheapest, worst death in what I assume was the last Werehog section - the big circular room with the weird clockwork gears sticking out of the walls. There were swing bars that I forgot retracted so I went to jump for them only to go sailing in to a bottomless pit as they instantly retracted.

I think once you get to the other side of that room, you enter the last two rooms with the Dark Titans and the level ends.

Whoever designed Eggmanland needs to be kicked in the face. Repeatedly. Especially the pipes room as the Werehog, where you have to tightrope walk across them. The fact that the camera angle swings 45-180 degrees every ten steps just feels like some level designer made that with some kind of evil, grinch-like smile on their face. I feel like most of the day levels in Sonic Unleashed are pretty okay at trying to teach you how to play the game, and Eggmanland throws all of that out the window just because it is constantly trying to trick you into killing yourself over and over again.
Real talk: I like Eggmanland.
When you don't have the one life hot dog requirement I think it's a perfectly fine level. The Sonic and werehog switching is a good mechanic that should have been used in the rest of the game and breaks up the usual monotony of half hour werehog levels, I like the idea of the last Sonic level being longer than the rest when every other Sonic level is like 5 minutes and think it provides a great challenge for a final level that Sonic games usually lack.
I would say the main problem with Eggmanland is that as a more involved level all of the horrible parts of playing as the werehog are exemplified. If the problems with the rest of the game like the bad camera, enemies being sponges/it taking way too long to level the werehog to a be better fighter, janky platforming, etc were fixed I think the problems with Eggmanland would be fixed.

Or maybe this is all Stockholm syndrome from all the hours it took getting the three hot dogs for it, fuck I dunno.

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So which are your personal top favorite Sonic characters?

5. Chaos
4. Knuckles
3. Shadow
2. Sonic
1. Metal Sonic

1. Robotnik
2. Classic Sonic (yes, this counts now because of Sonic Generations)
3. Metal Sonic
4. E-102
5. Uhh... dunno. There's other characters I like but not enough to put them in a favorite list.

EDIT: Oh right. Professor Pickle. Good call, Phantom.
My list would be

5) Metal Sonic - Outside of Heroes, he's been okay, I guess. Kind of hard to screw up a robot version of Sonic, really.
4) Gamma - Amazing theme song, genuinely great character arc, and his gameplay style is the only alternative gameplay style in the 3D games that I've actually enjoyed. (Speaking purely of the time based SA1 stages, the SA2 versions are pretty bad in comparison)
3) Tails - Dunno, I just like Tails, I guess. Couldn't think of a better sidekick for Sonic.
2) Eggman - He's been pretty awesome as of late. The Colors PA announcements are damned amazing.
1) Sonic - Well duh

It's posts like these that ensure me that not completing Unleashed was a wise decision. I never got to Eggmanland.

Yeah, same here. Don't regret it at all.

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I'm still planning that Sonic marathon... and my brother recently gave me his copy of Unleashed for the PS3.

...Yep. At least the game is half good :3c



I stopped at Dragon Road Day, myself.

Been kind of meaning to go back, but the controls for Unleashed didn't feel nearly as refined as Generations's did. Maybe it's just my memory playing tricks on me, but considering when they started modding Generations, they ported Unleashed's physics to it, I suspect there's some element of truth to the matter.

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My marathon includes all of the mainline Sonic titles

So I also have to suffer through Sonic Heroes and Shadow The Hedgehog

:V *puts gun to head*

EDIT: I am likely not gonna 100% the games. So I don't think I'll bother with getting ALL of the endings in Shadow.


Luckily for you Heroes doesn't really have game breaking moments, or quite the glitchy difficulty spikes that Shadow and 2006 have. There is Rail Canyon, and a few levels can take up to 10-15 minutes, but it's more a time consuming feat then it is a challenge to avoid glitches from a glitch filled game.

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The problem I had with Heroes is that you have to play the entire game 4 times (and the game was already annoying the first time) before facing the true final boss. :(


The problem I had with Heroes is that you have to play the entire game 4 times (and the game was already annoying the first time) before facing the true final boss. :(

I'd suggest playing Team Dark first and getting it out of the way. That's how I played it, and was quite relieved at how easy it was playing all the others. (Except I wasn't fond of Team Rose)


I had a stronger passion to beat games back then than I do now. I pretty much went all out through Sonic 2006 and Secret Rings, but now I don't even put up with games like Unleashed or even games like Colors. It's quite amazing really.

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I think the last time I played Heroes was when I was being chased by the giant Crocodile/Alligator/whatever the fuck it was as Team Sonic. I was constantly swinging through vines for 3 minutes before fucking up and die as a result

I turned off the game in anger and never played it again.

Also, interesting strategy, Kokonoe. I'll consider it if I'm gonna 100% the game.
I really don't have that much of a problem Heroes, I even 100% twice...I don't ever want to go through Shadow again though, I've earned all the A rankings and that's enough.

as for 06...I think I stopped at Crisis City for Sonic.
You need to play through it to get your SonicGAF Badge of Honour.
You can keep ya stinkin' badges, I want no part of this "honour".

I'd suggest playing Team Dark first and getting it out of the way. That's how I played it, and was quite relieved at how easy it was playing all the others. (Except I wasn't fond of Team Rose)
I'd argue Chaotix are the bigger grief, fetch quests and putting out 60 odd torches.

Quite surprised that a few people here didn't reach the finish line in Unleashed, the Werehog is pretty bad but you've missed out on some solid daytime stages if so.

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why yes i am overacting for the entertainment. dont mindddd meeeee


You can keep ya stinkin' badges, I want no part of this "honour".

I'd argue Chaotix are the bigger grief, fetch quests and putting out 60 odd torches.

Quite surprised that a few people here didn't reach the finish line in Unleashed, the Werehog is pretty bad but you've missed out on some solid daytime stages if so.



why yes i am overacting for the entertainment. dont mindddd meeeee

Was it Team Chaotix I disliked more? I don't know, it's been too long. There was one playthrough I just didn't like and it was either Rose or Chaotix. The thing here is that I didn't actually own Sonic Heroes, I borrowed it from someone who rented it for a day or two.

I was completely put off by (at the time) playing as multiple characters, it not being Adventure 3, and a few other silly issues. The only reason I even played it was due to this person I know renting, and I popped it in and actually enjoyed the game. I've only played through the game once and I haven't touched the game except for messing around the first level on the PC version a few months back to test out bumping up the resolution with antialiasing and thought it was a little slippery.

I actually beat the entire game in one sitting, which I almost did with Adventure 2. I really enjoyed the last boss, it was really cool except for if I remember correctly, the part before you go super is really hard. I should stop being lazy and playthrough these games again.
As I recall, Rose is Easy Mode, Sonic is Normal Mode, Dark is Hard Mode, and Chaotix is WTF Mode (not harder; they just have completely different goals from "reach the end"), so Chaotix is probably what put you off. Unless you find Amy, Cream and Big off-putting, and I can't entirely blame you if that's the case.

And yes, it's very, VERY slippery.


As I recall, Rose is Easy Mode, Sonic is Normal Mode, Dark is Hard Mode, and Chaotix is WTF Mode (not harder; they just have completely different goals from "reach the end"), so Chaotix is probably what put you off. Unless you find Amy, Cream and Big off-putting, and I can't entirely blame you if that's the case.

And yes, it's very, VERY slippery.

Sounds like it could it have been that, guess I'll find out. I actually like pretty much every Sonic character except Silver, Chip, and Marine.

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Sonic Heroes is such a mess of a game. Levels were too long, the controls were slippery, the level design tends to be sadistic or just cheap, everyone wont shut up, embarrassing writing, repetitive gameplay, etc etc

Still tons better than Shadow and Sonic 06 combined though.

EDIT: I'm not a big fan of Chip either but he's a way better character than Shadow ever hoped to be.

EDIT2: Wait, does that mean you also like Elise? :S


Sonic Heroes is such a mess of a game. Levels were too long, the controls were slippery, the level design tends to be sadistic or just cheap, everyone wont shut up, embarrassing writing, repetitive gameplay, etc etc

Still tons better than Shadow and Sonic 06 combined though.

EDIT: I'm not a big fan of Chip either but he's a way better character than Shadow ever hoped to be.

EDIT2: Wait, does that mean you also like Elise? :S

I don't see anything wrong with Elise, nor did the "kiss" bother me at all. My issues with 2006 were about the horrendous story and gameplay. I can't say Elise is anywhere near characters I would say I really liked, but I don't dislike the character.
I remember getting so hyped for Heroes. Then it came out and everyone was like "holy shit, this game sucks." So I wound up renting it instead of impulse buying it like I had done with every Sonic game up to that point. I kind of liked various aspects of it, but yes, it was very flawed. But surely their next game would be good, right?

Oh hai Shadow.

Okay, they've seriously jumped the shark. But look! The Xbox 360 has this beautiful-looking Sonic game that harkens back to the nice, lush environments that made me love this franchise. This game has to be good, they know what they're doing!

...Jesus Christ this is the worst Sonic game I've ever played.

Okay, that's it. It's over. Franchise is done. There's no recovering from thi- what do you mean Unleashed is okay
You can keep ya stinkin' badges, I want no part of this "honour".

I'd argue Chaotix are the bigger grief, fetch quests and putting out 60 odd torches.

Quite surprised that a few people here didn't reach the finish line in Unleashed, the Werehog is pretty bad but you've missed out on some solid daytime stages if so.



why yes i am overacting for the entertainment. dont mindddd meeeee

As I recall, Rose is Easy Mode, Sonic is Normal Mode, Dark is Hard Mode, and Chaotix is WTF Mode (not harder; they just have completely different goals from "reach the end"), so Chaotix is probably what put you off. Unless you find Amy, Cream and Big off-putting, and I can't entirely blame you if that's the case.

And yes, it's very, VERY slippery.

The normal Chaotix missions weren't so bad, it's the secondary ones that were really pushing it, the torches being one of them...however I can see why it can be off-putting in general. I also wish Team Rose didn't force the tutorial on you when you start their story, when it already appears as an option (with Team Sonic) in the 1P menu.
I also wish Team Rose didn't force the tutorial on you when you start their story, when it already appears as an option (with Team Sonic) in the 1P menu.
It's like they expected people to only play the game on the difficulty setting they thought was appropriate for them.

And then implemented a finale to the game requiring you to play all of them, which flies directly in the face of that setup.

Yeah, sounds like Sonic Team from that era.


What I don't understand is why they just didn't use Adventure 2's engine for Heroes and Shadow. Adventure 2's movement was so polished and nice, and how Sonic's legs would actually look like someone running was neat. The homing attack was also more "watery" and not precise like Adventure 2 either.

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it aint so bad

I have the PS3 version. You played the 360 version, which was a lot less broken by comparison.

I remember getting so hyped for Heroes. Then it came out and everyone was like "holy shit, this game sucks." So I wound up renting it instead of impulse buying it like I had done with every Sonic game up to that point. I kind of liked various aspects of it, but yes, it was very flawed. But surely their next game would be good, right?

Oh hai Shadow.

Okay, they've seriously jumped the shark. But look! The Xbox 360 has this beautiful-looking Sonic game that harkens back to the nice, lush environments that made me love this franchise. This game has to be good, they know what they're doing!

...Jesus Christ this is the worst Sonic game I've ever played.

Okay, that's it. It's over. Franchise is done. There's no recovering from thi- what do you mean Unleashed is okay

It went like this for me:


Game comes out: "THIS IS A GREAT...game... uh... ...well it's um okay... NO FUCK THIS GAME. FUCK"

Shadow gets announced: "The franchise is dead to me. What a joke. Kill this franchise right now, Sega."

Shadow gets released: I didn't even rent the game. I saw some vids and laughed at how bad it looked.

Sonic 06 gets announced: I was a bit interested but curious but I didn't have hope.

Sonic 06 reveals Shadow and Silver: "...Kill this game. And dear friends, stop IMing me about this stupid game. I don't give a shit about it, jesus christ. It's gonna suck, they're pulling the same exact shit they did with the previous games."

Sonic 06 gets released and it gets bashed in reviews: "Haha. Told you guys. TOLD YOU"

Actually playing 06 for the first time on the PS3: "Holy shit. I didn't expect it to be THIS bad. What happened?!"

Sonic Unleashed announced: "Pfft, the day stages looks too much like BOOST BOOST BOOST SONIC RUSH BOOST. Night stages might be better (despite the dumb premise) because you ACTUALLY do something."

Playing Unleashed: I had the opposite reaction. Loved the day stages and hated the night stages. I have a bit of a mixed opinion about the game. I gained a bit of faith in the franchise but that was about it.

I didn't pay attention to Sonic Colors because I was too busy hating on Sonic 4. I forgot about it until a bunch of friends told me it was great. Then I played it and faith was restored to the franchise. :>
There was going to be. It was advertised as much beforehand. I was (cautiously) looking forward to playing this game on my freshly-built computer, too.

Then it came out and, despite doing moderately well in terms of sales (why), bombed critically, so said PC port never happened.
I still remember Play Magazine giving it a 9.5/10, saying he was ignoring all the glitches and shitty load times because surely that would be patched out(although I don't know how that should come into play with your CURRENT product review, not a hopeful future one >_>)

Then he gave the PS3 version a 5.5/10 because, turns out no, the glitches and loading times weren't fixed, fuck this game.


What I don't understand is why they just didn't use Adventure 2's engine for Heroes and Shadow. Adventure 2's movement was so polished and nice, and how Sonic's legs would actually look like someone running was neat. The homing attack was also more "watery" and not precise like Adventure 2 either.

Multiplatform development. It was easier to use Renderware than it would've been to port their own tech to two additional platforms.
Although you have to ask how on Earth the games wound up being so much more slippery.

I mean, were they always that bad, and I just got used to better mechanics by playing Nintendo's GameCube offerings between Adventure 2 and Heroes, or did it actually change for the worse?
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