Hot Coldman
Really, if SFxT never happened Capcom would have a much better rap this generation.
I know the Marvel VS Capcom 3 twice in one year while making it disc only and not DLC for the first game was bad.
Nintendo and Falcom seem to be okay. I think gaming side disliked Atlus for a while.
...No, wait, Nintendo got criticized a lot this gen too. >.>
Given that this issue was mandated by Sega and features the Olympic logo, it's quite likely that the script had to play it pretty safe. And these "Another Time, Another Place" stories are always game-focused, so characters/personalities/etc. are straight SegaSonic.Well, don't they have to run the story by SEGA first or am I misunderstanding it? If that's the case Flynn probably couldn't have done a lot of the wacky stuff he probably would have done in a Sonic X style if they wouldn't approve of it. Would he have to use the characters from the game, specifically or their game personalities in these issues first and foremost?
There are only specific issues really worth reading, but those are probably the hardest ones to get a hold of by, I wish they would release the Sonic X issues in volumes. They'd be much easier to find. >_<
I think that was one of the first things that had irritated me. Didn't buy UMvC3 at all, and didn't bother with new iterations of SF4. SFxT was that bad, huh?I know the Marvel VS Capcom 3 twice in one year while making it disc only and not DLC for the first game was bad.
I feel like it would be boring if they went straight for the game stuff. And if it were a pure Sega affair, we'd probably get some storylines introduced that we probably wouldn't like depending on what the higher-ups from SEGA feel like saying the story should be like. Depends also if they're getting notices from Sega America (probably loopy stuff) or Sega Japan (probably loopier stuff).Given that this issue was mandated by Sega and features the Olympic logo, it's quite likely that the script had to play it pretty safe. And these "Another Time, Another Place" stories are always game-focused, so characters/personalities/etc. are straight SegaSonic.
All the more reason why I always wonder what people are thinking when they say the book should be rebooted as a pure Sega affair. Twenty years on from the original American spinoffs and you'd still have trouble writing an ongoing series that stuck strictly to game canon.
I know the Marvel VS Capcom 3 twice in one year while making it disc only and not DLC for the first game was bad.
Don't buy Resident Evil 6
It's garbage
The demo part of it managed to be worse than RE5. I can't imagine that the full game manages to be worse than RE5 altogether.Don't buy Resident Evil 6
It's garbage
Yeah, it probably effects me less since I got MvC3 as a birthday present and then got UMvC3 with Christmas money so I didn't technically spend any money on them but the inclusion of Phoenix Wright was enough of a sweetener for me to not feel bad about it.UMvC3 sort of fell into a grey area I think, like the earthquake bungled the initial dlc plans and in the end a lower priced follow up was a better option? don't trust me on that however as it's probably Capcom spinning lies, i'm one of the suckers that got both but honestly it never really bothered me, such is the power of adding Phoenix Wright I guess.
Don't buy Resident Evil 6
It's garbage
I played the demo and that was more than enough to scare me away, in fact I only played the Leon section before immediately deleting the accursed content from my console.
You should know from your time on GAF and in certain threads that everything has a defense force.It has some staunch defenders though I tell you that.
That review thread is hilarious.
???I think them actually bowing to dumb-ass fans and putting Phoenix Wright into their fucking fighting game sums up Capcom at the moment. Seriously, I was all for that at that time, but the more I think about it the more it's so god damn stupid!
I think them actually bowing to dumb-ass fans and putting Phoenix Wright into their fucking fighting game sums up Capcom at the moment. Seriously, I was all for that at that time, but the more I think about it the more it's so god damn stupid!
Monster Hunter is only a clone of Phantasy Star Online though. And a bad one, at that.
Basically, Capcom's decisions seem so much of the time motivated by doing the most safe fan-servicey things. Things that make Capcom fans go "oh snap!", but really, are they that daring? None of it's exactly ground-breaking, when you look at it.
Brute-forcing Phoenix into a fighter, because some fans said it'd be weird or whatever; RE6 still involving Umbrella and Weskers, because they think that's what Resi fans are into (and sadly are probably somewhat right); hell, a small part of me thinks that AA5 is only being made because a man in a suit decided it'd be cheap enough and the level of fan interest had gotten high enough for it to work, so make it so!
It's a problem- instead of looking for the easiest way to amp up a fan-base, they should have a god-damn vision. I feel like only the MH team has that at the moment, ridiculously.
(forgive my rants, I'm in that kinda mood)
I hate to say it, but that's how I feel about some of the stuff Square-Enix (especially in their attempt to throw everything into a game including the kitchen sink from dialogue options to QTEs, etc in order to try to pander to almost effing everyone when really they should just be doing whatever they feel is right with regards to game design instead of this focus group bullshit) and Namco (well, with Tales and some other Namco properties, it's super-blatant) are doing.Basically, Capcom's decisions seem so much of the time motivated by doing the most safe fan-servicey things. Things that make Capcom fans go "oh snap!", but really, are they that daring? None of it's exactly ground-breaking, when you look at it.
What has Namco done wrong this time?
To be fair, some of the Capcom guys wanted Phoenix in since TvC, but they couldn't think of a way to make him work.
GAF help me, I have a craving to play Sonic Heroes.
I still feel ripped off, but I think the gameplay itself was pretty solid and that's really what counts.Soul Calibur V
Soul Calibur V
Tell me I don't have to play Final Story in SA2. Please.
To be fair, some of the Capcom guys wanted Phoenix in since TvC, but they couldn't think of a way to make him work.
There are Chao food things exclusive to Final Story.
Oh, yeah, that is true. I guess they got bullied into making it work.![]()
The alternative idea back then for Tatsunoko was Franziska von Karma I believe since she had her whip and an aggressive nature already but if anything i'd have felt pissed if she got in before the main man regardless of his bumbling moveset.
Or it's just because I don't care much for Franny to begin with.
Not wonky, it's fabulous and great.
No it's not. It's killed me several times by missing what it was targeting.
Yes it is.
If the game killing you because the targeting doesn't work is "great" then I agree.
>:|Or it's just because I don't care much for Franny to begin with.
For some reason I don't trust you.
The alternative idea back then for Tatsunoko was Franziska von Karma I believe since she had her whip and an aggressive nature already but if anything i'd have felt pissed if she got in before the main man regardless of his bumbling moveset.
Or it's just because I don't care much for Franny to begin with.
No it's not. It's killed me several times by missing what it was targeting.
I don't have that issue when I play either of the Adventure games.