I just... I don't know what to say about the console at all. I don't know why I'm so shocked about a lot of the stuff I've seen of it. The menu loading times (from a company who seemed to place priorities on masking loading times), the framerate drops in third party titles, the system locking up... I can't help but to feel disappointed.
I haven't noticed too much in the way of awful loading times - nothing particularly worse than the 360 in our living room (dear God does it take
forever for that XBLA games list to populate). I suppose there's this one time where my brother signed out of his account so I could sign into mine, and it took a good 30 seconds or so to bring that screen up... Also, the initial disc read time is a bit bullshit, I suppose. Once I'm in a game, though, nothing seemed that bad.
Third-party titles... Well, it's obvious that the CPU is slower, the RAM is slower (despite there being more of it) and such, so I'm not sure where the fault lies there. Nintendo, for going the cheap route with their design? Or the third-parties, for making obvious concessions with their ports? It might just be growing pains, seeing as early 360/PS3 games were pretty bad about this kind of thing, too. It might be indicative of major problems the console will have down the road. I know the naysayers will tout it as the latter, but while I won't write the possibility out, I'm more inclined to believe it's the former. Seriously, come PS4/Durango release time, we're gonna be having similar issues. I suppose the situations won't be quite as cut-and-dry, but I'm recalling that many third-party offerings for the 360 launch weren't particularly far-removed from the OG Xbox versions.
Haven't had any system lock-ups, but I've seen that error message floating about. Yeah, no excuse for hanging up when a disc is removed, not when the two consoles prior just provided a polite "put the disc back in you idiot" screen.
What I find most disheartening about it is the online infrastructure/account system. No Friend Codes, but account locking on a system...
It's definitely bullshit, but since I only own one Wii U right now, I'm not
too worried about it. I do hope they eventually allow us to use our NNID accounts on other people's Wii Us strictly for online play or something. For digital downloads, do what Microsoft did and have a system license transfer tool that you can only use, like, once a year.
I'm far too optimistic with Nintendo, I openly admit, but even
I recognize that Nintendo has to enter the online space kicking and screaming for some reason.
I propose that we call NSMB games "BAH-BAH" from now on.
I kinda figured that's what we were going with, yeah.
And what you said is true--I play Nintendo consoles mostly for the first-party stuff. It's interesting because I used to treat SEGA the same way in the past. It isn't often that I get a Nintendo console for a third-party game (I don't think I've ever done it).
I got... an NES as a hand-me-down, so that wouldn't count. Same with SNES.
I got a Game Boy/Game Boy Colour for Link's Awakening/Link's Awakening DX/Oracle of Seasons.
I got an N64 for Majora's Mask (and by extension, Ocarina of Time).
I got a Wii for Twilight Princess, Four Swords Adventures, and The Wind Waker.
The only outlier is that I got a DS for Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents.
...Basically, Nintendo needs to release a Zelda game. :lol
It'll happen! And if it's anything like that tech demo, it will be
gorgeous. (inb4 somebody compares the GC Spaceworld demo to
Wind Waker just to prove me wrong)
Yeah. Too bad they don't exist yet. A minigame collection and NSMB Wii level hack running in Dolphin (in 720p) doesn't count.
As far as I care, it does. Still, I can't imagine it'd take
that long for more substantial offerings to come about.
it's cool I guess. too bad the fucking battery is so horrible.
I dunno, 5 hours seems like ample game time to me. It's been a good while since I've been engrossed in a console game longer than that at any one time. Just be sure to turn the brightness down; I can't say as I really need it at the default setting of 4/5, seems unnecessarily bright. Doesn't help that "Power Saving" defaults to OFF, either.
Although that picture of the tiny battery in the huge slot is kinda pathetic, yeah.
Those don't really sound like positives. Those sound like things that, besides the tablet, should've happened 7 years ago.
A full year before the Wii came out? Yes, the GameCube should've put games out in HD, no idea what Nintendo was thinking.
But seriously, I don't get this mentality. People ask for Nintendo to do this kind of thing, and then when they finally
do do it, instead of being thankful they finally got around to it, the same people then continue to complain about the time they
didn't do it. It's like saying
Generations isn't a good game solely because
2K6 exists.
Egh, I dunno. I know I'm coming across as a disgruntled fanboy, but, well, I actually
am enjoying this new console, and constantly being assailed by people saying I shouldn't be is aggravating. I don't like being told how to think, you know? Not that I should tell anyone how to think, of course.