...Holy shit :lol
Transformed is my new crack. Also, I finally have a game where I go online and I'm that guy that's crazy good after only a day.
Sometimes I feel sorry for the people I play against lol
...Holy shit :lol
Transformed is my new crack. Also, I finally have a game where I go online and I'm that guy that's crazy good after only a day.
Haha, just noticed the user-name of the first post.
I don't know about everyone else but that Casinopolis level is really confusing and not easy to play on.
It was ported by SEGA of China, yeah, but it doesn't have resolution issues that previous SEGA of China ports had, it even supports non-16:9 resolutions well.
1440x900 with 4xSSAA forced through the graphics drivers:
Haha, just noticed the user-name of the first post.
The SA1 level? What's confusing about it?
Visually there was too much going on the stage at times, especially with the lighting.
And I just got introduced to my first, talk about trial by fire. And Lag...warping magically in spots and lag.mirror mode course
I have to agree with the Senoue part (well, you know what I think of SA2 anyway). If there's anything I love about Sega's music department(s), it's that they seem to like taking input from anyone or collaborating with a bunch of people, westerners or easterners alike. I wish more companies would do this sort of thing because the outcome of assembling a team composed of people from the East and West was wonderful.Not the best in the series by any means, but it's got the advantage of having its own distinct flavor. The Tallarico/Drossin/Jacques tag team is solid if not overly memorable, and on the whole it's probably Senoue's best performance post-SA1 between all the folksy ballads, punching out two of his best boss themes, and momentarily jamming a mean Spanish guitar.
Just another fine example of how extraordinarily varied Sonic music is.
A lot! Even the cutscene themes are well-composed. Molten Mine's awesome, as is Deep Woods (nice backing guitar and xylophone). I can't resist violins and strings so stuff like Misty Lake, Fight the Knight (strings ver), etc. are up my alley. I love the bass in Titanic Plain. Like Sciz pointed out, the boss themes are fantastic. And I like the vocal themes a lot. I've warmed up to them a lot, at least.What's your favorite track? I like Dragon's Lair and Molten Mine.
There've been good examples of that in the past, certainly; pretty much any soundtrack Alexander Brandon or the Follin brothers have worked on, for instance. I'm struggling to think of many non-indie-game instances of a western-developed game having memorably catchy background music this generation, though. I suppose Halo's soundtrack is pretty good, but I only ever really played the first one (and I never got any farther in that than The Library, so) - plus that's last generation. I know a lot of people laud Deus Ex: Human Revolution's soundtrack, but I seriously can't remember any of that beyond "Icarus" and the FEMA base; the first game's was miles better.Honestly, it's stuff like that which makes me wonder why a lot of people on GAF just outright dismiss western music as being samey or like movie scores when there are numerous examples of western-composed soundtracks which are just as 'rhythmic' or catchy as Japanese BGMs (which I suppose they're looking for).
Was looking at Generations mods on Youtube and came across this.
It's pretty awful, but the combo finisher made me laugh.
Some mods I'm actually excited about:
Metal Sonic Generations preview 3, showing the replacement for the Silver fight.
Great looking Blaze mod. I'm glad he got rid of that weird Sonic Rush runcycle from his earlier versions. Just looks awful in 3D.
I think SA2 is still a great platformer. Controls fine and the HD release makes it look real nice and sharp.
I can't play SA1 anymore. It's aged so horribly.
Just looked up some vids of Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed. I want it even more now. Mannnn...
I actually enjoyed playing through SA1 again. Playing through SA2 was kinda stressful, but it got better when I could pick who to play as and when, and avoid the terrible levels.I think SA2 is still a great platformer. Controls fine and the HD release makes it look real nice and sharp.
I can't play SA1 anymore. It's aged so horribly.
More Sonic and Shadow levels and I would love SA2 completely. Oh yes...and I really wish Shadow had stayed dead, it was such a perfect sendoff.
GTA is definitely a reason why Shadow ended up like that. Shadow wasn't like that however in SA2.
They could have brought him back without destroying the character, but that's Sonic Team for you.
I saw how much kids LOVED Shadow first hand. As soon as that one in-game screenshot of Shadow was shown(the one where his back turned the camera and looking over his shoulder), my little brother was like I MUST PLAY THIS GAME PLEASE BUY THIS MOM
I started with Team Evil because, why not, let's be Robotnik for a change. Played through that, and as a soon as Shadow showed up, little mothafucka RIPPED the controller from my hands for the boss fight. This went on for awhile every time a Shadow stage would start. Back then, he was in love with that guy.
"Hey Jordan, you know there's a new Shadow the Hedgehog game coming out?"
"Shadow fuckin' sucks" *continues to play CoD: Black Op II*
edit: found it
The picture that created a million Shadow fanboys. Every Shadow fanfic/fanart can be traced back to this reveal picture. I AM JET BLACK WITH RED HIGHLIGHTS SONIC. I AM THE COOLEST CHARACTER EVER IF YOU'RE IN MIDDLE SCHOOL.
But but... I must live up to my name now! q_q
I don't have a lot of ill will towards Shadow himself. I just wish he stayed dead in SA2, since that was...a pretty clear end to his story arc >_>
But no, he's the Wolverine of the series, dark and mysterious badass, has to show up everywhere.
The comics are weird for me. Sometimes I like parts of Ian's run and other times...I'm not. Anyone with mixed feelings on how he does things?
His dialogue's always spot on. His plotting and pacing... vary.