Dark Schala
Eloquent Princess
Eeeeehhhhh? I'm not getting my copy until Tuesday/Wednesday with Persona 4: Golden. Plus I still have Ys Celceta and Xillia 2 to finish off. :|Let's talk about how fun Transformed is guys.
And girls.
Well. I hope it's fun.
No one answered the most important question: How is the music in that game?
Almost every new hardware launch has its share of issues. I'm just surprised that a Nintendo console, which I've always felt was a sturdy object with little issues, has... well, the issues that the 360/PS3 (probably PS4/Durango) had.Seriously, come PS4/Durango release time, we're gonna be having similar issues. I suppose the situations won't be quite as cut-and-dry, but I'm recalling that many third-party offerings for the 360 launch weren't particularly far-removed from the OG Xbox versions.
Haven't had any system lock-ups, but I've seen that error message floating about. Yeah, no excuse for hanging up when a disc is removed, not when the two consoles prior just provided a polite "put the disc back in you idiot" screen.
That error message isn't the only thing because sometimes it seems to stay on one screen and doesn't seem to load up the next thing (ie: the game). Oh well, day 1 worries, but it's unfortunate. When I got my launch Wii, I had very very little problems with it, and to see lots of people have issues with the Wii U is disheartening.
Eheh... actually, speaking of aesthetics in Zelda... When TP came out a few of my girlfriends were ecstatic when Link was shirtless in that game for a little bit. They liked their bishounens.It'll happen! And if it's anything like that tech demo, it will be gorgeous. (inb4 somebody compares the GC Spaceworld demo to Wind Waker just to prove me wrong).
But I just love it when Nintendo experiments with different artstyles for that series. They always manage to make it look so pretty! Now if Link could go back to being a lefty that would be a plus. As a lefty, I'd appreciate that lots.