I replayed it a few years ago. I don't think it's a bad game but it could of have been soooooooooooo much better. I really do enjoy certain levels though (especially City Escape).
Nope, some regular Soaps have oiled-up muscle men too.But with oiled-up muscle men. So better than soa operas.
City Escape is probably the best 3D Sonic level I played other than Twinkle Park.
Also, the poor writing, the shitty XX Years Later stuff, making Knuckles some Avatar, etc.The comics are getting better I swear. Not that they were ever disappointing, but the oversaturation of "betrayal" arcs got a little annoying.
That just made me giggle out loud.Sonic #242: Mr. Not-Appearing-In-This-Comic & Sonic at the Olympic Games
-This page? This is a wonderful page. The comics have a target demographic. This joke is not for them. This joke is for us.
But with oiled-up muscle men. So better than soa operas.
Anybody remember the name of that short black guy that was in the earlier comics that kicked the bucket (and how did he die)? I think it was Nate-something.
Also, where the hell is Professor Pickle? I'm surprised they haven't used him yet.
I decided to make my own SA3 box, what do you think?
I like the logo. Boxart seems kind of bland though... but bonus points for not using those awful CGI renders that's plaguing the boxarts!I decided to make my own SA3 box, what do you think?
I like the logo. Boxart seems kind of bland though... but bonus points for not using those awful CGI renders that's plaguing the boxarts!
You're mean for almost making me laugh pretty loudly in the library. :lol...but putting a vortex or a black hole or a Iizuka's wide-open mouth as the background would be more fitting.
Are we posting videos of Sonic games being dumb now?
It's a bit toooo plain for a SA3 box art. I would think you'd want the central theme on the background as well...how about fire aka Solaris? Also add Silver and Shadow to reference the 3 motif or something that looks in line with the SA2 box art.
So, Dark Schala, you reveal your true form.
Sounds more like a giant brain reveal to me.
Ok, that part of Game Grumps was funny. Outside of a few parts. I guess they have the capacity to be funny sometimes. :V
It's slipped my mind, but what's Solaris again? I know it's the final boss, but is that the thing that Iblis was the precursor for?
why am I asking about story in a Sonic game
what is this
story should never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever be relevant in these games
they're platformers dkfjdsoigjsoijgsojtnglknvktojr
God the game is so full of holesIblis and Mephiles were two pieces of Solaris, the God of Time. Apparently the God of Time was represented as some kind of magical candle, but the Duke of Soleanna wanted to harness its power to bring back Elise's dead mother.
Instead, he split the candle in to two halves: The Flame (Iblis), and The Shadow (Mephiles). Iblis seemed to be a dumb rampaging monster, while Mephiles was cunning. Mephiles wanted nothing more than to rejoin with Iblis, though why he bothered to do this by killing Sonic instead of doing it in the future where Iblis is already free is a mystery.
In doing so, the the then-reborn Solaris became understandably pissed and decided to devour all of space-time.
trap sprungIblis and Mephiles were two pieces of Solaris, the God of Time. Apparently the God of Time was represented as some kind of magical candle, but the Duke of Soleanna wanted to harness its power to bring back Elise's dead mother.
Instead, he split the candle in to two halves: The Flame (Iblis), and The Shadow (Mephiles). Iblis seemed to be a dumb rampaging monster, while Mephiles was cunning. Mephiles wanted nothing more than to rejoin with Iblis, though why he bothered to do this by killing Sonic instead of doing it in the future where Iblis is already free is a mystery.
In doing so, the the then-reborn Solaris became understandably pissed and decided to devour all of space-time.
Right, I remember now--the whole bit with the candle in the ending and the Duke using the power to bring back Elise's mom. Thanks.Iblis and Mephiles were two pieces of Solaris, the God of Time. Apparently the God of Time was represented as some kind of magical candle, but the Duke of Soleanna wanted to harness its power to bring back Elise's dead mother.
Instead, he split the candle in to two halves: The Flame (Iblis), and The Shadow (Mephiles). Iblis seemed to be a dumb rampaging monster, while Mephiles was cunning. Mephiles wanted nothing more than to rejoin with Iblis, though why he bothered to do this by killing Sonic instead of doing it in the future where Iblis is already free is a mystery.
In doing so, the the then-reborn Solaris became understandably pissed and decided to devour all of space-time.
Damn, now I want to go play through Starfox 64 again, still need a few more medals in the 3DS version, so close.
Trust your instincts,FoxOwl.
I'd apply an animal moniker to your name but i'm unsure what your bovine of choice is.
I guess I should be thankful.
What's the big idea Beef?!
Super Sonic'll do that to ya.I'm so confused.
We should just use Super Sonics.