I don't even want to know how many times you've played the darn thing considering you seem to know it so darn well.
I almost want to know how long it took to make that glitch vid and how many times you've had to play the game to record it, but I almost don't wanna know at the same time.
I have played the game to completion only twice - once when I first got it, and once for the charity stream. Really.
I played individual levels a "lot" for about six months after I got it, because the Xbox 360 was a shiny new toy and it was the only game I had for it besides maybe PGR3. Then I started getting other games (GTAIV), and borrowing some from my cousin (Gears of War, Dead Rising, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Halo 2, JSRF) so Sonic fell by the wayside and eventually went untouched for basically three or four years.
The glitch vid was something I had been planning basically since I got the game. I had recorded some individual glitches to show friends by pointing an awful webcam at a TV screen, and eventually had enough that I felt like I could
stitch them in to a video in Windows Movie Maker (not sure why that's tagged to the Sonic Riders page, but whatever). I made
a list of stuff I wanted to feature should I ever get a proper capture card to do such a video justice.
When I got a capture card, I never really wanted to take the time to do it properly, but about the time I started capturing video for Sonic Unleashed DLC to post on TSSZ, a friend of mine mentioned that despite the fact he hated Sonic Unleashed, I made the game look really cool because I knew how to play it well. So he sort of dared me to try and make Sonic 06 look good, and in the process of trying to record a "clean" run of Crisis City,
I ended up capturing footage of some pretty funny, pretty dumb stuff. That was also, incidentally, the first video where I forced myself to learn Sony Vegas so I could ditch Windows Movie Maker.
And then not long after I joined GAF, there was a thread on "unbelievable glitches".
That was all the motivation I needed. The entire video literally came together in the span of about four or five hours - that was capturing, editing, uploading and processing. It felt crazy simple and easy to do at the time, but I guess the gears had been turning in my head for a good four years at that point.