Chao abuse!
The worst thing is accidentally abusing your chao and feeling so terrible you reset the game.
Chao abuse!
The worst thing is accidentally abusing your chao and feeling so terrible you reset the game.
I wouldn't be abusing it if it would win its races!Chao abuse!
If he's going to be vomiting, then he better use it to propel himself across the track! He's so lazy and unmotivated no matter how often I yell at him or refuse to pet him. His punishment has been me naming him "Stupid." That's also because he has a stupid look on his face. I wonder if that's because I chucked his egg against a wall...Your Chao is going to be too full to win! he'll be vomiting down the track while you scream angrily at it from the sidelines, then you take it back to the garden and beat it, tell me i'm wrong Beef!
In the Dreamcast original, they're not. I mean, they are, but there's also the Y button, which acts as a "pick-up only" button.The worst thing is accidentally abusing your chao and feeling so terrible you reset the game.
Hey, does anyone want to make a banner for the Phantasy Star 25th Anniversary Thread?
Please let me know either here or via PMs if you wish to do so. I don't have a set criteria in mind outside of "it'd be great if it were pretty" so go nuts. Just don't only include PSO stuff on it, because I'd like it to represent the majority of the games.
The 20th (Thursday), since that's when the thread's going up.When do you need it? If you can wait till the weekend, I might be able to.
The 20th (Thursday), since that's when the thread's going up.
Thanks for offering, though, even if you can't do it.
Don't do digital downloads.
Master System versions?
There is no Power Base Converter for a Model 2 Genesis.If you have a Model 1 or 2 Genesis, you can always pick up a Power Base Converter, which makes the Genesis backwards compatible with Master System. You'd have to make sure to get the right model, though. There were two different ones released, with the second one being redesigned to accommodate for the Model 2 Genesis' size.
Most PAL Master System games run on NTSC hardware with little issue. Most. Some don't. The Sonic games are not those titles, fortunately (considering only Sonic 1 got a US release, and a really late one too, making it absurdly pricey).Was Sonic Chaos only a PAL release? I take it these things are region free then...
There is no Power Base Converter for a Model 2 Genesis.
There is a Power Base Converter for a Model 2 Mega Drive, released only in Europe (AFAIK). I have no idea if it'd work or not for a US Genesis Model 2 - try it at your own risk. Bear in mind that some Master System games came on little cards instead of cartridges; the Model 2 PBC can't read those.
Most PAL Master System games run on NTSC hardware with little issue. Most. Some don't. The Sonic games are not those titles, fortunately (considering only Sonic 1 got a US release, and a really late one too, making it absurdly pricey).
You can't call yourself a true Sonic fan until you have the achievement for getting all the Eggmanland hot dogs.So I went back to Unleashed to do some hot dog challenges
Thank glob for Generations, that's all I gotta say
Yeah, uh... that's why I don't want to platinum the game. I imagine that the hot dog challenges would make me hate it.So I went back to Unleashed to do some hot dog challenges
Thank glob for Generations, that's all I gotta say
What, beating Sonic 06 without the need for therapy wasn't enough?You can't call yourself a true Sonic fan until you have the achievement for getting all the Eggmanland hot dogs.
You can't call yourself a true Sonic fan until you have the achievement for getting all the Eggmanland hot dogs.
PM'd! Thank you.Hey, Dark Schala I finished the banner if you wanna take a look at your PMs. If you have changes let me know.
Did anyone claim the OT for this yet?!I'm only just finding this, but Duke Nukem Sonic RPG.
(I think that's; kinda hard to tell, although a friend from IRC asserts it is.)ChipCheezum
IT WAS A WORTHWHILE USE OF TIME.True fan huh? well whatever you need to say to make your ordeal seem worthwhile.
See? This guy's got my back.Psssssh, you aren't a true hero until you get a hotdog from Eggmanland
I think I'm going to break mentally before I complete Big's emblems.
From hotdogs, fishing emblems and Sonic 06 itself this community is all about self harm.
Well you see that's what makes it so challenging right? though you should really be preparing yourself for being speedy enough to do Sonic's time trials, while the most fun i'd say they're also the toughest tasks of the emblem nabbing.The fishing emblems wouldn't even be that bad if the 2000+ fish didn't randomly decide to swim 5+ meters away for the hell of it without me being able to do anything to stop it.
Speaking of self-harm, I have yet to beat Rouge's section of Cannon Core.
I just...why.