That thread is more incorrect than the Animaniacs sucks thread in OT right now.
What seems to be everyone's boggle tonight?
If someone says Freakazoid sucks I will be forced to take military action.
That thread is more incorrect than the Animaniacs sucks thread in OT right now.
What seems to be everyone's boggle tonight?
so wants the consensus on sonic adventure 2 on pc?? is it a good port?
so wants the consensus on sonic adventure 2 on pc?? is it a good port?
Merry Christmas err' body. I bought my nephew Sonic Generations, or "Sonic Adventure 3" as he calls it (no idea why). Hope he likes it.
I thought about making another birthday thread (or even just bumping my old one), but decided against it. Merry Beefmas, east coasters.
Merry Christmas! 40$ but paypal had some issue with my old bank that I forgot to remove from a odd dispute that occurred a few weeks ago when I got hacked and got overdrawn 1000$ and went through the hassle to get it back. So, I was using my paypal account fine and dandy in the morning but then some bank charge of over 200$ happened and I didn't know this when I transferred my 40$ to it and so, there goes my Christmas gift. Ah well!
I'm sure he will, Generations is a good game! short, but a good game. Just help him out with Time Eater when he gets to that point.
Merry Christmas! 40$ but paypal had some issue with my old bank that I forgot to remove from a odd dispute that occurred a few weeks ago when I got hacked and got overdrawn 1000$ and went through the hassle to get it back. So, I was using my paypal account fine and dandy in the morning but then some bank charge of over 200$ happened and I didn't know this when I transferred my 40$ to it and so, there goes my Christmas gift. Ah well!
Oh no! That sucks; terrible Christmas present from the bank. I hope that gets resolved ASAP. Should talk to your old bank about that and if paypal has support, email them too.Merry Christmas! 40$ but paypal had some issue with my old bank that I forgot to remove from a odd dispute that occurred a few weeks ago when I got hacked and got overdrawn 1000$ and went through the hassle to get it back. So, I was using my paypal account fine and dandy in the morning but then some bank charge of over 200$ happened and I didn't know this when I transferred my 40$ to it and so, there goes my Christmas gift. Ah well!
Gah, sorry to hear about that situation, hope the rest of the day goes swell for you. And yeah, I though generations was great, albeit some iffy design decisions.
My old bank didn't give me any problems when I had a big charge show up out of nowhere, but I've made a few hiccups myself that have accidentally landed me hundreds in the hole before. I know the feeling.
Oh no! That sucks; terrible Christmas present from the bank. I hope that gets resolved ASAP. Should talk to your old bank about that and if paypal has support, email them too.
Happy Beefmas, everyone! (Merry Christmas, everyone! Happy birthday, Beef.) Eat, drink, and make merry, etc. Boyfriend and I exchanged gifts the other day but my family's opening presents tomorrow when my little bro wakes up. Christmas is more about putting a smile on his face than anything else to me now (well, outside of spending time with the other half).
Baked a whole buncha stuff with my mom and I don't even know if I'm gonna eat any of it.
Also, SEGA has taken the opportunity to bust out the Sonic 4 model for Lord knows why.
Anyone else remember these? They were on the Sonic Adventure Dreamcast disc. If you put it in your PC, there'd be an extras folder full of these and other wallpapers for old ass computers.
(quoted for size).
Anyone else remember these? They were on the Sonic Adventure Dreamcast disc. If you put it in your PC, there'd be an extras folder full of these and other wallpapers for old ass computers.
dat smile man
dat fuckin' smile
it hurts, momma
Oh god, kill the Sonic 4 and Heroes renders with fire.
That thread is more incorrect than the Animaniacs sucks thread in OT right now.
What seems to be everyone's boggle tonight?
If someone says Freakazoid sucks I will be forced to take military action.
Sorry guys, I don't like Animaniacs either. MERRY BEEFMAS
Sorry guys, I don't like Animaniacs either. MERRY BEEFMAS
The only reason "Robotnikmas" vs. "Eggmanmas" is even a thing is because "Eggmanmas" happened at a point where the holiday started to flush itself down the toilet, therefore people subconsciously associate the name with years of the holiday they do not like.
This can only be decided by which leads to the better Sonic insult
Robuttnik > Egghead
Robotnik wins, its a christmas miracle.
I mean, it really is the better name if you really just stop and think about it.
That thread is more incorrect than the Animaniacs sucks thread in OT right now.
What seems to be everyone's boggle tonight?
What about Baldy McNoseHair
why Mad World writers, why
They both silly dumb
but let's settle this shit, SonicGAF
Robotnik or Eggman?