Shadow Hog
Now that I'm not on a phone, so handling large portions of text is much easier (seriously, selecting text on an Android phone suuuuucks):
). I'm farthest along in the Wii VC copy, but like I said, never once beaten the game. I've never even seen the Axem Rangers...
Still, it was early enough that Skies of Arcadia Legends was still on store shelves (used, I think, but eh), and I was able to snag a copy when my parents, who'd been acting on my behalf on eBay purchases in the past, refused to bid on Panzer Dragoon Saga for me as it was too expensive, despite me having the dough. Kind of an impulse "well, if I can't have THAT RPG, I'll take THIS RPG" purchase. Don't regret it in the slightest, Skies of Arcadia was ace (and, ironically, now costs about as much second-hand, heh).
> Low bitrate audio
> Blocky, blurry video
> Uploader proclaims it's in "HD"
Actually, I think I first played the game later than that, on ZSNES; mostly on a whim, like, "hey, I like Mario, but I don't like RPGs; maybe this'll change my tune?". It did. Now I have both the Wii VC version and an actual cart (wasn't really out for it, but I was out for Yoshi's Island and Secret of Mana, and there was an auction for those, plus SMRPG and Legend of the Mystical Ninja, which I won for $60, so I got one anywayNope. I was late to the party with SMRPG. I didn't play it until... um... 2001-2002? Anyway, no, I didn't like it very much as I didn't think it aged very well. I like the button prompts (though later games would prove to push the player to use button prompts more often in an acceptable way), but battles felt unrefined to me (and I felt it was easy), and I didn't the visual style of the game. I didn't like how Mario controlled on the field at all, I don't like the menu UI, and I didn't find it to be very fun. It's kinda funny at times. And I could see why people like it. It's not like my dislike of Xenosaga where I can't even comprehend why people find those games fun, because I completely understand why people think SMRPG is fun.
Man, I'm on a roll with not liking things lately, huh?!
Still, it was early enough that Skies of Arcadia Legends was still on store shelves (used, I think, but eh), and I was able to snag a copy when my parents, who'd been acting on my behalf on eBay purchases in the past, refused to bid on Panzer Dragoon Saga for me as it was too expensive, despite me having the dough. Kind of an impulse "well, if I can't have THAT RPG, I'll take THIS RPG" purchase. Don't regret it in the slightest, Skies of Arcadia was ace (and, ironically, now costs about as much second-hand, heh).
Now that I'm on my computer with its 1920x1080 monitor so as to notice:
After SA1's intro, you would think they'd try to top that.
> Low bitrate audio
> Blocky, blurry video
> Uploader proclaims it's in "HD"