Junior Member
To offset that overly furry image, here's the greatest comic book over ever!

Hmm... I think I registered on GAF around the time FF13 was going to be released in NA. I didn't get approved until a full year after, though. But I'd been lurking GAF since maybe late 2008/early 2009, but I was always too nervous to sign up until 2010. So I've been there, and man, auto-subs are a godsend.I used to lurk in community a lot before I got approved, so there's at least SOME anecdotal evidence.
Having a sub list is so much handier than having a GAF thread bookmark folder.
You've been on point all week, just for that GSC post in gaming side. Sheesh. I have nothing to add to that one because I agree with it.Thanks! when I feel like it I can put a bit of effort in my posts.
Yeah, it's fun to play, mainly for the racing, it's just more of a comparison to the first one.
You've been on point all week, just for that GSC post in gaming side. Sheesh. I have nothing to add to that one because I agree with it.
I agree. GSC/HGSS are one of my favorite games of all time. I like how some people are getting a bit defensive over it and now apparently it's bad to like Mewtwo in Smash Bros!You've been on point all week, just for that GSC post in gaming side. Sheesh. I have nothing to add to that one because I agree with it.
Hey, Schala's still cool. You pay later! Later?![]()
"What happened to you, Schala? You used to be cool."
People play Pokemon for the story?!
I'm leaving.I swear to god I've seen someone in GAF a long time ago suggesting a post-apocalyptic setting Pokemon game and it wasn't honestly the first time I heard it.
To be fair, your bit about balancing wasn't completely off. The OG game's balancing may have been a little wonky but as long as you used buffs and debuffs (lolololololol), you could've been okay.That thread is full of cowards trembling in the wake of my great wall, they dare not try to scale it ergo I completely wasted my time as expected, OH WELL!
I'm in the "liked RSE best" canoe. It had the most designed I like before the Pokemon started getting too busy visually for my liking.
That and it has a god damn fighting chicken.
I absolutely loved Platinum and enjoyed Black (until I got burned out, but I blame the fact they constantly release new Pokemon games every year, I was even burned out in HGSS!)
but LOL at the GSC haters getting annoyed that people still love those games.
the newest games are always better, and if you like an older game, it's nostalgia.
Happy belated birthdaaaay!Waddyaknow, belated-birthday cake tastes just as good as regular birthday cake!*hinthint*
wow ur all a bunch of losers why are you playing old games play new games stop having fun
We should do something like that. Anth0ny prepares his argument as to why he thinks Sonic 2006 is better than Sonic Colours and Unleashed, and then the rest of us prepare arguments to refute him.
People play Pokemon for the story?!
That thread is bananas. It's like PokeGAF unleashed.
Megaman is touching Sonic's spikes and he isn't dead.To offset that overly furry image, here's the greatest comic book over ever!
They already made one.I swear to god I've seen someone in GAF a long time ago suggesting a post-apocalyptic setting Pokemon game and it wasn't honestly the first time I heard it.
Happy belated birthdaaaay!
you just want an excuse for one of us to post the cake pic.
Amazing.Why yes, yes I did; and to make it even better, it was my 20th birthday.![]()
I had XD for the Gamecube, not only the name was awful but the characters looked like shit. I don't know if the game itself was good because I never gotten far into it.They already made one.
We should do something like that. Anth0ny prepares his argument as to why he thinks Sonic 2006 is better than Sonic Colours and Unleashed, and then the rest of us prepare arguments to refute him.
Correction, it's Sonic always sucked and was never good to start with.Ocarina of Time sucks because it's old.
You only like it because nostalgia.
Sonic 3&K suck too. Because nostalgia.
While the nostalgia argument is a cop out I would say that there's sometimes the opposite being pretty apparent, the new games in a series suck because any changes from the past are ill received with shaky reasoning or an inability to let an old favourite be usurped by the ur all a bunch of losers why are you playing old games play new games stop having fun
Ah, yes, right. I forgot that was some people's favourite argument now.Nocturnowl said:Correction, it's Sonic always sucked and was never good to start with.
Well, I don't think anyone's necessarily implying that the future games are bad because future iterations are supposed to improve on things. It's good that they don't all have the same things otherwise the series will just feel homogenized.B/W > R/S/E > I stop caring because the other three are all pretty broken in various ways
Story's probably the wrong way to put it, since the writing didn't start being worth anything until B/W. But the individual events that happen are important for keeping the player engaged and motivated.
I'm waiting on PokeGAF Colors since PokeGAF 06 was such hot garbage.
I don't think so; this is the post that it came from (replace with the name of the banned image site): I make this? I can't find the origin.
Playing more of Adventure 1. I'd rather be getting more emblems in Adventure 2, bleh. Not even the music does it for me.
Emblem 1 had emblems!
Most people i'd say are pretty pleased with it, I can understand that.Now the GSC thread is a mess.
Is Black/White 2 any good because I heard it isn't.
Well, isn't the plot of B/W something like...Most people i'd say are pretty pleased with it, I can understand that.
But I was pretty disappointed coming off from Black 1,The restructuring of the games progression bothers me in a few ways partly related to some late placement of the Gen 5 pokemon and the plot pacing is all kinds of nutty, yeah I know , plot in pokemon isn't exactly anything at all important but the way it's all handled especially by comparison to the previous game leaves me a bit perplexed.
I'd also consider it leaning too much on the whole bigger is better mindset, the new Victory Road embodies this quite well, great for some, not so much for me.
Adventure my mistake how can you like 2 better than one odd
I've been running around as Tails in this blasted forest trying to find my way out for the past 10 minutes. I accidentally skipped the cutscene where Tails finds a chaos emerald, so now I have absolutely no idea where to go and the red sparkly light at the train station isn't helping.
Edit: Oh, I had to go into this cave with a barely noticeable false rooftop and press a switch there to make the cave not a dead end. Woopeee.
Lord Iizuka-sama must be so happy that his games are reaching new players all the time.
Lord Iizuka-sama must be so happy that his games are reaching new players all the time.
Segata's ultimate comeback special.Which of course leads into a new 2d brawler in which Yu Suzaki and Segata Sanshiro team up to defeat the evil of Lord Iisuka-sama and save the captured Yuji Naka
Coming to an iOS device near now
I'd take the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all" approach.Is there a way to talk about his teeth without sounding like an arsehole? Schala, you're pretty polite, help me out here.
I mean, he must have a fair bit of cash saved up.
We should do something like that. Anth0ny prepares his argument as to why he thinks Sonic 2006 is better than Sonic Colours and Unleashed, and then the rest of us prepare arguments to refute him.
I'd take the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all" approach.
Or "Sega's so broke now that they had to take away the staff's dental plan" might do the trick? Still comes off as slightly mean.Oh no, that was mean.