I like LTTP the way it is... at least its music. Just something about that soundfont I really likeMajora's Mask AND an OoT style LTTP.
On one cart.
I like LTTP the way it is... at least its music. Just something about that soundfont I really likeMajora's Mask AND an OoT style LTTP.
On one cart.
These aren't even necessarily my top games ever, but games I'd deem near perfect (no flaws):
-Majora's Mask
-Ocarina of Time
-Chrono Trigger
-Link to the Past
It's a very short list. I'm man enough to admit Melee, Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Pokemon etc. have issues here and there (even though I prefer them)... but I honestly can't think of any flaws for the above four games. Haven't played Super Metroid yet, it's number 1 on my must play list.
I really shouldn't have just played Sonic Chaos.
It's impossible to have fun with those fetch quests
why did nintendo have such an obsession with end game fetch quests during the gamecube era
hurt metroid prime and wind waker =(
why did nintendo have such an obsession with end game fetch quests during the gamecube era
hurt metroid prime and wind waker =(
They needed to get the games out but didn't have enough content so they padded the length with fetch quests.
god tier ps2 games:
vice city
san andreas
burnout 3 (also on xbox but not gcn so...)
god hand
smt lucifer's call
space channel 5 part 2
I really shouldn't have just played Sonic Chaos.
You're the one who set the god-tier bar at fucking San Andreas.
"those games aren't god tier"
*mentions Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Prime 2, and DK freakin' Jungle Beat*
Ok, son
and PS2 version of Viewtiful Joe had Dante, hold dat shit
I probably played more hours in my GC/Xbox because of the multiplayer(SO many hours of Melee/Halo 2), but if I could only have one system and game library on a desert island, PS2 would probably be it(if we exclude PC/emulation and shit).
I find Nintendo consoles are always secondary now. Dat third party support be lackin, b. Back in the day, you could buy a SNES and be set. Awesome nintendo games + a shitload of third party exclusives. And not just Random Joe company, but Square(FF, Secret of Mana, CT, SMRPG, etc), Konami(Turtles in Time, Contra 3, SCV 4, Ganbare Goemon 1-4, Gradius III, etc), Capcom(MMX1-3, FF3, BoF2, Demon's Crest), you name it.
Now I'm surprised whenever a Wii U version gets announced for anything
I feel N64 and GC lost the third party support (though people forget GC had some pretty good stuff from third parties, just overshadowed by the fucked up support PS2 was getting from everyone under the sun), but the first party support was so strong that the consoles were still able to stand on two feet. I'd rather have a GC and it's library on a desert island for that reason.
Wii, on the other hand... didn't do it for me at all. Not even the first party support was enough.
Nintendo's output on the Wii stomps all over their N64 and Gamecube efforts combined. The only argument to the contrary is Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (F-Zero GX, being a Sega joint, doesn't count).
I feel like loving a Def Jam game and hating GOTY 2003 Metroid Prime sums up Beef pretty well.
They already made a 2D Prime. It was called Super Metroid.
Def Jam: Fight for NY hate?
Ban Green Scar
Brawl isn't a bad game but WHATEVER MANGalaxy 1 and 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunshine
DKCR>Jungle Beat (both amazing games, Returns is slightly better with a classic controller)
That's about all the Wii's got.
WW and TP>>>>TP and SS
Prime 1 and 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Prime 3 and Other M
F-Zero existed on Gamecube
Pikmin existed on Gamecube
Paper Mario 2>>>Super Paper Mario
Same deal with N64.
If we talking console exclusives, Xbox got the shortest stick that gen I think
Ninja Gaiden (Black)
Halo 1
Halo 2
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Chronicles of Riddick
Crimson Skies
I think that's it. It did usually get the best version of multi-platform games and I've lost SO many hours of my life to it's XBL play, but it is what it is.
why did nintendo have such an obsession with end game fetch quests during the gamecube era
hurt metroid prime and wind waker =(
Brawl isn't a bad game but WHATEVER MAN
Also Wii had 2 Kirby platformers, Punch Out and RHYTHM HEAVEN
C'mon man
We lost F-Zero and Pikmin for Kirby and Punch Out >_>
TrueWe lost F-Zero and Pikmin for Kirby and Punch Out >_>
let's agree to disagree thenRhythm Heaven is fun for 5 hours, forgot about it. I wouldn't call it a great game by any means, though.
Atmospherically and replay-wise. My bf likes it more than I do, and he thinks it's near-flawless. I haven't played it enough times to make an accurate "it's perfect" judgement, tbh.Metroid Prime is another one of those games right?
I never had a Gamecube in that era, so I just played catch-up on the Wii.
<3 Backwards-compatibility
Playing Gamecube games on the Wii drives me nuts because I have to pick up the Wii remote, point at the Disc Channel on the screen, select START, then put it down and pick up the GC controller.
'course that's one of the reasons I still keep my GameCube. That and the Game Boy Player.