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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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What sucks even more is that the Classic Controller can navigate the menus with the analog stick so there really is no point to why they won't let you.

I find it so baffling that Nintendo didn't even add a navigation option with the nun-chuck and gamecube controller in the main menu

Speaking of Gamecube games...I'm gonna try out Skies of Arcadia one of these bloody days.
It's really good.

Personally I kinda liked that I could play it relatively competently even when I was falling asleep. No ATB to worry about; just be awake enough to analyze everyone's situations and plop in commands, and you can snooze for a minute or two while they trade blows.

Not that Skies put me to sleep on its own or anything, but it totally accommodated me when I was feeling drowsy.


Games that I personally consider near-flawless:

Brave Fencer Musashi
Mega Man X
Katamari Forever
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War
Kirby Super Star / Super Star Ultra
Chrono Trigger
Demon's Souls
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Just miss the mark, but still really damn good:

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Persona 4
The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker
Asura's Wrath
Mega Man Zero 3
Devil May Cry 3
Final Fantasy V
Gravity Rush
Final Fantasy VII

I'm sure my list would make some people turn their heads but hey, that's the beauty of video games.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Games that I personally consider near-flawless:

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
oh my god i'm not alone ;___;

I need to hear your beef with respect to DMC3:DA SE, because along with NG:Black and Bayonetta, I'd put it up there with the best action games ever constructed.

Playing Gamecube games on the Wii drives me nuts because I have to pick up the Wii remote, point at the Disc Channel on the screen, select START, then put it down and pick up the GC controller.
I dislike that so much. It's tedious. :|

Also, I love the GC controller. I think it is fantastic.

qq more

GC controller is amazing for 3D games. 2D games not so much though... but hey my #1 choice for playing 3D games! Sonic Gen plays greattt with it


Gamecube controller was so awful to try and play Capcom vs SNK 2 with :(. It's also terrrrible for playing GB games on.

Twin Snakes is a tad awkward at times too. I think the Codec was like Start+B or something.

Just about everything else feels great.


oh my god i'm not alone ;___;

I need to hear your beef with respect to DMC3:DA SE, because along with NG:Black and Bayonetta, I'd put it up there with the best action games ever constructed.

The Adventure Rebirth was nice, but I really want a return to old-school actionvania, man. Igavanias are nice but ugh, I could never get too into them as I did CV1 and Rondo. (Playing as Richter in Symphony was endlessly more fun to me than playing as Alucard). So good. Don't even get me started on Lords of Boredom.

No beef on DMC3! I just readily admit that the enemy variety in the game isn't all that great and that it's few platforming sections blow. Other than that, it's high up there as one of my favorite games, hence why I named it!


"Perfect" games discussion

I don't think that any of the games that I love the most are perfect. In fact, a lot of them have notable flaws, but they also really excel in the areas that matter for me.

An example I've used in other threads is Paper Mario: TTYD vs. Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger has tighter pacing and no genuine flaws, but the things that TTYD does better are more meaningful for me (humor, marriage between aesthetics and gameplay, fun and unique scenarios, a battle system that rewards good timing and attentiveness).

Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime are the games that I love the most where I would have trouble picking out noteworthy flaws
backtracking in Metroid Prime was awesome because it pushed me to hunt down all of the cleverly hidden items
, but I feel as strongly about games like Super Mario Galaxy (even though several of the purple coin levels were dull and challenge-less) and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (even though it's bereft of single player content and Capcom is being Capcom in terms of post-release support).
"those games aren't god tier"

*mentions Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Prime 2, and DK freakin' Jungle Beat*

Ok, son

and PS2 version of Viewtiful Joe had Dante, hold dat shit
You say freakin' Jungle Beat like it's not the best game out of that selection there, it smokes Sunshine into ashes.

Neither console had a lot of 2D platformin so fuck them!
But there was Jungle Beat at least.

We lost F-Zero and Pikmin for Kirby and Punch Out >_>

Rhythm Heaven is fun for 5 hours, forgot about it. I wouldn't call it a great game by any means, though.
There was also Sin and Punishment 2, nothing wrong with some series taking a backseat to let others shine once more.

Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime are the games that I love the most where I would have trouble picking out noteworthy flaws
backtracking in Metroid Prime was awesome because it pushed me to hunt down all of the cleverly hidden items
Someone who shares my feelings on the Prime atrifact hunt, feels good.
Resi 4 is pretty close to the top, the island is a bit weaker than the rest of the game but it's still all good for its near 20 hour duration which is pretty impressive.

I'd absolutely give SMG2 the nod over the first game.
I just remembered that Gaf has a community section and decided to check up on SonicGaf. I had to make sure I clicked on the right thread when I started reading.

So, how bout that Sonic?

As an actual attempt to change the topic, when do you guys think we'll hear some news about the new Sonic project?

Escape Goat

I rented Sonic Generations yesterday. I hadn't played a Sonic game since Sonic 2 on Genesis. I feel so old because my eyes couldn't keep up with what I was doing. Its like the game was on rails and I was just observing. There would be periods where I'd slow down and I'd invariably hit some monster and lose all my rings. I guess what they say is true. You can't go home again.
My near flawless game list is pretty short:

- Super Metroid
- Chrono Trigger
- Mega Man X
- Resident Evil 4

With the exception of RE4, I struggle even thinking of objective flaws for these games. And even with RE4's case, my only complaint is the Island section (Which is still really amazing) not being on par with the Village and Castle.
I rented Sonic Generations yesterday. I hadn't played a Sonic game since Sonic 2 on Genesis. I feel so old because my eyes couldn't keep up with what I was doing. Its like the game was on rails and I was just observing. There would be periods where I'd slow down and I'd invariably hit some monster and lose all my rings. I guess what they say is true. You can't go home again.

Honestly it is a lot of the time. The parts that were more open and actually incorporated platforming were great though.

qq more

I rented Sonic Generations yesterday. I hadn't played a Sonic game since Sonic 2 on Genesis. I feel so old because my eyes couldn't keep up with what I was doing. Its like the game was on rails and I was just observing. There would be periods where I'd slow down and I'd invariably hit some monster and lose all my rings. I guess what they say is true. You can't go home again.

Just don't abuse spindash/boost and you'll be mostly fine.

They REALLY overpowered the spindash in the game.
Time for me to be the controversial guy, I wouldn't consider Mega Man X up there with the usual flawless suspects with its pretty basic and occasionally outright bland level design.
Most notably for me Sigma's stages devolving as you progress into being bosses linked by the odd corridor filled with a bunch of enemies and not much else note worthy, looking at you Sigma stage 3.
What puzzles me is that the classic series even in their weaker entries tended to have more interesting ideas in their stages, X to me just feels content with simply being a new coat of paint on the old formula.


Actually, leaving the realm of my favorite games and focusing more on the word "flawless," there are some smaller games that have come out this generation that I would consider to be close to flawless. Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 and Pac-Man Championship Edition DX are up there, and Super Meat Boy would be too if it weren't for the game's bugs at launch.

As an actual attempt to change the topic, when do you guys think we'll hear some news about the new Sonic project?

Yeah, it's a dry news period for proper Sonic games. I found myself really interested in the franchise again after Colors and Generations came out, but it feels like they're losing some of that momentum right now.
Green Hill Zone was mostly on rails, but the rest of them weren't much like that.

Yeah, Green Hill might as well be thrown out. It's so pointless. The other levels are much better, but there are still so many segments that are automated set pieces, and others that might as well be. Narrow paths with nothing but robots to boost into. Bleh.

Like I said before, there was a lot of good stuff in Generations, but it's far from perfect.


Yeah, Green Hill might as well be thrown out. It's so pointless. The other levels are much better, but there are still so many segments that are automated set pieces, and others that might as well be. Narrow paths with nothing but robots to boost into. Bleh.

Like I said before, there was a lot of good stuff in Generations, but it's far from perfect.

Yes, but as far as level design goes, it's great. Boss battles and control responsiveness are terrible though.
Ask SNES fanboys
and their horrible hatred for Genesis soundchip!

okay i was really exaggerating, but its music sure gets hated on though

I see pretty strange sound style warring on both sides, granted the SNES side tend to be more vocal in their dislike for the old Mega Drive soundchip and I prefer SNES style myself but that's genuinely their loss if they choose to shun good MD music.
The correct answer of course is that both consoles lend themselves to a selection of great and varied soundtracks and we're more richer for their sound based differences.

Looking at those SA2 mods confirms my theory that sonic would work pretty well in Mission Street.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
well when the majority of games have sounds that sound like an accordion running through a cheese grater, it's hard NOT to complain


The Adventure Rebirth was nice, but I really want a return to old-school actionvania, man. Igavanias are nice but ugh, I could never get too into them as I did CV1 and Rondo. (Playing as Richter in Symphony was endlessly more fun to me than playing as Alucard). So good. Don't even get me started on Lords of Boredom.

No beef on DMC3! I just readily admit that the enemy variety in the game isn't all that great and that it's few platforming sections blow. Other than that, it's high up there as one of my favorite games, hence why I named it!
I honestly thought I was alone regarding CV. I like the Metroidvanias and stuff, like, I have little problems with them, but I like the ones that focused more on platforming/timing/skill like the older ones. So I'm disappointed that outside of Adventure Rebirth, we haven't had much of anything else like that. I don't like LoS too much either.

Re: DMC3: Ohh, that makes sense. Yeah, I agree.

Yeah, it's a dry news period for proper Sonic games. I found myself really interested in the franchise again after Colors and Generations came out, but it feels like they're losing some of that momentum right now.
I agree. Loved the last three games, but since Colours and Generations came out within a year of each other, it feels like it should be a yearly kind of thing.

But I think it's better this way. Probably gonna get news in late March.

Hopefully good news.
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