We're terrible Sonic fans because we didn't give Sonic 4 it's proper due in the soundtrack thread.
Sky Fortress Act 2
Death Egg Mk II
Sylvania Castle Act 3
Or something. Better than Episode 1's.
And you know what, that's fine! Me, I don't go out of my way to listen to OSTs to games I have no interest in, so there's probably a lot of good stuff out there that I haven't listened to, but I'm in no particular hurry. But I'm ok with your voting criteria as well, cause it'd be pretty boring if everyone judged everything the same way. I'm mostly just iffy about limiting someone's options when voting time comes around.
I felt like DJMax would be kinda cheating as well, haha. I was tempted, but I figured I'd put it aside for the same reason, even though it's actually my first time listening to ANY of the songs in it's OST and I really love a few of them.
DJMAX's one failing is not having
Kara's Wanna on there. It's soooo catchy and it would've worked somehow when playing the game.
Well, this just stemmed from the survey mostly. And the inclusion of that soundtrack in the top 15. I just didn't want to say it in the thread proper because Gaming side is scary.
...To be completely fair, using Nova Strike was my main method of transportation whenever I used Ultimate Armor X too.
At least the fan-creator was smart enough to include that. I don't think people
didn't do that. :lol
Everyone on the Sonic side should've just went super saiyan or boosted. It's a fan-made RPG, so why not! See, fans were thinking of Sonic and Mega Man being in the same story for a while now. And only now they decided to capitalize on it with Evil Friends Forever.
It doesn't help much when the same two examples were brought up over and over for its song representation.
Oh yeah, that totally didn't help in the slightest. :lol
I feel like that soundtrack works better within context, though. It was good stuff when I was playing the game for that one moment that moved me to tears, but I can't even remember much of it outside of the instruments swelling and climaxing.
The ultimate spoiler, but hey there's still 9 more unknown entities though! stay tuned because i'm close to finishing that list.
It wasn't really until long after I finished the Uprising that I actually took a step back and noticed that the composer lineup was full of some pretty big names by which point I was already happily humming away many of the tunes so it didn't really effect me that much, I like to think that how well they all managed to get their styles to mesh is worth some credit in this case but maybe that's more of an issue for you that they all don't have a unique flair to their tracks bar the odd outlier. Listening to your FF13-2 write up was like the other side of this coin, they were jumping around all over the place dipping into varying styles, some of which I have trouble picturing just popping up in the game because they seemed that "out there", not a bad angle either but from that choice I think I may have deduced something about how you might think Uprising could've genre hopped a lot more than it did with the talent it had but ultimately a more consistent angle is probably what Sakurai had in mind...or something.
...you just want me to write a list in the GotY thread just because.
Well, yeah, in my case it was different because I'd known the list of composers prior to playing the game (which... ended up making me buy the game at the last minute). What I like a lot is a variety of genres in one soundtrack. As more and more soundtracks start doing that, it's something I've just gotten used to and I guess I've come to expect it.
Considering that all of the composers on that soundtrack have a certain genre and style they adhere to, I expected more of a variety of sounds that could cohesively fit together much like Sonic's recent soundtracks do (Unleashed is a good example of this; Colours is a good example of this as well). But that didn't really happen and it kind of bothers me (and I know why; Sakuraba worked on most of the soundtrack it seems, so you're mostly listening to his stuff as opposed to everyone else's). It also doesn't help some of these guys worked on other soundtracks that I liked much better (ex: Sakuraba: Beyond the Labyrinth/Xillia 2; Koshiro: Wangan Midnight; Masafumi Takada: Super Danganronpa 2).
Meh. It just came off as a disappointment because I expected so much more in terms of genre diversity with cohesiveness as opposed to 1-3 genres with cohesiveness.