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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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It and 8's characters were the most interesting, but 4's gameplay didn't do much for me. Not like I didnt have other games to play. Opinions and all that jazz.

come at me bro
From like, the very little (talking about a half hour or so) I played of XII, my main problem was that I wasn't really too enthralled with the battle system. It's the main thing keeping me from properly playing through from start to finish, which kinda sucks since the cast and world actually seems pretty cool.


Why are lawyers even putting their hands on a comic book plot?

Because Archie can't prove that they own a decent chunk of the characters, and their new legal team apparently recommended immediately axing anyone in contention until the dust settles.


Nope! If a contract ever existed, neither side can produce a convincing copy of it, and a few other Archie employees from the 90s claim that they never signed anything either. They were moving towards a settlement a month ago, hasn't been any news since.
I hate the very idea of UMvC3 getting DLC but it had more to do with the fact that they ripped me off with the original MvC3.


oops we lied you have to pay for the same game over to get the new shit within the same year you bought the game

fuck you capcom fuck you

My favorite part is when Sven was like "Why would we do DLC? Japanese people don't buy that!"


And they say I have bad opinions.
More DLC like Jill and Shuma would have been shit.
The UMvC3 upgrade should have been DLC, like Arcade Edition was.
The UMvC3 upgrade shouldn't have been released less than a year after Vanilla released.
The game requires more frequent balance patches.

That's pretty much the long-and-short of it.
Saying it's the "same game" is purely disingenuous and only goes to prove that you don't know much about fighting games at all. Unless of course you think that SF3, 2nd Impact and Third Strike are all the "same game" in which case you should just stop posting.

UMvC3 was a huge debacle, no doubt. But there were a swarm of circumstances that made it have to be so. Some preventable (like Marvel's stupid decision-making) and some that weren't (the Japanese natural disasters).
Are you Reggie?

Don't compare me to that cretin. >:|
This analogy doesn't even make sense.

She claimed I threw money away, I replied in kind.

qq more

I'm not huge into fighters so all of that technical stuff like buffs/nerfs don't matter to me at all. I just hate that a game I bought becomes obsolete so quick.



*has barely played it and is waiting for the 3DS remake*

I don't think it's a good first Zelda (well, it's still the greatest game of all time no matter when you play it, but you know what I mean). LTTP and OOT are the essence of Zelda at its purest.

Also the amount of new content in UMVC3 is worth more than $40 of DLC. the only thing you should be complaining about is... being forced to have another case on your shelf? Cause the value is there.

qq more

You don't need to be hardcore into fighters to know how important buffs/nerfs are. You don't even need to play fighters in general. Just look at Pokemon!

They're not important to me. At least not enough to buy a damn separate game for it.

I don't really care if you guys buy them, more power to you. But for me I just wish the whole thing was DLC. :/


I'm a huge UMvC3 fan, but from a consumer perspective, its release was really poorly handled. No matter what the business reasons, the end result was charging people almost the full price of another game to get a dozen more characters, balance changes, and online features that should have been there in the first place (lobby support, better netcode); this also took place in the same year as the game's initial release.

I'm really happy that we have UMvC3 instead of Vanilla if the question is "UMvC3 or no updates at all," but there aren't many ways that it could have been handled worse.
You don't need to be hardcore into fighters to know how important buffs/nerfs are. You don't even need to play fighters in general. Just look at Pokemon!
Y'know, it's funny; I used this exact comparison in reverse to explain why I feel a listing of the new Pokémon in a new Pokémon generation isn't a spoiler; it's just looking over the roster of a new fighter.

With 100 new fighters.

And every fighter from previous entries in the series.

Which themselves are in the hundreds.

Maybe this analogy isn't so great.
I haven't been keeping up with All-Star Racing Transformed, but is there DLC for it? I might finally be able to buy it and Revengeance this weekend, and I want to know if I should get some Sony Bux too.

qq more

I haven't been keeping up with All-Star Racing Transformed, but is there DLC for it? I might finally be able to buy it and Revengeance this weekend, and I want to know if I should get some Sony Bux too.

None that we know of... yet.

oh shit, Revengeance is coming out this week?

EDIT: Wait no, that's a Feb release...
Erm, there's only special edition DLC (Metal Sonic/Outrun Bay), but sounds like that version is the only version :lol

Just don't buy used, you'll be good.
IIRC there's DLC planned, such as the Football Manager... manager, some guy from Total War: Shogun, and Alex Kidd (who you can get for free on Christmas - I did)... but none of it has been released yet.

There's also platform-specific characters, although they're limited to Miis on Wii U and Avatars on 360. PS3 gets jack shit. PC, meanwhile, will get Team Fortress 2 characters. (So want that.)
PC, meanwhile, will get Team Fortress 2 characters. (So want that.)


Picked up a copy of Sonic Rush Adventure on a whim today. Not looking forward to the material collecting nonsense, but I'm curious to see if the level design is more enjoyable than Rush's.

Off topic: Picked up EarthBound at the same place for 65 cents, too. Talk about good fortune!


Picked up a copy of Sonic Rush Adventure on a whim today. Not looking forward to the material collecting nonsense, but I'm curious to see if the level design is more enjoyable than Rush's.

Off topic: Picked up EarthBound at the same place for 65 cents, too. Talk about good fortune!

I WILL FIND YOU AND... ask where you bought the game for so cheap.


Picked up a copy of Sonic Rush Adventure on a whim today. Not looking forward to the material collecting nonsense, but I'm curious to see if the level design is more enjoyable than Rush's.

Off topic: Picked up EarthBound at the same place for 65 cents, too. Talk about good fortune!

The level design is much better, IMO.
I WILL FIND YOU AND... ask where you bought the game for so cheap.

Dropped off some clothes at Goodwill and saw it on top of a stack of CD's near the counter. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. Said counter had a stack of DS games priced $10 and below, and Rush Adventure was one of 'em, hence my purchase.
that reminds me of the time I found a copy of Ehrgeiz for 2 bucks at a thrift store. Sadly a lot of the employees at all the thrift stores in Denver and the surrounding suburbs get to all the good stuff first so it's hard to find stuff now...booo.

I used to find so much good stuff...congrats on the find!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
So I finished compiling my GotY list (haven't posted it because I still need to write some comments in).

I don't want to look at it as a GotY list at all. It looks damn weird. I also ran out of space so I had to cut some descriptions for my honourable mentions. >_<

Anyway, who's going to get Game of the Year All Years: Deadly Premonition Director's Cut when it comes out?! :D

Sonic #244:
-Ian's admitted that the original plans for the arc had to be scrapped at the last minute, but the stitched-together corpse shambling around in its place is just a terrible replacement. It's a shame, since the story it was supposed to be had already been on hold for something like three years now, since the setup for it back in the third Universe arc (which was itself supposed to be the second arc). Off Panel even lampshades the fact that no one remembers who Thrash is.
tl;dr: trainwreck in motion.
This sounds like a damned disaster. Really weird. So... Archie fired all of their lawyers and none of Penders's characters can be mentioned from now on? It creates such a huge inconsistency. If Penders wins, it might have some lasting repercussions on the comic since a lot of those characters were almost in central roles at a point.

I wonder if Ian's considering rebooting?

Haven't gotten around to MM21 yet; I should really buy them but I get home too late now, so maybe when I get a longer lunch break or something).

I don't think that's true at all, but Sonic Team doesn't really seem interested in "solving" Sonic in 3D, or at least, not in the ways I personally think they should. They still view Sonic as a highly scripted rollercoaster, and that's fine and fun enough but I feel like somebody somewhere missed a memo when you give Sonic the ability to boost but also have boost pads all over the floor of every level. The case could be made that booster pads make you go even faster than boosting would normally, but if you ask a lot of speed runners, it's actually the opposite.

But, whatever. I shouldn't complain if I'm actually having fun with the games, and I've said it (or at least thought it) before: I'm actually sort of dreading the next Sonic game if it really is another soft reboot, because it finally feels like they hit some kind of stride and now they're ready to throw that out the window and start over. They haven't done well enough to earn the appropriate amount of faith for a move like that.
Well, I think your idea of putting Sonic in 3D isn't too bad, actually. I mean, I completely prefer the hybrid thing they have going on now (mostly because 3D platformers and I don't seem to jive well for some reason), but your idea (I think you wrote it up somewhere?) seems reasonable. I think Sega just saw that the multicharacter approach in S3&K worked so well that they tried to do everything and threw in the kitchen sink and that just didn't work out well at all. Okay, it worked out for some people, but from a polished gameplay sort of standpoint, it felt incredibly lacking. Going back to playing some of those games today makes them seem inadequate now.

Though, I feel like they should go back to some of the older games and see that gaining speed and momentum wasn't necessarily based on springs or anything. It was running back and forth in a convex-mirror-like thing and building up speed. They streamlined this with the spindash and later the boost, but they really did take some autonomy from the player later on. I wonder where that started. I wish they'd take the damn boost pads out. It only makes Sonic lose momentum.

I think they're fine where they are, or at least it's a decent start. I hope the next game isn't a "reboot" of sorts because at least they're building back some of the faith they've lost over the years.

I thought FF (and now Phantasy Star) were better than 1. 4 was snoozeville. 8 I have no idea how far I got into it before I stopped because it wasn't going anywhere. I beat 9, but thought it was just average.

I realize I may be making a few people sad.
Like whom? :p

Play DQ5. At least the story's nice. And I love DQ8 just for presentation purposes. They changed the soundtrack to the symphonic soundtrack for the US release, the EN VA is really good, and the game is gorgeous. DQ3 blew me away when I was a kid, but day/night systems are common now and hey why the hell doesn't FF do that?!

OMG Aero

I hate the very idea of UMvC3 getting DLC but it had more to do with the fact that they ripped me off with the original MvC3.


oops we lied you have to pay for the same game over to get the new shit within the same year you bought the game

fuck you capcom fuck you
Actually putting Phoenix Wright in absolved Capcom of any wrong doing with UMvC3.
I wonder if Ian's considering rebooting?

I honestly wouldn't mind that, but it depends on whether or not they would still include the SatAM canon or just say say screw it and only go with the games' ala MegaMan (which I completely forgot about). I'd love to see them properly adapt the Adventure games without having to congest the SatAM stuff into it.
Would suck about a reboot, I haven't liked all of Ian's stuff but there are comic only characters that I think are pretty cool (Mina) and would hate to see them go away if they went the Mega Man route.
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