I can't imagine that belt barrage would be very comfortable but comfort isn't king here.
........b-b-butIf you ignore everything below her waist it's actually really good.
QQ drunk on the haterade.
And Nomura's Kingdom Hearts designs are far worse.
wait, what?? It's been that long already?!Man, only like 12 days until the SonicGAF |OT| anniversary. And we've almost gone 300 pages!
You can still hate on them for making cruddy stuff every now and then.Now QQ can't hate on Dimps now.
They would've still had to do it anyway because I assume that he would've been irritated to the max.Nomura sent that shit in as a joke and he dared to see anybody say "No!"
Yup. It was formed shortly after my Junior account was approved (January 6th for that; January 29th, according to the first post, for this thread), so I remember it pretty clearly.wait, what?? It's been that long already?!
wait, what?? It's been that long already?!
Well now that qq has exhausted all topics of discussion what else can we do?
One of the worst Tales games next to Tales of VS.Tales of the Tempest?
No, he's been a director, a creative producer, he's come up with various concepts for the games, monster designer (before becoming the character designer), etc. He's been doing a ton of stuff there.So that must mean Nomura has tons of pull at Square huh? Isn't he just the lead Character Designer?
He's taking forever with Versus mang...
A lot of it was tangental, but it's cuz we all get along.Yep! And all that with nothing more than Sonic 4 and leftover Generations discussion in terms of new material.
One of the worst Tales games next to Tales of VS.
No, he's been a director, a creative producer, he's come up with various concepts for the games, monster designer (before becoming the character designer), etc. He's been doing a ton of stuff there.
What're the other two? I mean, HaloGAF is on, like, |OT10393989483947947| now... MinecraftGAF is slow but steady... TF2/JankGAF did pretty well in a Highlander tournament... UMvC3GAF is still talking about things...I'm still a little surprised this was one of the three Community Threads that didn't hit rock bottom, though.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about those.What're the other two? I mean, HaloGAF is on, like, |OT10393989483947947| now... MinecraftGAF is slow but steady... TF2/JankGAF did pretty well in a Highlander tournament... UMvC3GAF is still talking about things...
What're the other two? I mean, HaloGAF is on, like, |OT10393989483947947| now... MinecraftGAF is slow but steady... TF2/JankGAF did pretty well in a Highlander tournament... UMvC3GAF is still talking about things...
What're the other two? I mean, HaloGAF is on, like, |OT10393989483947947| now... MinecraftGAF is slow but steady... TF2/JankGAF did pretty well in a Highlander tournament... UMvC3GAF is still talking about things...
Yeah, I suppose.Those aren't Community threads, technically.
No kidding.And Nomura's Kingdom Hearts designs are far worse.
FFGAF can get really creepy.
Really? I know FF threads (particularly XIII related ones) on Gaming side can get a little weird, but I've never actually stuck my head in the Community topic much.
Gosh, I wonder what you're referring to.Now when you have a character with a Gundam-sized shield or very constrictive-looking armor that's still supposed to be super agile and can pretty much fly around, that's when I shake my head.
I'm a little happy that people who blame the fans themselves don't post in the community thread that much.Edit: This thread being so active is part of why I decided to peek my head in. I'd posted in the FF one before, but that one dies all the time and has some... "characters" that I'd rather not partake with if possible. FFGAF can get really creepy.
I think the only OT community threads I'm aware of are the FootballGAF, AnimeGAF, and WrassleGAF threads. I just read them rather than post in them.Beyond that, I'm mostly familiar with Off-Topic communities, of which I can confirm PonyGAF (despite me paying almost no attention to it since April 2012) and PoliGAF are still going strong. Plus all the various SportsGAFs, WrestleGAF, AnimeGAF...
My goty list doesn't include Sonic 4: Ep 2. >.>
Now they have some sense of how to give people what they want.Well, I wouldn't want to be an FF fan these days either.
Or at any point in the last decade or so.
Sega's not run by the brightest folk, but at least they've got some sense of how to give the people what they want.
whatThat came out in 2012!?
It seems like it came out in '09 or some shit
Not to defend them (creepy is creepy), but Square Enix seems to be courting the creepy crowd rather aggressively lately. Didn't they put out bikini DLC for Serah in FFXIII-2?
Just because it has some sort of narrative significance doesn't mean that everyone cares a lot about it!
My goty list doesn't include Sonic 4: Ep 2. >.>
Not to defend them (creepy is creepy), but Square Enix seems to be courting the creepy crowd rather aggressively lately. Didn't they put out bikini DLC for Serah in FFXIII-2?
Worse is that Serah is rail thin and looks pretty young. Which makes the relationship between her and the biggest idiot of FF more than creepy.
What was also terrible is how huge her tits got in the sequel.
Also someone in the dev team of XIII-2 cared enough to model a droplets of rains sliding down her cleavage when she stands in the rain.
There's a gif of it out there.
I am actually impressed.
How did anyone notice that with the crummy framerate? I swear the place where you fought Titan was a choppy hellion sort of mess.
Honestly, this is probably one of the most pleasant and enjoyable threads on GAF. I often come here whenever Gaming and especially OT get to be too much. Thank you guys.
Well...XIII-2 game us Noel so I'll give them that one.
I heard he's a bad guy now in Legend of the Pink Hair Trio.
I just want either a proper Brave Fencer Musashi sequel or a remake before SE can go off and do whatever they want. They remixed the Skullpion track for their SQ chips album, so SOMEONE at the company still remembers the game!
Samurai Legend doesn't fucking count.
And then Sonic Heroes's story happened and as loath as I am to admit it, at least it did something with Metal Sonic. Episode Metal was incredibly boring and unbalanced. It wasn't much of a lock-on game at all as advertised, and I don't know where they were going with that.It has the greatest narrative significance, now I know what Eggman was searching for in the ruins and why he built mad gear.
No ones GotY list has Episode 2 I wager and with good cause.
Well, even if that thread didn't exist, if someone started going overboard with it in here, I would follow through on putting a stop to it because this isn't the thread for that. Gaming side Sonic threads usually seem to go in that direction for some weird reason and I really wish they wouldn't.Not to defend them (creepy is creepy), but Square Enix seems to be courting the creepy crowd rather aggressively lately. Didn't they put out bikini DLC for Serah in FFXIII-2?
Edit: The "Awesome" fan art thread also serves as a useful dumping ground for all of the awful Sonic fan art, helping to keep this thread clean![]()
Honestly, this is probably one of the most pleasant and enjoyable threads on GAF. I often come here whenever Gaming and especially OT get to be too much. Thank you guys.