Yeah, I started running into a glitch in the Skies level myself, so that kind of diminished the game a little. It's a shame, though, because I love the Skies stage, and I thought the game was one of the best racers I've played this generation (and I don't take too kindly to the genre in the first place).
I got my copy of the Sonic book. It's really pretty. It's too cold to handle right now because it was sitting in -20C temperature for a while, so I'm just gonna warm it up. I flipped through it a
little, and I like the formatting a lot.
Everyone should get a copy if they can! :O
Whoa, how did they manage to make the level better? NO LOADING SCREENS.
Port the entire game over. Leave the shitty cutscenes out of it. And uh, leave the bits where you have to carry Elise out, too. Isn't the sand in Dusty Desert just water with a sand appearance anyway?
Of course if your HM stuff is still kicking around feel free to drop them in here for everyone's viewing pleasure.
I probably might. I have them saved in the doc before I deleted stuff on the GAF posting thingy. That is, if people are interested/care. The top four entries were supposed to be much longer than it was in that post (and I think you can tell because of how
abruptly they ended, but I wanted to be fair to the other stuff I voted on my list too.
I am happy that I threw a vote to Dikembe Mutombo, though, and I'm glad to see other people did it as well. It really was one of the better games I played this year... which probably says something. :lol
I want that to be a downloadable game one day.

Gotta say, I didn't expect to see Hakuoki in there. Went back to add it to my own honorable mentions cause I forgot that came out this year and I had a lot of fun with it. I should get back to it and do more than go down Hijikata's route sometime though...
I also need to play GL4, but I want to play and beat 2 and 3 first. I'm so lazy about pulling out and hooking up my PS2 though.
I think 2 and 3 aren't too much to my liking. There are some nice aspects in 2, but I just like 1 and 4 a lot more. If you feel like skipping over Generations to go for the PSP game, there isn't much harm in doing so.
As for Hakuoki, I'm so happy that Aksys ended up bringing it over here. I had a friend who'd imported the Japanese games and she loved it to death. I take issue with how they localized Hijikata's route, but otherwise, I thought it was really well-done. I hope the otome genre experiment they conducted was a success because I'd love to see more otome games in the west. Hakuoki's probably the best one to localize because it isn't necessarily genre-specific in terms of the themes of the narrative, I felt. I wrote better impressions in the OT (or you can check out the same review on Giant Bomb and that one has pictures) if you feel like checking. They're pretty thorough.
I don't have a GotY.
Sorry, but I just don't!
I don't really either. My #1 is there just for the sake of being there. I probably should've been like Stump and just talked about whatever I played this year. It would've been loaded with AC2, AC:B, Sora no Kiseki the 3rd, Soul Bubbles, and a few other older games.
This is my problem, which is why I'm not going to post in that GOTY thread, or take part in any other formal GOTY things.
I still write about the games I played for 2012, however.
Bah, this is a good idea too.
Is Back to the Future The Game really not that good?