Run the GOTY voting thread and the SOTY voting thread through Gizoogle. It's quite a treat.
btw, we need to call the Sonic Community Thread 2 something like that.
I'm looking at my GotY list and i'm dying over here!
Run the GOTY voting thread and the SOTY voting thread through Gizoogle. It's quite a treat.
btw, we need to call the Sonic Community Thread 2 something like that.
I don't agree, Pokemon Gold (and Silver) is dunkadelic game n' up in mah top RPGz of all time. I be bout ta post why they is pimped out later yo, but fo' now, this.
Johto aint a lil' small-ass experience be a gangbangin' full fledged one, n' I find it ta be dunkadelic fo' realz. Every Muthafucka whoz ass says it is "gimped" is wrong. Take a peep tha maps below.
It may not be a 1:1 replica yo, but as you can peep it looks pretty darn phat. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Bein able ta fight all tha Gym Leadaz from tha previous game n' do almost everythang I could except fo' a gangbangin' few thangs was so funk fo' mah dirty ass.
Ghetto has become excessively linear too.
Kokonoe's posts have been consistently great when run through Gizoogle
Koko's hidden G factor is off the hizzay!
They're still not giving us MOTHER. :/
But Itoi said he was done with the series since the majority of the games was written as letters to his daughter when she was younger. I would love another Mother game, though.
I want a Wii U. Remember when I was down on that thing?
But Itoi said he was done with the series since the majority of the games was written as letters to his daughter when she was younger. I would love another Mother game, though.
But Itoi said he was done with the series since the majority of the games was written as letters to his daughter when she was younger. I would love another Mother game, though.
I want a Wii U. Remember when I was down on that thing?
Seriously, what did they do to the characters in Wind Waker HD?They look way too 3D.
They're test renders anyway, I wouldn't worry about it.
You all knew you'd cave in for Rayman Legends eventually, tell me i'm wrong platformer Gaf.
The cel-shading is gone, in lieu of your standard modern shading algorithms. The end results don't look bad! Y'know, except for the overbearing bloom. A little less unique, I suppose, but I'm not too fussed.Seriously, what did they do to the characters in Wind Waker HD?They look way too 3D.
I actually never bothered with Origins, despite being really into Rayman and Rayman 2. Might buy Legends anyway, though; the demo's quite fun.You all knew you'd cave in for Rayman Legends eventually, tell me i'm wrong platformer Gaf.
You monster.After playing a single Murphy level at a gs demo kiosk? NOPE.
I actually never bothered with Origins, despite being really into Rayman and Rayman 2. Might buy Legends anyway, though; the demo's quite fun.
Being charged $1-1.50 per VC game upgrade is a bit annoying. I mean, it's kinda reasonable since I can just play the game in Wii Mode for free and that'd be that, and that the fee is for the new features (button remapping has been a long time coming), but I'd rather pay nothing, since I already bought these games ages ago. If I hadn't bought the games back then, and decided to buy them now, I'd be paying less in the grand scheme of things - $8 for a SNES game + $1.50 for the Wii U update fee vs. just $8 for the updated Wii U version the first time around? Oh well, I'll probably still do it for select titles. I'm not looking forward to the titles I'm most interested in upgrading never showing up on the service, though, as NoA, going by the 3DS VC, will only release one VC game every three weeks, instead of doing the whole shebang in chunks a la Xbox 360 BC...
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem: Game series I've never played vs Game series I've barely played! Exciting! (Actually, these crossovers generally are exciting, this one included... but it'd be more exciting if I had an inkling of familiarity with either series. Bleh.)
I actually never bothered with Origins, despite being really into Rayman and Rayman 2. Might buy Legends anyway, though; the demo's quite fun.
Now the truly trying question here is will the DKC games be on Wii U at all seeing as they've vanished into the aether? this is of most vital importance, if not then i'll throw my own shit storm at some point in the future, if they give me the GBA ports instead then I might actually cry but it would fit the monkey's paw analogy.
I'm like 95 percent sure that he only reason they vanished off of the VC to begin with was because the VC contract expired and they didn't see any reason to renew it when they were just gonna do a Wii U VC version that would need a new contract anyway.
So yeah, I'd be genuinely surprised if they didn't show up.
Gizoogle was obviously made for you
did nintendo and namco take some sorta special drugs that made them decide to give me the shit I want?
because i don't think my brain can comprehend anything anymore
Shame I was still in Dreamland dancing with the Waddle Dees when this was on.
It's okay because Waddle Dees are positively superb.
The only way those graphics can be bad is if they approach SSF2THD status. So far, nothing has come close.
I forgot what that game even looked like but I don't remember it looking too bad... I guess I'll look it up later. Right now playing Rhythm Heaven Fever and I can't beat Remix 3! ArgghghghhhfdgsdhsdSSF2THD was still more of an eyesore to me than EWJHD. Even though some of those look hilarious, SSF2THD was just crummy looking and didn't even look great animated.
Yoshi confirmed to be a Sonic game.
Relax, it's for that thread, not this one.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Relax, it's for that thread, not this one.
blah blah Nintendo games whateverI'm excited
SEGA news!
For those not following the death of THQ, Sega picked up Relic andpresumably their associated IPsCompany of Heroes, which means that when you add CoH to what they already had in Total War, Sega damn near owns the RTS genre now (Starcraft aside, and we'll see how well Planetary Annihilation takes off). Throw in Football Manager and it's likely that their PC exclusives outweigh the rest of their development.
What a weird road for a company whose lifeblood used to be arcades to travel down.
blah blah Nintendo games whateverI'm excited
SEGA news!
For those not following the death of THQ, Sega picked up Relic andpresumably their associated IPsCompany of Heroes, which means that when you add CoH to what they already had in Total War, Sega damn near owns the RTS genre now (Starcraft aside, and we'll see how well Planetary Annihilation takes off). Throw in Football Manager and it's likely that their PC exclusives outweigh the rest of their development.
What a weird road for a company whose lifeblood used to be arcades to travel down.
Good for Sega, but I honestly thought the biggest news was Ubisoft getting South Park