Hot Coldman

The 90s, yeah.
Or maybe the 80s. I'm not sure. I just love this picture.
so the last day of the challenge is halfway over...
Welcome back. Your last day is nearly over and has been uneventful.Back. I'm baaaaack...
I'm very certain that the point of Noi was to link the game a little bit to Ys, while Nayuta linked the game a little bit to Trails. There are a lot of parallels to both series throughout Nayuta and it makes for a rather nice reunion game of sorts.
"What is this Game Gear that you're referring to? Oh that giant hunk of junk that Sega made me take around with me but I couldn't play it on the train because I didn't have batteries? LOLOL, the games were probably terrible and they don't need to be acknowledged in Sonic's anniversary games! I never played them. They're probably not as good as the Dimps games. Yes... Dimps is the saviour of Portable Sonic games!"Yeah, it's too bad i don't have the log saved, I should of saved it! I reinstalled windows a many times after that though, so it's long gone.
He told me if it wasn't Iizuka who was laughing at him that he would of punched him in the face xD that's how rude Iizuka-san was apparently xD
Gamegear? hahahahahahHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA. No.
I wanted to ask before, but are you comfortable with me linking your streams in the Pokecapn thread? They're almost like LPs anyway, and GAF could use some representation.By the way if for whatever reason any of you want to watch the Black Knight stream from earlier today
Tempted to put it on Youtube but I am not sure. If any of you want me to do that, I will.
We need to send Schala to LA so she can be on this Gametrailers NeoGAF documentary thingy.
Ehhhhh? Did I miss something?Schala's far too polite. I'm sure they'd all act like condescending dicks if that were the case.
The challenge ended at 11 AM this morning, congratulations. You have done in a week what I have done for a very long time, it is the path to enlightenment.
I think it's safe to end it now considering Kokonoe's just ended it. Congratulations.Wow, Pachter is quite the nutjob. I wonder how this will go... hmmm...This is the strangest thing
By the way, the swear challenge should end 12AM EST, right? That's my time zone. Gotta prepare something soon.
I've been swearing since 5th grade and show no signs of stopping.
Someone pay for Stump to go. I respect him very much, and he's incredibly eloquent. He knows a lot about the site, so it's really best to keep him in tow just in case something interesting needs to be added.
With respect to the overall idea, and considering the people who cooked it up (and them having not asked EviLore beforehand until he'd expressed interest in doing an interview), I get the feeling that the segment isn't going to be a neutral and well-rounded discussion. While Pachter, Geoff, and other GT people have GAF accounts and could certainly state their pieces on what they feel their NeoGAF experiences have been line, the original idea of probably having just them discuss GAF as a whole with respect to "negativity" (to use Pachter's quotes) may not have been a fair segment if some posters and administrators hadn't expressed interest in sharing their side of the story. For example, sometimes I think GAF is too positive. Step into most OTs and you'll have posters talking about how much they adore a game, and if you bring up a few points describing stuff you don't like about a game, people get really defensive and end up chasing you out of the thread. It's entirely okay to say that stuff in an LTTP thread, but in an OT? Hahaha, dream on.
Anyway, editing and cutting could impact how the show is perceived, but I certainly don't think GT is Fox News-esque in that manner. I certainly hope they stay fair. Pachter's post doesn't exactly instill me with confidence.
Honestly, it sounds like just wanted a segment all to himself to act as an addendum for what he'd said on last year's E3 Bombcast (you know, the place where he behaved extremely unprofessionally and surprised me in such a way that made me lose some respect for him and his analysis).
I think it's safe to end it now considering Kokonoe's just ended it. Congratulations.
Haha, this reminds me of when I was in high school and people used to try to get me to swear and I wouldn't.
I've been swearing since 5th grade and show no signs of stopping.
This needs to be done. He's probably one of the, if not the, best people to represent the forum's userbase and moderator base.BlackJace said:EviLore said he'd be willing to fly Stump out.
This is also a good idea. Add in some of the forum's other angry people.Someone pay for qq to go and unleash all his pent up swearing at them.
It will be the funniest video ever.
Oooooh. I'm impressed. Well, I'll be up and periodically checking, so we'll end it then.Well then... I'll personally extend it to 12AM EST! I wasn't prepared!
jesus christThe 90s you say.
Someone pay for qq to go and unleash all his pent up swearing at them.
It will be the funniest video ever.
The 90s you say.
He's about to unleash his rage
Did your sister lose her cat?Although not for the reasons you would expect (actually, I don't even know the reason)
Did your sister lose her cat?
Or do you have awesome theme music?
I'm playing some Assassin's Creed Brotherhood again and I don't know why. I should be playing Alpha Protocol, but I feel like popping in Sleepy Dawgs after this. :lol
I've dropped too many games in the last few months:
-Tales of Xillia 2 - got bored
-Ni no Kuni - got bored
-Ys Celceta - felt a little disappointed with it because it really doesn't feel like Ys 4 at all; it's just really weird. It won't be a problem to you if you haven't played the original Ys 4 games, though, so... you guys will like it more than I did. Combat-wise, it feels better than Seven.
-Paper Mario: Sticker Star - felt disappointed and bored
I do plan to go back to them, though. I have to.
I wanted to ask before, but are you comfortable with me linking your streams in the Pokecapn thread? They're almost like LPs anyway, and GAF could use some representation.
Loop Loop River, I think?qq more said:How far are you in Paper Mario, Schala? It really starts off boring but then it picks up later. Still not a great game, but it's not bad.
I was going to ask you why you were playing Lords of Shadows when I thought you didn't like that game. And then I realized that you might be doing it for the platinum.Noi said:Popped Lords of Shadows in for a few more levels. This game continues to be awful no matter how far I get into it.
I did try Ni no Kuni again today! How perceptive of you!Noi said:I was just about to send you a message on PSN about this. I'd equate it to wanting to get an awful taste out of your mouth after you know what. :lol
I just wanted to ask because you seem kinda self-conscious about it.Sega1991 said:The only thing I am not comfortable with is posting them myself![]()
But I wanna play things I actually like!Nocturnowl said:This is perfect for the Four in February initiative.
I was going to ask you why you were playing Lords of Shadows when I thought you didn't like that game. And then I realized that you might be doing it for the platinum.
But I still want to finish it for the sake of doing so.
I did try Ni no Kuni again today! How perceptive of you!
But I wanna play things I actually like!
The twist at the end of Bioshock 2 is pretty cool. I liked the game overall though, so I'm biased.![]()
Now play Minerva's Den.
How is Ni No Kuni?
Everyone likes it more than I do, if that means anything. Amir0x even likes it.How is Ni No Kuni?
I think Sticker Star, in the end, is going to be a divisive PM game. Some people looking for traditional elements aren't necessarily going to like what they find, but others who just like it for it is will still have fun with it.I just reached World 4 in Sticker Star after playing through all of World 3 practically non-stop. Finding the museum after going two worlds without doesn't help.
I'm having a lot of fun with this game.
I feel similarly, except my reason is more along the lines of: "I'm not allowed to add it to a list unless I finish it off." Delivering commentary is something I like doing after getting halfway in, but final impressions should only be delivered after I finish it.I haven't beaten it yet. I don't like leaving games unfinished, even if it means having to put up with stuff I dislike. The game has to be Secret Rings-level bad or Dragon Age 2-level boring for me to consider dropping it entirely. I've got plenty of games that I don't have the platinum for cause I didn't like 'em that much, FYI. :V
To be fair, I was planning on going back to Ni no Kuni during my mid-February break provided I don't get surprised with anything that takes me out of the house.Hey you were the one who said "I do plan to go back to them, though, I have to".
I just wanted to ask because you seem kinda self-conscious about it.![]()
So this thread came up in a thread about GAF's relationship with the industry (picture's not there anymore, but GAF is in the Special Thanks of Sonic Rivals, as well as "Mary Jane").
GAF's credited as "NeoGaf". The credits scroll really really really fast.So this thread came up in a thread about GAF's relationship with the industry (picture's not there anymore, but GAF is in the Special Thanks of Sonic Rivals, as well as "Mary Jane"). Anybody here in SonicGAF have Sonic Rivals/remember this?
You need more confidence! I'll post the Black Knight bit next week when I do an update of that thread's OP again. I think it's a good Black Knight video, you play it well, and we don't see those often (ie: I'm not a huge fan of the Pokecapn LP of it).I am self-conscious about just about everything I do :V
But if people think I am good enough for something, I won't deny them their opinion
This was clearly an earlier, happier time in the GAF-Backbone relationship.
Well apparently it said "Thank you NeoGaf for posting that our games suck continually" :VGAF's credited as "NeoGaf". The credits scroll really really really fast.
I imagine that they would've stopped crediting GAF on things considering how people feel about their ports.![]()
Well apparently it said "Thank you NeoGaf for posting that our games suck continually" :V