Dark Schala
Eloquent Princess
That's why in the announcement thread, I said that my bar for the narrative was set at a Turtles Forever calibre of a reunion and reflective special. It was nicely-written, brought in a ton of stuff that every single Turtles audience can enjoy (even if they made the 1987 Turtles sound derpy and unintelligent at times), and it was incredibly cohesive with a very nice payoff.I have just finished watching Turtles Forever.
It makes Sonic Generations look REALLY bad as a "old school meets new school and hijinks ensue" concept.
Which is to say that if you are a fan of the Ninja Turtles it is pretty much the greatest thing ever made. I don't think anything can top it. I'm probably not being hyperbolic. It goes everywhere you'd want it to go, makes all the references you'd dream it could make. It is fan service perfected.
I am positively GIDDY right now.
I even gained an appreciation for the newer Turtles series as a result despite being so attached to the Mirage Turtles (omggggggggg that part was soooooo gooooood) and 1987 Turtles (kind of regrettable they didn't get the old voice actors to voice them like Cam Clarke and Rob Paulsen). It was just so wonderfully-directed.
So imagine my disappointment when Generations didn't even hit those heights, let alone the heights of even Colours' Saturday morning cartoon-esque plot. Even some of the CGs they used for the trailers weren't even used in the game, leading me to think that the game was rushed in some respect that they weren't included, or that I felt that there should have been more interaction between new/old characters (especially for those characters who should have had older counterparts). :/
It's a good effort, but it was ultimately disappointing when you have the writers and narrative elements at our disposal to carry out a rather lengthy reunion game.