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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I played some more Colors last night.

Starlight Carnival was pretty much the only stage in the game that I knew nothing about going in, and, well, woah. I was expecting something more like a glitzy carnival (IN SPACE!), and instead got a gravity-flipping, ribbon-running dash past a friggin' armada teleporting in from who-knows-where. Rather liked the boss, too.

Asteroid Coaster 1 was pretty swell; that TAS helped me know what to expect from it, at any rate. Asteroid Coaster 2, however... well, let's put it this way: I came in with 14 or so lives, and left with 3 and a D-rank. A good half of those were spent just trying to reach the first checkpoint (and restarting when I messed up without reaching it). Such an awkward stage.
I think Jungle Joyride is probably my favorite Unleashed stage from a visual standpoint, if only for the parts that have you running deep in jungle.
I recall giving up on Unleashed somewhere around Dragon Road Day, honestly. I kept on dying at the platforming segments, and wasn't terribly enthused by how trial-and-error the whole gameplay seemed to be. This was before Generations basically sold me on said gameplay, mind, so one of these days I should go back and fini... well, at least reach Eggmanland, if not actually finish it.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I think Jungle Joyride is probably my favorite Unleashed stage from a visual standpoint, if only for the parts that have you running deep in jungle.
Anything associated with Adabat is gorgeous, really.

I love the presentation (music+art direction) of almost every location in that game so much.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The only act I wasn't so hot on from Unleashed was Empire City. Especially compared to what they did with an urban environment in Rooftop Run, Empire City just felt too much like SA era Speed Highway/Radical Highway style of "run on giant random roads a hundred feet above the ground of a metropolis"


Somebody dare me to play though Unleashed
and 06

I feel like playing through
but I refuse to buy them for my own enjoyment :U


Unconfirmed Member
Somebody dare me to play though Unleashed
and 06

I feel like playing through
but I refuse to buy them for my own enjoyment :U

To be honest I'm enjoying Unleashed a lot. At first I didn't really like it but it kind of grew on me.
The Sonic stages aren't designed as well as those in Generations (a lot more QTEs than in Generations, and sometimes it goes so fucking fast that you can't figure out what's going on around you), but they're still a blast to play. And the night stages aren't bad once you get used to the controls and level up your character a bit.

As for 06, I couldn't tell you. I've watched PokeCapn's playthrough of it and it looked awful, but I too feel like I should play it to see how patient I am. Maybe someday...
Anytime I ever get the urge to play through Sonic 06 (Which isn't often, thankfully), I pull up a video of Silver's Dusty Desert and/or Last Story and remind myself that if I ever do commit myself to a Sonic 06 playthrough, that's what I have to look forward to.
To be honest I'm enjoying Unleashed a lot. At first I didn't really like it but it kind of grew on me.
The Sonic stages aren't designed as well as those in Generations (a lot more QTEs than in Generations, and sometimes it goes so fucking fast that you can't figure out what's going on around you), but they're still a blast to play. And the night stages aren't bad once you get used to the controls and level up your character a bit.

As for 06, I couldn't tell you. I've watched PokeCapn's playthrough of it and it looked awful, but I too feel like I should play it to see how patient I am. Maybe someday...

Sonic Unleashed is a blast if you're looking for a Sonic game purely about running and "getting a good time". Like, I appreciate what Sonic Generations is doing, but I wish they'd make another Unleashed style game with a direct focus on racing your friends and competition.
I just noticed Sonic the Fighters isn't in the OP.

I don't know why I even care. I'm not a Sonic fan.

I was going by systems when making the OP, and I didn't think to look up arcade games. I also forgot completely that it was in the Sonic Gems Collection. And I didn't include Gems Collection because I was running out of space as it was + I didn't think people would mind its omission since it's a collection of games already on the list.
Sonic Unleashed is a blast if you're looking for a Sonic game purely about running and "getting a good time". Like, I appreciate what Sonic Generations is doing, but I wish they'd make another Unleashed style game with a direct focus on racing your friends and competition.

Sonic Rivals: Unleashed?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I'm playing Unleashed right now. I don't give a fuck what people think, personally, I still love that game.
After playing both versions in December/January, I have a newfound fondness and appreciation for Unleashed. Not only does it look gorgeous and the music is wonderful, but some of the levels are rather nice.

And I don't dislike Werehog as much anymore. True, once you level him up, you can get through stages quite quickly and much faster than the 10-80 minutes that it could take you originally. Honestly, speed him up, tweak the level design a little, reduce the amount of enemy encounters, make the stages shorter (as when you do Werehog levels for the first time, they tend to overstay their welcome, and they can be somewhat grindy since enemies keep popping up) and swap him with Knuckles, and I think people might have less issues with the levels overall.

The Wii version does some levels better than Unleashed HD (ex: Eggmanland (oh, definitely Eggmanland), Cool Edge Day, etc), even.
They call me Knuckles. Unlike Sonic I don't chuckle.


qq more

High five! I love Unleashed. Hell, even the Werehog wasn't as bad as people make it out to be.
I want to like that game, including the Werehog levels but I always get so bored of them. :(

Day stages were good though. And the music, and the visuals. Especially the visuals.
High five! I love Unleashed. Hell, even the Werehog wasn't as bad as people make it out to be.

The super wasps and having no shadow for the platforming kill the Werehog sections outright for me, but that aside it really isn't that bad, if those sections were refined dare I say they'd be pretty fun.
I still have little idea how good most of the night time music is due to constant Werehog theme, if it weren't for the people here I would never have discovered how great the night jungle theme wa-BADADADA!
High five! I love Unleashed. Hell, even the Werehog wasn't as bad as people make it out to be.

That's what I said when I got a glimpse. But Sonic Team apparently kept forgetting we knew about Sonic's Werehog transformation, so they stockpiled the Wii version (which I unfortunatlety had to deal with at the time it was released) with as many repetitive werehog levels as possible! And after playing the PS3 version, I'm GLAD I stuck with the Wii version.

I swear, on the Egg Beetle boss on the PS3 verion, the game was going so fast I could have sworn that I was playing on modified emulator settings or something on the console. It was going so fast it actually froze.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
SA1 is a contender for best writing in the series even in spite of its dialogue for a reason.
Gamma's story is a contender for best writing in the series. The rest of the game is not just bad dialogue, but also awful event planning. How many times can Eggman just steal the emeralds from the protagonists' hands?

I believe I've already said this before, but I actually kind of liked how Sonic Adventure handled the Robotnik/Eggman thing, with Eggman and his creations solidly going on the "Robotnik" side of things, and everyone else going Eggman. I recall being kind of disappointed when, in the game immediately afterward, Eggman released his blackmail video unto the world proclaiming "MY NAME IS DR. EGGMAN!" - ironically, in the same game that canonicized the Robotnik name (Gerald's last name is "Robotnik" worldwide). At least they've been consistent with using "Eggman" since...


I just find it weird Sonic calls him Eggman as an insult and then he immediately rebrands everything he owns INCLUDING HIS PASSWORDS to reference Eggman.


Gamma's story is a contender for best writing in the series. The rest of the game is not just bad dialogue, but also awful event planning. How many times can Eggman just steal the emeralds from the protagonists' hands?

Not too often. Straight up gassing Sonic and Tails is pretty weak, but everything else is reasonably justified.

edit: Okay, forgot about the Egg Hornet one, that one's fairly lame too.
Lemme see if I remember how often he does this correctly...

Emerald 1: Steals immediately after confronting Sonic/Tails outside Tails' workshop, while their guards were down.
Emerald 2: Gasses Sonic/Tails outside Casinopolis.
Emeralds 3/4: Misleads Knuckles into knocking them off of Sonic/Tails; grabs them in the confusion.
Emerald 5: Um, I actually forget this one. (Looked it up, apparently it was the bird following Amy. Huh.)
Emerald 6: Froggy
Emerald 7: Never gets his hands on it, IIRC. Chaos grabs it independently sometime in Last Story... I forget how, exactly. (Looked this up, too, apparently Big flew the Tornado 2 off of the Egg Carrier; the emerald was used to power it, and as such, was in the wreck.)
Is it me, or does Gamma's theme in SA1 feel very relaxing? The music really fits a robot because there's little to no emotion in it. It's tone changes slightly towards the end, like how
Gamma's motives changed towards the end of his story

Damn, those composers knew what they were doing when they were told to make theme music for a robot.


Does Sonic Triple Trouble on the 3DS VC perform the same or better than the original?

I honestly can't remember how the original performed, but it runs fine. I think there's actually speed options in the emulator to make it run more true to the original.

EDIT: What is hatsun
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