7 seconds
7 seconds is all I could spare to watch that
what is the appeal
7 seconds
7 seconds is all I could spare to watch that
what is the appeal
I'm sure that I'm missing out on some great exceptions here and there, but that shit is why I haven't watched almost any anime released since FLCLDoes Avatar: The Last Airbender count? That stuff is great.
It has, and thus I'm really tired of it. Especially since I see it in a lot of games now.That shit has been around for decades.
Knuckles's family must be like the Simpsons family. Everyone is something.
The action scenes used to be alright. SAO, though, ugh. :|I just can't really get into much of the anime out there these days. My friend tried to get me to watch an episode of that Sword Art Online thing, and it was one of the the creepiest things I've ever had the displeasure of viewing.
This kind of stuff is what I like in anime. Lots of awesome fight scenes.Sword of the Stranger? Good taste there.
Usagi Drop is really really good. I was impressed with it. I noticed that I'm going more for josei stuff lately.usagi drop and kimi ni todoke are such great palatte cleansers after getting force fed most of crap everyone else keeps telling me to watch.
Imouto (little sister) falling in love with her onii-san (big bro). But it's ok because they're not related and they're just cousins! wat.I've never seen SAO but what was terrible about it? ...It's not one of those creepy animes, is it?
Imouto (little sister) falling in love with her onii-san (big bro). But it's ok because they're not related and they're just cousins! wat.
Sounds really lame.Also, Kirito is Batman and all the girls love him and he's great at everything and he can do no wrong. Bad pacing, some dumb storyline stuff, and it just squanders all of its potential in favour of catering to certain audiences.
The OT can go into detail better than I could, even though the base story isn't that mindblowing. The best parts of the anime are the art/scene direction, the script, and the overall character interactions that seem to appear at every corner as you continue to watch the episodes.This really isn't doing anything for me, to be honest. What's it about, though?
Usagi Drop is fantastic. Just... don't read the manga. Stick to the anime so you can keep the cute, fluffy memories.
why did I watch that whole fucking thing
that second text box is so self aware
I'd be down for that.Metal Plate Knuckles should be Hologram Knuckles or Rimmer Knuckles.
FLCL was boring, same with Gurren Lagaan
It was worth sticking around for the blokes mocking Uguu.
I need a schala rating on this thread.
I can already tell it won't end well though. It only had the one link in the middle before the edit.
Finished Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga. What a game! So that's one down.
How is everyone else doing with the 4 for Feb challenge?
Finished Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga. What a game! So that's one down.
How is everyone else doing with the 4 for Feb challenge?
I doubt I'll beat any games this month. I'm pretty far along in Spirit Tracks though.
Screw the Schala rating, i've dived in to agree with the thread and boost its value in the process, actually i'm happy you brought it in here to be judged because I might have missed it otherwise.
I have a huge tub of HAMA pearl beads I need to use up, I should go make some more stuff with them.I actually liked Spirit Tracks, despite all of the hate it gets. Never finished it though.
Also, I bought these from a friend the other day:
Excuse the crappy quality, I used my 3DS.
EDIT: Uploaded a better pic.
Finished Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga. What a game! So that's one down.
How is everyone else doing with the 4 for Feb challenge?
I actually liked Spirit Tracks, despite all of the hate it gets. Never finished it though.
Well I got these games to doFinished Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga. What a game! So that's one down.
How is everyone else doing with the 4 for Feb challenge?
That's what I'm playing it on, with HDMI. I only bought it because my Prime was scratched.I'd been playing through Prime Trilogy on my Wii U, and yeah, it looks sharp as a knife.
Too sharp, arguably, because I don't recall the scan icons being this pixellated and ugly.
But man does it control nicely.
I like Spirit Tracks too and think it gets way too much hate.It's starting to be my favorite Zelda actually, haha. The train is cute, and none of the puzzles, dungeons and sidequests overstay their welcome.
Barely any padding either. Loving it!
I got it for $90 on eBay. Now I regret not buying Xenoblade when it was $50. :/I wish I had gotten Prime Trilogy when it came out. Now it's impossible to find for a reasonable price.
good godddd these levels drag onI guess I should play Mega Man 1 for the Gameboy next... ughhhhhh. I need to finally beat that crap.
"Uguu" aint got nothing on "ACH-ON-BRUKIE!"
To be fair though, Black Jack was a pretty good anime. I would have called it a masterpiece if it wasn't for the big plot holes in some episodes and that character.
She's the annoying "I-love-you-even-though-I'm-horribly-underaged-to-be-with-you" stereotype. They don't explain her backstory until the 40th episode.
If you haven't watched this anime, take a guess at what her backstory could possibly be. It's so ridiculous that you will never figure it out on your own. Seriously just take a guess.
"Uguu" aint got nothing on "ACH-ON-BRUKIE!"
I like Spirit Tracks too and think it gets way too much hate.
I remember the dungeons being pretty cool and they completely turned around on the central dungeon you return to mechanic and made it fun with the phantoms you can control. I think they gave you warp points too so you don't have to repeat any parts if you don't want to like in Phantom Hourglass.
As I recall from the thread for it, the main reasons people hated it were for the lack of a real overworld and apparently most people straight up couldn't operate the flute but I didn't have a problem with those at all and found the flute easy to use.
Also I still maintain that Spirit Tracks has the best interaction between Zelda and Link from any game in the series since you are together and talking to her for the whole game. The childhood friend thing in Skyward Sword was nice but all that boiled down was that Zelda is your friend at the start of the game and there are hints of a relationship but then she is captured and everything is put on hold for the rest of the game while you save her. Hell, I think Link and Groose's relationship is more developed in Skyward Sword than Link and Zelda's.