Shadow Hog
I'm hoping my "Honorable Mentions" choices are esoteric enough. A lot of really good obscure titles gonna get buried under all the modern FPSes that came out this generation, probably, so at least I'll let them have some spotlight.
Also, REELism (the Doom mod I highlighted under "insane"; video, site) is amazing. You have to survive 5/10/infinite rounds of invading enemies - except how every round proceeds is defined by three slots, which roll at the beginning of each. One defines the weapons you get. The second defines the enemies you face. The third defines what odd quirk you'll have to put up with, ranging from enemies wandering around aimlessly instead of hunting you, being able to fly, running around really fast, having no friction, having to put up with insane fog, having an iOS button overlay plastered on your screen, being forced into a tank, being forced into Dog Mode (not a typo for God Mode; it's a Rise of the Triad thing)... it's madcap insanity. I love it.
Also, REELism (the Doom mod I highlighted under "insane"; video, site) is amazing. You have to survive 5/10/infinite rounds of invading enemies - except how every round proceeds is defined by three slots, which roll at the beginning of each. One defines the weapons you get. The second defines the enemies you face. The third defines what odd quirk you'll have to put up with, ranging from enemies wandering around aimlessly instead of hunting you, being able to fly, running around really fast, having no friction, having to put up with insane fog, having an iOS button overlay plastered on your screen, being forced into a tank, being forced into Dog Mode (not a typo for God Mode; it's a Rise of the Triad thing)... it's madcap insanity. I love it.