Apparently I'm going on vacation on the weekend again. Hooray! It's cuz I have to study today since I have two exams tomorrow. Doesn't matter. Everything's super-expensive today so why even bother.
I feel like I need to comment about it somewhere, but that last ND kinda shows why I've been pretty apathetic to Nintendo software in the past few years. I've been playing games starring Mario and co. for some 20+ years now, so it's really hard to muster excitement when they reveal a whole batch of Mario titles at once. The most fun I get out of them nowadays is from characters that AREN'T part of the main cast (see: every paper Mario not named sticker star).
Like I'm sure the actual games continue to be solid (for the most part), it's hard to avoid to feeling of been there, done that with that franchise.
Soooo, that's basically what I missed for Nintendo Direct? I didn't miss much, then. (seriously, I can't find the ND thread)
Throwing Mario at everything is not going to be the best thing for them in the long run because it's... well, brand dilution. Almost like what FF suffers from, but Mario at least has the advantage of its games being mostly
good. A few duds here and there (recently), but for the most part, the series in general consists of solid games.
But what other IPs should/could they take advantage of? Kirby, Metroid, Sin and Punishment, StarTropics, Starfy?