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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Watching this Let's Play 20 Years of Sonic through the Knuckles levels is irritating. They rarely consult the telly screens, and when they do they don't try to find the places they are leading them to.


Pretty eye-opening guest editorial up at Sonic Retro on the whole Sonic 2 HD thing.

Guest Editorial: In Which I Rain on the Sonic 2 HD Parade
Fuck, the best thing for them to do right now is get a new lead programmer, stat. Of course it's not so easy if the current asshole is holding the source code ransom...

It's unbelievable that the lead programmer of a fan-made community project has a problem sharing source code. On top of that, he's a lazy prick that doesn't do what's asked of him. According to the article he's single-handedly delayed the project by at least 2 years already.
I don't suppose I could start a "Stupid Disqus Comments" on Tumblr while the guy I'm arguing with is still an active participant

BlazeHedgehog on Disqus said:
"Bestiality" is just hyperbole to underscore the fact that the clearly romantic implications between Sonic and Elise is creepy and weird. And make no mistake, it's most DEFINITELY romantic; the game goes so far as to show Amy and Elise having girly talk over boys - both girls are explicitly talking about Sonic, but neither knows it, and Amy ribs Elise about her "one-way love". What little effort Elise makes to deny Amy's accusations about her feelings for Sonic quickly fades, basically confirming that yes, Princess Elise is falling in love with Sonic the Hedgehog. Other cutscenes portray Sonic as being taken with Elise in return (there's at least one where she shows him affection and he gets sort of a sheepish "aw gawsh" look on his face). And sure, game never outright says anything about bestiality, but we're talking two teenagers, here. Assuming they would get together, it's not difficult to follow that to its logical (and gross!) conclusion.

The other guy on Disqus said:
You're being too logical. Sonic isn't just some random wild animal. He's a humanoid cartoon character. You remind me of Dr. Frederic Wertham, a man who went on a nationwide crusade against comic books in the fifties. In his book, The Seduction of the Innocent, he examined not only overt violence and sex in the industry, but subliminal messages in comics clearly aimed at kids.
I don't know, his example does actually make a little sense to me. (Although the book reference does not fit.) Sonic is supposed to be a person, not a lower life form. I really don't want to get too deep into this discussion, because it's so easily trollable, but bestiality comparisons don't fit for me because they paint Sonic as part of a lesser species than Elise's, ignoring the fact that he clearly has independent thought, fits the standard tests of what we'd classify an intelligent being, etc. It'd be more like Elise making out with an alien, than bestiality.

And even that's reading a little too far into it. Again, I think they were trying to tell a princess story. It's really not the same thing as, say, Rouge walking out of a private meeting with the GUN Commander, smoking a cigarette. (
Deleted scene from the director's cut of Shadow The Hedgehog.

On a side note, destroying "things that could have been" is a common tragedy trope in anime, and some other games (Illusion of Gaia for example). Since they probably had the whole "the timeline is erased" thing planned from the start, maybe they were trying to add a small layer of tragedy to the reset. Failed considering that you don't want to see them together, but tried. I really doubt Elise was planned as a continuing character for the series.

Edit: To be clear, I didn't know his comment continued for five miles past what you quoted, I based my response on what you posted here.
I don't know, his example does actually make a little sense to me. (Although the book reference does not fit.) Sonic is supposed to be a person, not a lower life form. I really don't want to get too deep into this discussion, because it's so easily trollable, but bestiality comparisons don't fit for me because they paint Sonic as part of a lesser species than Elise's, ignoring the fact that he clearly has independent thought, fits the standard tests of what we'd classify an intelligent being, etc. It'd be more like Elise making out with an alien, than bestiality.

That would also be super weird and kind of gross, especially if it was a 3 foot tall blue alien with a head larger than most of her body.

Edit: To be clear, I didn't know his comment continued for five miles past what you quoted, I based my response on what you posted here.

Yeah I don't know if I can read everything he's written. I couldn't the first time, but I figured that was just because I was cranky, but I still only get about a paragraph in before going "Man what is this guy even talking about and how is my opinion of this game so important to him?" I generally don't have a problem reading long posts as long as they're going somewhere, but this guy seems to be kind of off his rocker. He's clearly "intelligent" to a certain degree - he writes in complete sentences, spells everything correctly, has proper grammar, and makes points beyond "You are a stupid doody head."

But he's talking about that game. And he's still making those points. I feel like some kind of robot and I've just been told, "Everything I am saying is a lie." My brain is short circuiting.

OMG Aero

So now that 2006 is done with, it's time for the 20 years of Sonic LP to move on to the good games I guess?
Let's Play 20 Years of the greatest British Australian accent Pt.103 - Sonic Rush Adventure (1/2)
It still amazes me how much worse Rush Adventure is than Rush. The music is nowhere near as good, it's full of words words words featuring the worst Sonic character, you have to do stupid minigames to get to the levels that are only really fun the first few times if at all and depending on how you do in the game in order to get to the later levels you might have to go back and do some (non-rail) grinding in a Sonic game.


That ending paragraph of that comment, I can't even.
Im not sure what universe that guy lives in where some of those games are worse than Sonic 2006.


I don't suppose I could start a "Stupid Disqus Comments" on Tumblr while the guy I'm arguing with is still an active participant

Oh god, he's actually not a blithering moron like everyone else who defends the game so you almost start agreeing with him until you realize what he's saying.

I need to lie down.

That ending paragraph of that comment, I can't even.
Im not sure what universe that guy lives in where some of those games are worse than Sonic 2006.

That's where he looses me.
I didn't play Rush Adventure, but I will say that Coral Cave has some incredible music that almost single-handedly makes up for how Ohtani's attempts to ape Naganuma's style instead of doing his own thing don't really pan out. As soon as that synth kicks in... goddamn.

Even more bizarrely, said Coral Cave tracks were composed by Mariko Nanba, one of the composers for Panzer Dragoon Saga (specifically the three songs highlighted), which is about as far removed from Sonic Rush Adventure's style as you can get. Talk about versatility.


Even more bizarrely, said Coral Cave tracks were composed by Mariko Nanba, one of the composers for Panzer Dragoon Saga (specifically the three songs highlighted), which is about as far removed from Sonic Rush Adventure's style as you can get. Talk about versatility.

Nanba also did Knuckles Chaotix and Billy Hatcher for what its worth
I think Sonic Rush Adventure is a better game than Sonic Rush is.

Your first time through Sonic Rush is a nightmare. The game is tough and cheap and poorly designed and it's not until you sit there and really try and learn the levels (read: memorize them) that it really starts to become fun.

Sonic Rush Adventure is a lot more gentle your first time through. Levels are more thoughtfully designed and diverse. A lot of the levels in Rush are basically identical to each other or contain annoyingly slow design gimmicks (the end of the desert level is such a pain in the ass), but Rush Adventure's levels introduce more interactive elements that maintain the game's frenetic pace.

Rush Adventure also helps emphasize the differences between Sonic and Blaze the Cat - both characters play pretty identical to how they did in Rush, but Rush Adventure really feels like they started designing levels around Blaze's ability to get way more vertical air than Sonic does during trick combos. In levels that were specifically designed for her, you can basically fly through large sections without ever touching the ground. As far as I can tell, it alternates:

Plant Kingdom: Designed primarily for Sonic
Machine Labyrinth: Designed primarily for Blaze
Coral Caves: Designed primarily for Sonic
Haunted Ship: Designed primarily for Blaze

And so on.

And while you can say that Sonic Rush's soundtrack is better, I really don't think you can call Rush Adventure's OST a slouch, either. As noted, the Coral Caves song is great, and I personally really enjoy Machine Labyrinth and Blizzard Peaks. As I recall, Tomoya Ohtani was responsible for a large portion of this soundtrack, and nobody has trouble fawning all over his work in the rest of the more recent Sonic games (Sonic 2006, Unleashed, Colors, Generations, etc.)

I suppose I could see some complaints about the minigames, but honestly, I didn't have much issue with them. Later ones were lame, like the submarine or the boat with all the cannons, but I really didn't mind them that much. I actually kind of like the jet ski you start out with, and wish there were more definitive "tracks" for it, because keeping score seems a little bit silly when no two routes you take have identical hazards.

As for Marine, while she was annoying, I honestly thought it was ironically hilarious how blindingly stereotypical she constantly was. She's a bad character to be sure, but she's bad in that "Ahahaha, oh WOW" kind of way.

Plus, every cutscene in the game has a big honkin' "TOUCH HERE TO SKIP" button on the bottom screen.

I rank Rush Adventure up there with the Genesis games. Y'all are haters.


Yes. Yes she did.

Only "Child's Song" from Chaotix, though.

That's just the only one we're certain about, since it showed up in Billy Hatcher. She almost certainly composed more of the music than that.

I think Sonic Rush Adventure is a better game than Sonic Rush is.

The part that really highlights the difference between the two games is Hidden Island 16. In general, Rush Adventure flows smoothly and represents more mature level design principles compared to its predecessor.

The level imported from Rush throws you into a vertical wall three seconds in.
I rank Rush Adventure up there with the Genesis games. Y'all are haters.


This x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.1


Sonic Rush was a good game, but I have to give the superiority to Rush Adventure. Rush seemed to frustrating at times, and I really despised the level design(who's bright freaking idea was it to make EVERY level have numerous pitfalls???). Also, the boss fights left a bit to be desired( Unknown, while REALLY hard, was a legitimately cool fight).


There is way too much fluff in Sonic Rush Adventure, its fucking insane that it took the RunButton LP 25 minutes just to get to the actual Sonic game part of the package. I also find that the level design outstays its welcome by the end of the game. It just starts to feel way too samey by the end with only Blizzard Peaks feeling truly great out of the late game stuff. A lot of the stage gimmicks are variants on things found in Rush and theres not much of a difficulty curve (artificially produced by pits or otherwise). Having to replay stages/bosses for material isn't very fun either.
Its probably fine if its the only Rush game you've played, but playing it right after the original I found it to be overly bloated and boring. Some of the late game bosses are cool though.

Saying you can skip the terribad story sections is a total copout. Frequently directions on where to go next are only found in them.
I enjoyed tricking in the first Rush game. Although I ended up not finishing Adventure, even though I didn't really hate it. It just fell to the wayside.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Pretty eye-opening guest editorial up at Sonic Retro on the whole Sonic 2 HD thing.

Guest Editorial: In Which I Rain on the Sonic 2 HD Parade
It's probably going to hit the fan anyway, since GerbilSoft was happily quoting what looked like some of the shader code from the game. In fact, he's added more since I last saw it.
Good Lord, they need to get a new programmer then. If he's that paranoid about sharing source code, then why even bother? It's a damned fan game.

That license agreement and the shader code post is funny. And those specs required for the game... why?

I don't suppose I could start a "Stupid Disqus Comments" on Tumblr while the guy I'm arguing with is still an active participant
That last paragraph.

I don't even. Comparing it to new IPs is an interesting way of putting it. But more's generally expected of this series, so you can't exactly say that Sonic should get a free pass because there are worse games out there. If it's not living up to its pedigree, and if it's messed up in some areas, it's a bad game.

So many walls of text saying, um... actually, I don't know if I want to read all of it. My eyes started glazing over when he started talking about review scores.

Why was the issue important again? His thesis got lost in his arguments.

The part that really highlights the difference between the two games is Hidden Island 16. In general, Rush Adventure flows smoothly and represents more mature level design principles compared to its predecessor.

The level imported from Rush throws you into a vertical wall three seconds in.
*sees Sonic Rush Adventure being discussed*

*about to say something about the level design in Rush Adventure being better than Rush's*

Sciz has already said what I wanted to say, and in a more articulate manner. :lol

qq more

Rush Adventure definitely had better level design than Rush for sure. But the game still managed to feel really stale. Colors DS was decent from what I've played though.
Okay I'll give it to you that once you get past all the bullshit Rush Adventure introduces it is still an alright Sonic game but you are literally a crazy person.

Rush Adventure was not really fun. Really.

OST was great though.


Rush Adventure definitely had better level design than Rush for sure. But the game still managed to feel really stale. Colors DS was decent from what I've played though.

I will give you that SRA's art direction is down there as some of the worst looking tilework I've seen in a 2D platformer.

But it's not how the levels look! It's how they play.


I can not fathom why Sega didn't release any DLC for Sonic Generations while all this shit was going on behind the scenes.

It's not often that your customers CRAVE paid DLC. How could they not take advantage? Meanwhile, Capcom pulls on disc DLC bullshit seemingly every month and gets away with it. ugh.
I can not fathom why Sega didn't release any DLC for Sonic Generations while all this shit was going on behind the scenes.

It's not often that your customers CRAVE paid DLC. How could they not take advantage? Meanwhile, Capcom pulls on disc DLC bullshit seemingly every month and gets away with it. ugh.

This. All of this. I want DLC for Generations. Why Sega, why??
Wow, and they are really bad at Sonic Rush Adventure. No tricks, hardly any boosting... I didn't watch them do Sonic Rush, was it like that there, too?

Kind of missing the entire point of the game if you aren't spamming tricks n' shit.
SRA has always been my favorite of the DS games, but man, that's some ugly graphics.

Guess I didn't notice when I was playing because of ALL THE FUN I WAS HAVING.

Anth0ny said:
It's not often that your customers CRAVE paid DLC. How could they not take advantage? Meanwhile, Capcom pulls on disc DLC bullshit seemingly every month and gets away with it. ugh.
I'm sure there will be plenty of DLC for Sonic Generaitons.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Those humanoid androids in that Sonic Rush Adventure video are literally the creepiest videogame enemies I've ever seen. :0

qq more

By level design I mean the level's layout and whatnot. IDK though, I only played 2 zones before I got sick of it.

^ Just in case no one got the clarification on what I mean by level design >.>

It's not the art that bothers me (although I question why the playable characters are the only 3D things in the games), it's the level themselves. From what I've played, they were pretty bland and felt kind of samey. The enemy placement is an improvement though, I give them that. But there were moments where I land onto/run into an enemy with barely any time to react.

I'm willing to give the game another chance someday though. (Along with Rush)

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Anth0ny said:
I can not fathom why Sega didn't release any DLC for Sonic Generations while all this shit was going on behind the scenes.

It's not often that your customers CRAVE paid DLC. How could they not take advantage? Meanwhile, Capcom pulls on disc DLC bullshit seemingly every month and gets away with it. ugh.
I wonder how much they would've charged for it had there been DLC.

They should've put something Generations-ish for Wii even if it didn't meet the date/year of the anniversary (maybe instead of putting Generations on 3DS, they could've made one for Wii... despite Generations 3DS seeming to have a rather short development phase?)

Iizuka-san is going to give us a wonderful game.
Iizuka-sama, what kind of game will you design now that you are now in charge of one of SEGA's four key franchises? Are you looking forward to capturing a wider audience once again such as in the case of Sonic Generations? Will we see a Sonic Generations 2, perhaps with more narrative?

Also, is SEGA planning to release more games out of Sonic's backlog through digital distribution such as Game Gear/Master System titles, the Game Boy Advance titles, and the Sega Saturn titles?

I think that guy in Sega1991's tumblr just likes hearing himself talk.

Or type, in this case.
I didn't even know what the heck that thing was about halfway through. I think he thought about it too hard.

I think the major point was that Sonic 2006 > Shadow the Hedgehog, and not understanding the Sega1991 wasn't on a crusade to get people up-in-arms about the game when he made the video, but rather used it as 'therapy'.

qq more

Also, is SEGA planning to release more games out of Sonic's backlog through digital distribution such as Game Gear/Master System titles, the Game Boy Advance titles, and the Sega Saturn titles?

So far we just have Triple Trouble on the 3DS VC. Blast and Labyrinth are planned. And I think we have all of the platformer Master System titles on WiiWare.

I didn't even know what the heck that thing was about halfway through. I think he thought about it too hard.
lol Tell me about it. That guy needs help.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
So far we just have Triple Trouble on the 3DS VC. Blast and Labyrinth are planned. And I think we have all of the platformer Master System titles on WiiWare.
The joke is that Iizuka's not supposed to care about those. :lol

Edit: Wait, why are they releasing Blast and Labyrinth? D:

Takashi Iizuka said:
Game Gear? (Laughter) No. For the 3DS we wanted to go with systems of more recent memory. So we are more focused on levels from the GBA and DS.
...Now that I think about it, there weren't any levels from the GBA games in Sonic Generations 3DS, were there?

qq more

The joke is that Iizuka's not supposed to care about those. :lol

Edit: Wait, why are they releasing Blast and Labyrinth? D:
Oh my bad.

Also because we should all relive the painful good old memories of those BRILLIANT games!

...Now that I think about it, there aren't any levels from the GBA games in Sonic Generations 3DS, were there?
GBA games? (laugh) Sonic's first game on a Nintendo system was Sonic Rush!

Yes, he seriously said that despite him mentioning GBA.


Rush Adventure definitely had better level design than Rush for sure. But the game still managed to feel really stale. Colors DS was decent from what I've played though.

Colors DS is probably the best of the three games and doesn't get enough respect. Like its console big brother, it really benefited from making the boost a more limited resource that wasn't always the optimal solution (ignoring Rush's perverse fascination with throwing the player into pits, lest his natural pattern recognition skills be able to function reliably).
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