Azure Dream
Both Tails and Rouge could throw Dummy Ring Bombs in Sonic Heroes, but only when the other two characters were tied up for some reason. (I used to make a game of trapping two out of the three characters and trying to play through the rest solo. The game actually has some functionality for it, like it understands that all three characters being trapped means a life over.) Cream used Cheese, and I can't remember what Charmy did.
Edit: Beaten by Nocturnowl. But I will also point it out may have been a call-back to the original tech demo for 2006, where there was a room where the player could control the camera and shoot ring boxes around to demonstrate it was realtime.
Edit: Beaten by Nocturnowl. But I will also point it out may have been a call-back to the original tech demo for 2006, where there was a room where the player could control the camera and shoot ring boxes around to demonstrate it was realtime.